
Pet Scents for Allergies and Skin Conditions

Pets have allergies and reactions to environmental pollution and unhealthy foods affection their skin. They itch, scratch, bleed, lose hair and suffer from skin lesions. A first aid aromablend to have on hand is Hot Spots. We have successfully used it on several cases of mange. Calm Pet is a wonderful blend for very large to small animals. It calms the skin, reduces itching and scratching, while calming the emotional nature of the pet. Use it to counteract frightening noises and occurrences that scare your pet. Insect Repellent will keep the bug bites away, including ticks. 


Hot Spots— Apply topically to mange. For itchy and inflamed skin.

Calm Pet – For travel or at home.  Apply to head, ears, coat, and relax.  Avoid eye contact.

Insect Repellent – Repels mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, and critters.  Apply generously to coat and head.  Avoid eye contact.


For more info on pet products

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Calm Pet Testimonial

My testimony:

I am a rescuer and healer of injured, dying, ill, and abused animals, mostly cats. At present I have 15 special needs cats in my home, most of whom who have had wild origins. Judy's flower essences and her Calm Pet, not only saved my sanity, but have remarkably improved the health of all of my cats, one especially. If it wasn't for Judy's flower essences, one of my precious cats would not be here today! What a difference these essences have made, for once where there was fighting and misery, now is calm, happiness, freedom from pain, and actual play amongst the cats. I cannot recommend Judy's products high enough! They really work, and on animals, too!

~Amy S.
Garden of Eden
Home of Rescue and Healing for 15 Special Needs Felines + 1 feral cat Continue reading

Complementary Care for Diabetes

Complimentary Care and Aromatherapy for Diabetics


Recent scientific research indicates that elevated serum blood sugar levels over 85 mg/dl can cause the same cardiac risks as diabetes. The immune and cardiovascular problems will occur slowly over a long period of time. 


Additionally, research at California’s Stanford University finds that those with a fatty liver are 5 times more likely to develop Type II Diabetes.  Fatty liver can occur from viral exposure such as hepatitis C without occurrence.  Alcohol consumption also contributes to fatty liver disease.  The liver can regenerate with proper diet, nutrition and therapeutic aids.


Most toiletries and cosmetics contain “endocrine disruptors.” Products that list “fragrance,” triclosan, microban and antibacterial soaps contain phthalates. These synthetic chemicals block normal hormonal function and scramble chemical messengers. These contaminates suppress immune function, possibly leading to diabetes, obesity, infertility, hyperactivity, low IQ and low thyroid. When these endocrine disrupting chemicals are absorbed by a fetus or an infant, they alter how their organs develop, which cannot be reversed.


The tiniest amounts of diethyl phthalates hijack hormone receptors and block synthesis of our natural hormones. They are evident in mother’s milk and hopefully will be pulled from the market. Presently, these chemicals may not always be listed on toiletries ingredient statements.


Petite fleur Essence Weight aromatic blend helps facilitate optimal blood sugar levels whether or not you are diabetic. 


If weight is not a problem, Evening Primrose and Moss Rose will support blood sugar levels whether it is high, low or fluctuating, known as depinsulin.


One of the risks of diabetes is loss of toes, feet or legs due to poor circulation and reduced ability to heal.


AromaHealthTexas offers Comfrey Yarrow Healing Cream to encourage healing the skin and Circulation Booster lotion to reduce neuropathy in the legs and feet, it also increases blood flow. The healing cream contains allantonin- which regenerates healthy skin, cocoa and shea butters, healing ulcers, cuts, burns and abrasions while softening the skin. Both are for external use only and are complimentary aids in treating diabetic issues.


Energy, an aromahealthtexas blend, aids in glutathione production necessary for cellular metabolism and energy.  It is topical, safe and can be worn when taking medicines and supplements, an aromahealthtexas blend, aids in glutathione production necessary for cellular metabolism and energy.  It is topical, safe and can be worn when taking medicines and supplements.


Regenerate is an aromatic blend that aids in reducing scarring and adhesions often sited in fatty liver disease.  The blend facilitates healthy tissue growth and function over a period of weeks and months. is an aromatic blend that aids in reducing scarring and adhesions often sited in fatty liver disease.  The blend facilitates healthy tissue growth and function over a period of weeks and months.


Detox is an aromablend that assists in the body’s natural detoxification.


Toxic Thyroid helps alleviate fatigue, dry skin, hair loss and weight issues.


Dandelion herbal and Liver herbal reduce bloating, swelling tissues and detoxification from the liver to the kidneys promoting an energetic response to live. Herbal reduce bloating, swelling tissues and detoxification from the liver to the kidneys promoting an energetic response to live. Herbal and herbal reduce bloating, swelling tissues and detoxification from the liver to the kidneys promoting an energetic response to live.


 These products, created by Dr. Judy Griffin, are used successfully in hospitals, home health care and clinics.  For more information go to: or call 1-800-496-2125.


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Aromatherapy for Weight, Diabetes and Heart Disease

by Dr. Judy Griffin


A recent study* by the USDA research agency at Beltsville, Maryland indicates a water soluble extract from cinnamon contains antioxidants that can reduce health problems from diabetes and heart disease. This cinnamon extraction is available in a nontoxic aromatherapy topical product called Weight. This therapeutic aromablend has been used in hospitals with patients suffering from diabetes, heart conditions and diabetes during pregnancy. Weight can be used with medications and supplementation to help normalize blood sugar and bodily functions associated with heart disease and diabetes. Many patients experienced less desire to overeat or eat sugary and high fat foods, resulting in weight loss.


Cinnamon has been used by ancient cultures for hundreds and thousands of years to improve cardiovascular health and normalize blood sugar. Mexicans drink a cinnamon tea to promote cardiovascular health and improve circulation. (Mother Nature’s Herbal, Judy Griffin, PhD., p.59) Chinese and Asians use cinnamon to improve circulation, digestion, lower back pain, cramps and bronchial wheezing. (Mother Nature’s Kitchen, Judy Griffin, PhD., pages 71 & 220) Ancient Ayurvedic Indians used cinnamon with other seasonal spices to replace meats in vegetarian dishes. These foods are used to treat a variety of ailments and release serotonin, a relaxing neurochemical in the brain. Africans, Moroccans, and Algerians use cinnamon in a very spicy, hot chile curry to “cool” the cardiovascular system after an initial cleanse of perspiration. (Mother Nature’s Herbal, Judy Griffin, PhD., pages 197-212) 


Cinnamon, Cinnamon cassia, sticks contain chromium, a mineral that may help regulate blood sugar. Chromium is deficient in soil in the Western World. The newly discovered antioxidant properties of cinnamon show promise in complementary, self healing therapy ingested or inhaled. Inhalation reaches the bloodstream quickly, as the oxygen-rich blood cells circulate throughout the bloodstream. Inhalation, as in the Weight aromatherapy product (found at,) can impact the brain in 1/100th of a second, affecting the neuroendocrine and blood sugar hormones.


Whether you inhale or ingest this aromatic spice, it can initiate a self healing process beneficial to you.


To order Weight or for more information please visit or call Dr. Griffin at 1-800-496-2125


*The USDA referenced report is located in Hormone Research, vol. 50, pages 177-182, 1998, and a second report in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, vol. 20, pages 327-336, 2001, both illustrate the mechanism of action of the cinnamon

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Diabetic Foot Care

Diabetic Foot care


One of the risks of diabetes is loss of toes, feet or legs due to poor circulation and reduced ability to heal.


AromaHealthTexas offers Comfrey Yarrow Healing Cream to encourage healing the skin and Circulation Booster lotion to reduce neuropathy in the legs and feet, it also increases blood flow. These products, created by Dr. Judy Griffin, are used successfully in hospitals, home health care and clinics. The healing cream contains allantonin- which regenerates healthy skin, cocoa and Shea butters, healing ulcers, cuts, burns and abrasions while softening the skin. Both are for external use only and are complimentary aids in treating diabetic issues.


For more information go to:

Please call 1-800-496-2125 for a phone consultation or personal appointment with Dr. Griffin.

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Elevated Blood Sugar, Cardiac and Diabetic Risk

Recent scientific research indicates that elevated serum blood sugar levels over 85 mg/dl can cause the same cardiac risks as diabetes. The immune and cardiovascular problems will occur slowly over a long period of time. Petite fleur Essence Weight aromatic blend helps facilitate optimal blood sugar levels whether or not you are diabetic. 

If weight is not a problem, Evening primrose and Moss Rose will support blood sugar levels whether it is high, low or fluctuating, known as depinsulin.

Petite Fleur Essences are created and organically grown and processed on site by Dr. Judy Griffin, for more information:

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Rose Oil Mud Masque

Therapeutic Rose Oil Mud Masque


Would you like to know one of Cleopatra’s beauty secrets?  Healing clay has been used therapeutically (on the skin) by indigenous and the most ancient cultures for thousands of years.  Medicinal clay removes impurities through the skin and eliminates toxins, healing boils, ulcers, acne, seborrhea and even Candida fungal infections.  Recently, healing clay is used topically for multi-strain-resistant staph and superbugs due to its great antibacterial properties.


AromaHealthTexas has added organically grown, handpicked, steam distilled and hand separated inglass rose oil.  Rose oil soothes and balances every tupe of skin, from dry to oily, adding deodorant and more antibacterial properties to healing clay.


The aromatic properties of rose oil soothes the nerves, reducing anxiety and depression, increases endorphins, enhancing happy moods and has been used to mend broken hearts.  Rose oil also stimulates dopamine, known to be deficient in Parkinson’s disease.  It stimulates energy and helps reduce the severity of menopausal, PMS and female complaints.


Look good and feel good with Rose Oil Mud Masque



For more information and to purchase, please contact Dr. Judy Griffin at 1-800-496-2125 or visit our website at

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75 yr old skin care testimonial

I'm 75 years old and nobody could guess my age. This is because I use your skincare every day. I give myself a little facial with the Rose geranium cleanser, Rose mud masque and rose nectar before I wear the rose gardenia day moisture. I wear Sweet annie under eye cream and Dermalift at bedtime. I've used your products for about 15 years and am amazed at how good my skin looks.

I use to go to Kenneth's and Elizabeth Arden's in New York City, but your products are much better and pure. They bring out the beauty of Nature through my skin.

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Changes in nail color and discoloration is often a sign of fungal overgrowth. Nails may turn green to a dark color. Fungal is a blend of aromatic essential oils and Petite Fleur Flower Essences, designed to penetrate local areas in and around the nails to enhance healing of fungal and other nail conditions. Fungal is a blend of aromatic essential oils and Petite Fleur Flower Essences, designed to penetrate local areas in and around the nails to enhance healing of fungal and other nail conditions.


Fungal is a topical product used successfully for toe and fingernail health.   Fungal was formulated by Judy Griffin PhD. For hospital, clinical and private use and has been used for over 20 years as a safe, effective blend that can be used separately or in complementary medicine.   Fungal is organic and has been used safely by adults and children topically, applied directly on the nails 2 to 3 times daily. Fungal can also be applied at bedtime and worn overnight. Healthy nails and cuticles are evident within weeks of application. However, it is recommended to continue application for several weeks. Very stubborn fungus acquired in jungles or under unusual circumstances may require several months of daily application. Healthy nails generally grow 1 millimeter per week. Was formulated by Judy Griffin, PhD., for hospital, clinical and private use for over 20 years.  is a safe, effective blend that can be used separately or in complementary medicine.  Is organic and has been used safely by adults and children topically, applied directly on the nails 2 to 3 times daily.  Can also be applied at bedtime and worn overnight. Healthy nails and cuticles are evident within weeks of application. However, it is recommended to continue application for several weeks. Very stubborn fungus acquired in jungles or under unusual circumstances may require several months of daily application.  Generally grow 1 millimeter per week.


Nail discoloration may indicate systemic Candida, diabetes and other conditions requiring medical help. Slate colored nails indicate a condition that requires silver treatments to be stopped immediately. Nail discoloration may indicate environmental toxicity from arsenic (brown) and chronic mercurial poisoning (brownish-black.) Black discoloration may indicate diabetes or gangrene. Seek medical advice.  Nail trauma, from an injury is normally blue-black. Certain chemotherapy agents, liver and kidney disease can also cause nail discoloration.


To have healthy nails, a sign of a healthy body, requires proper nutrition, balanced hormones-especially thyroid, and proper digestion. Improperly fitted shoes may cause ingrown toenails due to pressure on the toenail edges. Fungal can reduce inflammation and abscesses caused by ingrown toenails.


For more information, please visit our website at, , or call Dr. Judy Griffin for questions and nutritional consultation at 1-800-496-2125.

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Aromatherapy for Winter Skin Care

Dry winter wind and low humidity cause skin to be dry, flaky and lusterless. Cold weather also causes blood vessels near the skin to constrict causing skin to shrink and dry out.


AromaHealthTexas offers several skin care remedies from head to toe.


Rose Gardenia < > day moisturizer keeps the face radiant and soft. True organic rose oil heals and compliments every skin type.


Nighttime protection includes Sweet Annie Wrinkle and Skin Softening Cream and Sweet Annie Under Eye Cream. Moisture loss increases at night. However the Sweet Annie creams contain allantoin which rejuvenates new skin as it protects and moisturizes.


Body skin can be healed and moisturized with soothing aloe-based Lavender Body Lotion

 Lime-Aid Lotion  contains antiseptic properties to protect against viruses and harmful germs. It is an excellent treatment for stretch marks and scars. Very Vanilla Lotion moistens, protects and soothes dry skin conditions.


All AromaHealthTexas products are paraben free, designed to regenerate healthy, youthful skin and love of life.

For consultation with Dr. Judy Griffin, please call 1-800-496-2125

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