Immune Enhancers Flower Essence Kit
Immune enhancer flower essence kit includes 28 Petite Fleur essences that enhance the body's natural responses. The essences help reduce feelings that involves emotions, memories well -being. They help us adapt and change problems, challenges and processes. These are essences used successfully clinically and in hospitals for close to 40 years with people of every age. Immune enhancers protect and promote feelings of well -being.
For more detailed information see: The Healing Flowers
Non alcoholic . Good Manufacturing Practices 817 2935410
Amaryllis Flower Essence,Hippeastrum Leopoldii hybrid
$10.99 - $43.00 -
Aquilegia Columbine Flower Essence, Aquilegia skinneri
$10.99 - $43.00 -
Blue Aster Flower Essence, Callestyshus
$10.99 - $43.00 -
Bouquet of Harmony Damask Rose Flower Essence
$10.99 - $43.00 -
Dandelion,Taraxacum officinalis, Flower Essence
$10.99 - $43.00 -
Dianthus,Wee Willy Caryphyllaceae chinensis, Flower Essence
$10.99 - $43.00 -
Dill, Anethum graveolens, Flower Essence
$10.99 - $43.00 -
Echinacea ,Echinacea pupura, Flower Essence
$10.99 - $43.00 -
Gaillardia,Pulchela, Flower Essence
$10.99 - $43.00 -
Gift Card
$10.00 - $100.00 -
Iberis Candytuft, Sempervirens, Flower Essence
$10.99 - $43.00 -
Indian Paintbrush, Texas wildflower, Castelleja, Flower Essence
$10.99 - $43.00 -
Jasmine, Queen of the Night,,Jasminum nudiflorum, Flower Essence
$10.99 - $43.00 -
Lilac, Syringa vulgaris, Flower Essence
$10.99 - $43.00 -
Lily Flower Essence
$10.99 - $43.00 -
Lobelia, Lobelia inflata, Flower Essence
$10.99 - $43.00 -
Peppermint Double Mint,, Mentha peperita, Flower Essence
$10.99 - $43.00 -
Periwinkle, Vinca rosea ,Flower Essence
$10.99 - $43.00 -
Red Carnation,Caryophyllacea rosa, Flower Essence
$10.99 - $43.00 -
Silver Lace, Polygonum auberti, Flower Essence
$10.99 - $43.00 -
Snapdragon, Antirrhinum majus, Flower Essence
$10.99 - $43.00 -
Stock, Matthiola incana Rosea, Flower Essence
$10.99 - $43.00 -
Tansy,Tanacetum vulgare,Flower Essence
$10.99 - $43.00 -
Verbena, Texas Homestead,Verbenacea hortensis, Flower Essence
$10.99 - $43.00 -
Viridiflora Antique Rose Essence, Rosa chinensis
$10.99 - $43.00 -
White Rose, Prosperity, Floribunda, Flower Essence
$10.99 - $43.00 -
Yarrow, Achilles millifolium, Flower Essence
$10.99 - $43.00