
Summer Detox

We have at least 700 untested chemicals and environmental toxins contaminating the body. Foods, skincare and the water supply are sources of hidden toxins overwhelming normal body and brain detox, leading to a great increase in illness and poor quality of life and achievement.

4 new AromaHealth Essences are now available to help protect natural immunity and detox, including emotional wellbeing : Nurturing, Inner Peace, Enthusiasm and Dynamic can help you become more productive and emotionally nurturing for yourself and others.

Call or email us your concerns. 

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Adverse Effects of Marijuana to Fetus and Infants

Adverse Effects of Marijuana to Fetus and Infants

Fetal and infant exposure to cannabis  causes  prolonged negative influences in brain development. This is caused by ingestion, inhalation, breast feeding and skin application. The effects are lifelong and can be passed to prodigy.

Symptoms include hyperactivity, delinquent behavior,memory dysfunction and lower I.Q. By adolescence, they experience higher rates of opioid use and other recreational drugs. By adolescence, they have  experience more depression and anxiety, psychotic and schizophrenic behavior.

Cannabis is easily absorbed into the blood- barrier. It adversely affects complex brain functions, such as goal directed behavior and decision making processes.Reduced  social behavior can occur from altercations in several important brain proteins. Females suffer more from aggression and impaired attention than males according to recent research.

Source: Andrew Scheyer, Fetal Effects: The Scientist, January, 2019.


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Autism and Flower Essences Feedback

We really have benefited a lot from your essences and have used them for all kinds of challenges with good success over the last 4-5 years.  Our daughter has Autism and the Self Imageand Deep Sleep have been so helpful for her and for us (and many of the others too)!  I have recommended it to a few other parents as well before we moved to a warmer climate.  I hope they have chosen to try it because it is one of the easiest treatments we have tried.  Over time we feel like it has had a powerful effect, though we noticed small improvements almost immediately. Continue reading


By Dr. Judy Griffin
Although there are several different types of autism with similar symptoms, aromatherapy for autismis aided by the ADD/ADHD therapeutic blend. Autism is 10 times more common since the 1980’s, affecting 1 in 70 males and 1 in every 110 children. Autism is the fastest growing disability in the U.S., diagnosed more than cancer, AIDS and juvenile diabetes combined! New studies reveal different types of autism from genetics, environmental pollution and immunity. Dr. Amaral, from the University of California Davis Autism Phenome Project, sites a study indicating the brain of certain males with autism gets too large too soon during development. This could interfere or reduce the efficiency of neural transmission. Despite the type of autism, many of the behavioral symptoms respond to theADD/ADHD aromatherapy therapeutic blend (available at 
The ADD/ADHD aromatherapy spray is a blend of Petite Fleur essences and Aromahealthtexas essential oils. This aromatic blend is very grounding and enhances focus and the ability to follow through with a thought, plan or action. One adult male was able to speak coherently, talk on the phone and complete transactions successfully after 4 to 5 months of daily topical applications. The effect and time involved may differ with individuals.
Immune response is another factor in autism. Dr. Amaral states about 12 percent of women with autistic children have antibodies affecting the fetal brain. This may lead to a subset of families who may have autistic children. The ADD/ADHD aromatherapy for autism blends essential oils and Petite Fleur Essences to help reduce immune inflammatory responses. It also helps address general genetic imbalances that may increase the possibility of illness, and autoimmune reactions.
Environmental factors are cited by Dr. Amaral as an increasing concern for the rise of autism. The University of California study indicates a 55% risk of autism caused by shared environmental factors. The concern is that pesticides and other toxic agents introduced into the environment are casing and/or increasing the incidence of autism. ADD/ADHD aromatherapy also addresses protecting the immunity as well as detoxifying, especially, lymphatic impurities. There is also an Environmental aromatherapy therapeutic blend that works synergistically to protect and build a strong immune response. Dr. Amaral states that autism is rising around the world and environmental factors are definitely involved. Involvement of the general public is needed, on behalf of autistics. to reduce environmental risks. 
I use only pure organic essential oils and Petite Fleur Essences. The source plants are grown using only organic gardening techniques, steam distilled in glass, and hand separated in glass, all on site.  I use no hexane or petrochemicals in my gardens or lab. The ADD/ADHD aromatherapy therapeutic blend has the potential, overtime, to enhance neural connections and transmissions necessary to overcome the behavioral symptoms included in autism as a complementary therapy for autistic children and adults.
To order or for more information, either visit my website at or call me, Dr. Judy Griffin, at 1-800-496-2125.
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Passing a Test: Petite Fleur Essence Testimonial

My 15 year old son failed to pass his driver's test several times. I told him I'd pay for another test if he used the Petite essences. I used ADD/ADHD for concentration, Enhanced Learning, Learning Skills and Mr. Grumps because that describes him.  He passed his test after using the Petites!  We're all happy now!
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Sensory Integration Dysfunction

 Sensory Integration Dysfunction
Problems with how the nervous system communicates throughout the body and body organs can lead to many disorders, including ADD, schizophrenia, nocturnal enuresis, autism and information overloading. The sensory pathways, rather than the brain, can become over or under stimulated, creating difficulties in how an individual perceives the world. Research has only started to offer solutions.
 Nature’s solution may include Petite Fleur Essences:
 Marquis Bocella Antique Rose  applied topically daily. 
Reduce Stress  blend helps correct overstimulation of sensory pathways, allowing information to flow freely. 
Chill Out may benefit young children by wearing this blend daily.
Water Works  blend may be especially helpful with nocturnal enuresis, bedwetting, by wearing it in the evening and nighttime. 
ADD/ADHD  blend centers children and adults to help allow sensory information to be processed correctly.
 For consultation with Dr. Judy Griffin, please call 1-800-496-2125
For more information and to purchase products go to:
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ADHD and Change in Children's Lives

ADHD Therapy
Recently, a perplexed mother called to report her son, who had previously benefited from the ADHD formula, was in the principal’s office. These children are very sensitive to change in their environment. A short discussion revealed that the child’s parents had recently separated. I suggested that we continue ADHD 3x daily and add the Grief Blend twice daily.
Other blends to help these children through growth and change include Chill Out or Reduce Stress and Relaxation helps older kids. Sleep is especially important to maintain and Dreamtime (Deep Sleep for teens and young adults) is also helpful.
For more information go to
For a personal consultation, call Dr. Judy Griffin at 1-800-496-2125
ADHD Therapy
Recently, a perplexed mother called to report her son, who had previously benefited from the ADHDformula, was in the principal’s office. These children are very sensitive to change in their environment. A short discussion revealed that the child’s parents had recently separated. I suggested that we continue ADHD 3x daily and add the Grief Blend twice daily.
Other blends to help these children through growth and change include Chill Out or Reduce Stress andRelaxation helps older kids. Sleep is especially important to maintain and Dreamtime (Deep Sleep for teens and young adults) is also helpful.
For more information go to
For a personal consultation, call Dr. Judy Griffin at 1-800-496-2125
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ADHD Testimonial

ADHD Testimonial
My mother sent the ADD/ADHD blend for my son. It’s been a miracle to see him change into a normal kid in 1 1/2 weeks. He is doing well in school, finishing assignments in 10 minutes instead of 30. He is on task at home as well. I am going to set my alarm 40 minutes later because he now has 40 minutes to spare before school. The results are amazing.
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Sleep and Academics for Children

Sleep and Academics for Children
 Children who get sufficient sleep are less likely to become obese. They make better attention span and are less moody. Dreamtime is a topical, lightly scented aroma product that will enhance deeper, more efficient, satisfying sleep for children. 
Teens and adults will benefit form Deep Sleep available at for more information or health consultation; call Dr. Judy Griffin, 1-800-496-2125
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Learning Disabilities and Self Improvement "Back to School Sale"

Over 25% of western population suffers from learning disabilities. Learning disabilities originate from a group of neurological disorders affecting the ability to recall, spell, receive, process, store, express and respond to information and the environment. Learning disabilities affect a large percentage f adults and children even if intelligence is above average. Autistics often suffer from learning and social disabilities. Daily life is affected in many ways: social life, work, school, family and everyday routines. Difficulties affect interpretation of what is seen, heard, read; math, coordination, self-control, attention, as well as understanding the spoken and written word. Learning problems are considered a life-long disorder. Your body knows how to heal itself and balance the rhythm that coordinates brain waves and chemistry. Aromas are the quickest and most efficient way to balance brain chemistry and rhythm. Cognitive decline begins by 27 years old. The following blends are on sale to enhance the school year and daily life:
Enhance Learning –  Stimulates the mind and encourages the retention of knowledge and wisdom.  Enhances concentration and focus on studying and learning new skills.
Learning Skills–  Increases alertness, focus, and concentration for adults and children.  Apply before school and study time.  Aids those with learning challenges.
Recall Memory –  Aids short-term memory.  Enhances study habits and sensory perception.  Aids in completing daily work tasks efficiently.
ADD/ADHD— Enhances focus and concentration for children and adults while calming the mind.
Smarty Pants- Encourages learning, attention span, for concentration and retention of written, verbal and visual schoolwork.
Chill Out –  Reduces anxiety, stress, restlessness and hyperactive behavior.
Dream time –  Enhances restful sleep by relieving fretful dreams, difficulty sleeping and waking up during the night. – Continue reading
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