Aromatherapy for Winter Skin Care
Dry winter wind and low humidity cause skin to be dry, flaky and lusterless. Cold weather also causes blood vessels near the skin to constrict causing skin to shrink and dry out.
AromaHealthTexas offers several skin care remedies from head to toe.
Rose Gardenia < > day moisturizer keeps the face radiant and soft. True organic rose oil heals and compliments every skin type.
Nighttime protection includes Sweet Annie Wrinkle and Skin Softening Cream and Sweet Annie Under Eye Cream. Moisture loss increases at night. However the Sweet Annie creams contain allantoin which rejuvenates new skin as it protects and moisturizes.
Body skin can be healed and moisturized with soothing aloe-based Lavender Body Lotion
Lime-Aid Lotion contains antiseptic properties to protect against viruses and harmful germs. It is an excellent treatment for stretch marks and scars. Very Vanilla Lotion moistens, protects and soothes dry skin conditions.
All AromaHealthTexas products are paraben free, designed to regenerate healthy, youthful skin and love of life.
For consultation with Dr. Judy Griffin, please call 1-800-496-2125