Health Answers

Pesticides that Cause Depression in Farmers

 The National Institute of Health recently published a 20 year study on the use of pesticides causing depression in farmers. Seven pesticides were cited, particularly organochlorines and fumigants. These categories increased farmer's depression between 80-90%. Malathion was used by 67% of the farmers interviewed. Malathion is widely used commercially and available for public use. The farmers were surveyed several times during a 20 year period to include the aspect of usage over time. Approximately 84,00 farmers and their spouses were interviewed since the mid 1990's to accumulate this information.

The way these pesticides lead to depression is believed to be through disruption of nerve pathways. They also inhibit specific enzymes affecting neuronal health. These pesticides find their way into our water supplies and into the soil we use for farming and growing at home.

There is no immediate indication that our government is going to limit or change anything about pesticide usage. Depression is only one symptom researched in this study. However, there are environmental groups lobbying the E.P.A. and governmental agencies that can use support. 

For our personal protection, I make an environmental mister that aids in self healing that can help and Harmony Blend to help alleviate symptoms of depression. The body knows how to heal when given proper stimulus. I also make natural insect repellents from organically grown plants in my gardens.

For more natural recipes for gardeners and organic gardening read: Mother Nature's Herbal; Mother Nature's Kitchen

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The Healing Properties of Jasmine Grandiflorum Absolute

The heady scent of Jasmine grandiflorum absolute is a perfect scent for winter. It  dispels coldness, tiredness, weakness, hoarseness, laryngitis, wheezing and dry itchy feeling in the throat. The warm , pungent aroma enhances the body's ability to keep warm in cold conditions without overheating. When a chilly feeling starts to spread through your system, reach for the Jasmine. The ketone properties protect the lung and immune system, while the esters protect irritated, dry and inflamed skin. Cis- jasmone and methyl jasmonate have the ability to repair injured tissue and dispel mucous colitis brought on during cold weather.

The lightly sweet scent helps free the spirit from emotional restraint, anxiety, listlessness and general depression, often experienced during cold weather. The aroma helps us remember our freedom as it enhances  intuition. The smell is unforgettable. Many people who do not enjoy sweet flowery scents find Jasmine irresistible.

Cold sensitive folks often urinate frequently during winter time. Women may also experience a clear or white vaginal discharge. Wearing Jasmine grandiflorum can assist the reproductive and urinary system during this time. Nursing mother wear it to promote lactation. Wear Jasmine during delivery to assist the natural process. I don't recommend it during pregnancy.

For those who experience sexual disinterest and feelings  of inadequacy or undesirability, Jasmine grandiflorum will reawaken a natural passion. Winter is a great time to cuddle. And Jasmine is a great gift for the holidays.

To experience the healing ability of organically grown Jasmine grandiflorum flowers without added chemicals, contact or call Judy Griffin at 1800 496 2125.


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Three Varieties of Lavender

The three varieties of lavender are: Lavender Vera, the most popular; Lavender Spica; and Lavender stoechas. Each contains different chemical properties and have specific healing abilities. I will name a few.

Lavender Vera is most well known as an all purpose essential oil. The very fragrant scent is due to 50% esters and 41% monoterpene alcohols. Small amount of ketones support the urogenital organ functions. Esters and monoterpene alcohols are especially healing and beautifying for the skin. They also relax muscles and reduce tension, making lavender a great pain reliever and sleep enhancer.

Large amounts of ketones in Spike lavender fights viral and fungal infections. Spike lavender also relaxes the heart muscles to help anxious and hypertensive people. It also has ketones to increase tissue regeneration and heal wounds.

Lavender stoechas has a predominance of ketones that reduce mucus, earaches, whooping cough, burns and regenerates skin.

I successfully grow all three lavenders in North Central Texas. They require very good drainage and lots of sunlight.

On an emotional level, lavender opens the heart and clears the mind. They are prevalent in blends that enhance intimacy, social and emotional balance.

Keep lavender refrigerated or in a very dark, cool place in tightly sealed bottles. The high amounts of monoterpenes cause oxidation and turns the aroma stale and less fragrant.

Note: Monoterpene alcohols have a light, floral aroma. They are antiseptic, antiviral and increase immunoglobulins. They can reduce intestinal inflammation; are sedative and tonic. Monoterpenes in essential oils are mild and usually non offensive.  A patch test before application can assure safety.

Purchase organically grown, steam distilled onsite lavender essential oils and flower essences at

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How to Trap a Virus

Viral molecules can stay in the body for a lifetime. Usually we build an immunity to most virus we catch or have an exposure.Other virus can hang around in your liver and especially along the spinal column , causing fatigue and a host of immune deficient symptoms. With viral infection, unwanted bacteria also move into the skin ,lungs and circulation traveling to deep organs and tissues. Taking antibiotics and cortisone derivatives may weaken immunity over time as they also kill the good bacterial growth in the intestines. Under normal immune processes, immunity is strengthened as the body uses its resources to capture and remove unwanted virus and bacterial tissue.

Essential oils and essences can be very effective in assisting the immune system. They adversely affect a wide variety of virus, bacteria and fungus.Used correctly, there is no side effect. The best methods of application include direct inhalation from the inhalent diffusers offered on the website and topical application along the spine and on the chest. Children, elderly and sensitive folks can apply a few drops onto the bottom of the feet. This skin is less likely to react. Essential oils move up because they are volatile, allowing the aromas to travel throughout the body. Often people ask if all three methods can be done simultaneously. The answer is yes. However, 3-5 drops is a normal treatment. The Petite Fleur Essences may be applied undiluted. Essential oils are best diluted into an appropriate carrier oil for application. The inhalent diffuser uses undiluted essences and essential oils that have been squirted into the diffuser with a dropper that is supplied. The inhalent diffusers are the size of a lipstick. You simply put the diffuser under your nose and breathe in deeply a few times. This can be repeated 3 or more times daily as needed for comfort and to protect against exposure.

Carrier oils are normally food grade quality and healing in themselves. The lipid molecules make essential oils readily absorbed into the skin, bringing their healing qualities into tissues. Carrier oils can also fight virus, bacteria, mold and fungus. Their lipid qualities help to trap a virus, while the essential oils prevent the virus or bacteria from  multiplying . Essential oils and essential oil products are best kept away from heat and bright light exposures. Once a bottle is open, oxygen can cause rancidity. It's best to use the product rather than keep it on a shelf indefinitely.Otherwise,  kept away from strong light and heat, blends can last up to 6 months unopened. Carrier oils are like a food. They can also become rancid after opening  for several weeks. For best results, make small amounts of  essential oil blends. I have 1 dram, about 4 ml, or 1 ounce, 30 ml. for dilution. Red Raspberry is a non nut carrier oil that soothes red and sensitive skin. It helps prevent sunburn and protect the skin. Marula is a nut oil that feels like silk when applied to the skin. I use it often, especially in blends to desensitize the skin from strong essential oils.It is also gentle to the liver, which has to detox essential oils before they travel to the kidneys. It takes about 3 hours before essential oils applied on the skin travel to the kidney. A little goes a long way. Safe treatment using essential oils should be 20 drops or less of all essential oils in a 1 ounce carrier oil. A dram of carrier oil can carry 5 or less essential oils. This can vary in natural perfumery, which is done with different intentions and usually using absolutes.

Essential oils include: thyme, clove, peppermint, cinnamon, litsea, Peru Balsam absolute, Patchouli, Eucalyptus, lemon peel, hyssop, basil, helichrysum absolute, jasmine grandiflorum absolute, lime, linden blossom absolute, and more....

If you are looking for a product to protect you and loved ones, especially during travel and holiday festivities, Viral Escape and Entero Virus are blends now available at Carrier oils are also available, listed under the essential oil tab. EnteroVirus is for colds, flu and viral mutations we may not have been exposed to before. It has essential oils safe for children. Viral Escape is a broad spectrum combination of essential oils and Petite Fleur essences for most exposures. The research for these oils has been done in test tubes, meaning the essential oils killed the bug or did not allow it to grow. Some studies have also been done clinically, indicating certain essential oils to be as effective as many antibiotics and antivirals. These have been done in Europe and countries who have many exposures to a variety of virus.

In Japan, measles, mumps and rubella vaccines were banned in 1993 because so many children developed non viral meningitis and various complications and reactions. The children may have reacted to one of the many toxic chemicals included in the vaccines. My point is research is available indicating  why essential oils and essences can be safe and effective in trapping most viral, bacterial and fungal infections and exposures.

Many of you know I had twins over 40 years ago with insufficient immunity. I learned to use foods, trace mineral analysis, Petite Fleur Essences and essential oils as needed to bring them into a healthy, productive life. They were not expected to live, drugs or not. I only used essential oils as they grew towards teen years. The Petites, such as Yarrow, thyme, sage and several other essences in the Immune kit breathed life into their immune system and catalyzed better health. Nature has provided an answer to every problem of health and longevity I have encountered. It is a lifestyle change, not a fix when a problem occurs and nothing else works. Consider these natural healers for viral and bacterial exposures that could lead to more symptoms as you mature.


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Respiratory Virus

The current outbreak of the respiratory virus has people asking what essential oils and essences to use. There are several: sage, thyme, eucalyptus citriadora,anise and more. These are already blended into products: Decongest and Cold/Flu. Decongest is a topical, sweet almond oil base combination of the essential oils and essences to be applied on the chest, upper back and/or throat. Cold/Flu is a water and alcohol based combination of several essential oils and essences that kill the cold and flu virus in test tube conditions. Both can be used. Their contents differ. Cold/Flu can be worn as a topical application or misted as a spray.

We now also have a hand sanitizer that is mildly aromatic with almost no alcohol. The essential oils and essences are antibacterial and anti viral. Mist the hands as needed or 3x daily. The hand sanitizer uses only safe essential oils for children.

For the next few weeks, Decongest is on sale now at

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Essences for Planning and Direction

 Do you make plans that never seem to happen? Do you often wonder what to do next, or are you swept along in life hoping something good will happen? Petite Fleur Essences Carrot, Gardenia and Bamboo will guide you, help resolve problems and  provide direction in your life. You won't feel pressured  to realize your dreams. Carrot Essence enhances initiative, healthy disciplines and priorities, guiding you in the natural order of life. Gardenia stimulates long range planning, translating ideas into reality, without complications. And, Bamboo Essence stimulates direction , concentrating on career, goals and lifestyles you enjoy.

The guidance you receive is from within you, true guidance. This type of direction allows you to attract who and what you need to make your future a better place, and you a better person. The Petites are catalysts for transformation and positive growth. Everything you have dreamed of can become reality, even better than expected. Allow Carrot, Gardenia and Bamboo essences to lead you to successful experiences where obstacles become challenges and problems work into solutions.

Apply 2-3 drops 3 x daily on the throat, wrist or chest, any clean skin will work. The Petites have tiny molecules that enter the skin and circulate throughout your body, catalyzingmessages from the brain and psyche to every part of your consciousness. Life becomes easy when you step out of your judgmental thoughts and open yourself to the arms of Mother Nature.

Locate these essences and more at Petite Fleur Essences.

Call or email me with questions.

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Testimonial: My social life was doctor visits until a friend referred me to you.

Being 70 1/2 certainly brings changes. It is a comfort to know physical changes can be made with an ointment or two.

I was experiencing constant tearing in both eyes and could not see clearly. After 2 doctor visits, the remedy was to surgically insert stents in the blocked tear ducts. Distressed, I was referred to Dr. Judy Griffin by a church member. Dr. Griffin made a blend to massage on my temples and much to my relief and awe the problem was no more

Later, I used the No Pain ointment to stop the progress of a knot formation on the palm of my right hand. It took a while, but has been very effective.

Having experienced such relief, both my husband and I confidently find everyday aches and pain alleviated with Circulation Booster and Stop Hurting Lotions.


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Stop Hurting Testimonial for Leg Cramps

Dr. Griffin knows I have been using her Stop Hurting Lotion for many years...It works! She so kindly made a lotion that helps reduce the cramps in my legs at night... and has also helped me with my knees. I have used this for the past three years...I recommend Stop Hurting to anyone who suffers cramps in their legs at night...Thanks Dr. Judy !... Sandy Harlow Continue reading

Cranberry Juice blocks Peanut Allergy

The polyphenols in cranberry juice are effective in blocking peanut allergies. Cranberry juice masks the proteins causing an allergic reaction from peanuts.  Peanut allergy is can be deadly. It is one of the most allergic foods. Now those suffering from peanut allergy can keep a container of cranberry juice nearby in case a reaction occurs. Researchers are creating edible foods containing peanut flour and polyphenols from cranberry juice to produce a healhthy alternative for those who have peanut allergy. 

Chemical and Engineering News, May12,2014.

 for more information, contact: Judy Griffin, PhD./nutrition and creator of AromaHealth

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