Health Answers

How Roses affect Resonant Frequency Health

Our rose products release the highest resonance of health and beauty inherent in  all life. Experience the transforming energy, aroma and touch of our Antique Roses.These roses positively affect adverse conditions caused or accelerated by negative frequencies affecting our environment and well being. Allow our rose products to produce radiant health, transforming your mind , emotions,appearance and body. Continue reading

When to Use Lemongrass and Lemon Peel

When to Use Lemongrass and Lemon Peel
Lemon grass and Lemon peel have different properties and precautions.Lemon grass is anti inflammatory, aiding circulation, and reducing muscle spasms and ligament damage. Lemon peel is anti tumor and bacteria, cleanses the liver, reducing cholesterol, nausea and fatigue. Continue reading

The Flu Vaccine and Narclepsy

 A July 1,2015 article in Science Translational Medicine, indicates children immunized with GlaxoSmithKline's Pandemrix H1N1 flu vaccine have a greater risk of developing narcolepsy, a chronic sleep disorder. There is a peptide in the vaccine that resembles the brain peptide,hypocretin, which the vaccine's peptide binds. The brain peptide keeps individuals awake. Binding the peptide causes people to uncontrollably fall asleep.

The vaccine is believed to trigger an autoimmune response increasing the incidence of narcolepsy. The patients most affected by narcolepsy were vaccinated with Pandemrix. More studies will consider the possibility that the virus itself causes narcolepsy.

Viruses can live along the spinal column, even after symptoms disappear.Further symptoms can arise when the immune system is stressed or compensated. AromaHealth Texas offers Cold Flu spray as an effective H1N1 preventative. Enterovirus also protects the immune system from stored viruses with long

lasting results. These products have been used extensively in hospitals and clinics to prevent and treat symptoms of flu and cold virus, including H1N1.

Questions? Contact Judy Griffin,PhD.: 1800 4962125 or 

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The Healing Properties of Jasmine Grandiflorum Absolute

The heady scent of Jasmine grandiflorum absolute is a perfect scent for winter. It  dispels coldness, tiredness, weakness, hoarseness, laryngitis, wheezing and dry itchy feeling in the throat. The warm , pungent aroma enhances the body's ability to keep warm in cold conditions without overheating. When a chilly feeling starts to spread through your system, reach for the Jasmine. The ketone properties protect the lung and immune system, while the esters protect irritated, dry and inflamed skin. Cis- jasmone and methyl jasmonate have the ability to repair injured tissue and dispel mucous colitis brought on during cold weather.

The lightly sweet scent helps free the spirit from emotional restraint, anxiety, listlessness and general depression, often experienced during cold weather. The aroma helps us remember our freedom as it enhances  intuition. The smell is unforgettable. Many people who do not enjoy sweet flowery scents find Jasmine irresistible.

Cold sensitive folks often urinate frequently during winter time. Women may also experience a clear or white vaginal discharge. Wearing Jasmine grandiflorum can assist the reproductive and urinary system during this time. Nursing mother wear it to promote lactation. Wear Jasmine during delivery to assist the natural process. I don't recommend it during pregnancy.

For those who experience sexual disinterest and feelings  of inadequacy or undesirability, Jasmine grandiflorum will reawaken a natural passion. Winter is a great time to cuddle. And Jasmine is a great gift for the holidays.

To experience the healing ability of organically grown Jasmine grandiflorum flowers without added chemicals, contact or call Judy Griffin at 1800 496 2125.


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Respiratory Virus

The current outbreak of the respiratory virus has people asking what essential oils and essences to use. There are several: sage, thyme, eucalyptus citriadora,anise and more. These are already blended into products: Decongest and Cold/Flu. Decongest is a topical, sweet almond oil base combination of the essential oils and essences to be applied on the chest, upper back and/or throat. Cold/Flu is a water and alcohol based combination of several essential oils and essences that kill the cold and flu virus in test tube conditions. Both can be used. Their contents differ. Cold/Flu can be worn as a topical application or misted as a spray.

We now also have a hand sanitizer that is mildly aromatic with almost no alcohol. The essential oils and essences are antibacterial and anti viral. Mist the hands as needed or 3x daily. The hand sanitizer uses only safe essential oils for children.

For the next few weeks, Decongest is on sale now at

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