Health Answers

Using Essences and Oils in Haircare

Essences and oils penetrate into the hair shaft and support sebaceous gland function. The result is healthy, luxurious hair and new growth.

We are born with the amount of hair follicles throughout life. Our products can strengthen hair follicles and nourish and balance the scalp integrity.

Only small amounts are needed to produce good results within weeks. We do not use sulphates, mineral oil or fillers. Best results originate from massaging them on the scalp, allowing the products to affect new growth first. Then continue massaging, spraying or cleansing to the ends of the hair. Too much of any essential oil can damage hair. Our aromaHealth essence blends and Petite Fleur Essences are very concentrated but safer for hair and skincare.

Test a small patch of scalp area an hour before to check for a reaction. Redness or itchiness are symptoms. Any product can cause a reaction and should be tested first.

We can special blend our products and replace any oil or essence that may be offensive. Contact by email or phone for special requests, preferably before you order. For example, lavender and a few other essential oils are estrogenic and may be replaced in a blend for those on estrogen blockers. Another client is allergic to Lemongrass essential oil, which we replace in any product she desires.

Hair products are like food. What helps one person may not be helpful to another. An example might be nut oil, an allergic item for some and delight for others.

Tradition offers insight for which oils support hair growth, thickness, manageability and possibly reduce alopecia. Very few studies have been conducted by anyone to "prove" hair products using double blind studies monitored over weeks or months by an independent lab. And most personal products, including hair care are chemical fragrances or synthetic essential oils.

Mother Nature's Herbal book includes hair care used by many ancient and Medieval cultures. Word of mouth prevails over the centuries! An autographed book is available online or by phone, as well as special requests for your hair products or questions.

Enjoy the best of every season with AromaHealth Texas garden haircare and products. Visit our gardens on YouTube aromahealthtexas.


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How Roses affect Resonant Frequency Health

Our rose products release the highest resonance of health and beauty inherent in  all life. Experience the transforming energy, aroma and touch of our Antique Roses.These roses positively affect adverse conditions caused or accelerated by negative frequencies affecting our environment and well being. Allow our rose products to produce radiant health, transforming your mind , emotions,appearance and body. Continue reading

When to Use Lemongrass and Lemon Peel

When to Use Lemongrass and Lemon Peel
Lemon grass and Lemon peel have different properties and precautions.Lemon grass is anti inflammatory, aiding circulation, and reducing muscle spasms and ligament damage. Lemon peel is anti tumor and bacteria, cleanses the liver, reducing cholesterol, nausea and fatigue. Continue reading

Pollen Influences Cloud Formation

Pollen influences cloud formation, forming cloud condensation nuclei. As pollen breaks down they rupture and collect water from the atmosphere. Pollen gathers moisture and forms a cloud subsequently causing rainfall. This phenomena is only recently understood following research by Allison Steiner, University of Michigan, and Sarah Brooks, A&M University, Texas: How Pollen Influences Cloud Formation.

This research indicates why asthmatics are affected by thunderstorms. Clouds of pollen are released into the immediate atmosphere especially after a thunderstorm.It literally is raining pollen! After or during the storm, those affected can help protect their lungs by applying Decongest aroma that heals blend to the chest or sinuses. This will reduce the inflammatory response in the lungs and sinus caused by the pollen storm. Allergy  spray therapeutic essence blend also can help those who are affected by overcast and stormy weather.

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