
REGENERATION: The Tonifying Strength of Trees

REGENERATION: The Tonifying Strength of Trees


            The majestic Mountain Cedar, Cedrus Labani, produced one of the earliest essential oils.  Ancient Egyptians prized the oil for perfumes, cosmetics and mummification, in that order!  Ships, furniture and coffins were made from the majestic forests of the Cedar of Lebanon.  Solomon’s temple was built from cedar wood and Noah was said to burn cedar wood as an offer of thanksgiving for surviving the great flood.  The tree, standing 100 feet tall, was perceived as a symbol of strength and harmony.  These trees covered Lebanon and part of southern Turkey, averaging between 1,000 and 2,000 years old.  Today, only a few hundred remain, growing in altitudes between 4,000 and 6,000 feet.  The forests were once believed to be holy, reaching into the heavens and filling the air with a sweet, balsam scent.

            Today, aroma therapists prefer the oil from the Atlas cedar, growing in North Africa.  Other cedar oil is made from Juniperus virginiana, the red cedar, related to the thujene tree. 

            The oil is distilled from wood chips and sawdust.  Steam distillation produces a thick, viscous, honey-colored oil.  Thirty pounds of wood produces one pound of oil.  The scent is reminiscent of pencil wood.  I can remember going to school needing only one of these cedarwood pencils and a Big Chief tablet!  The aroma of cedarwood encourages a strong sense of identity and memories of simpler times.

            Cedarwood essential oil also encourages deep breathing.  Cedrol, a main ingredient, is a restorative for the bronchioles.  It is especially indicated for excessive mucus and bronchial congestion.  It is beneficial in an aroma lamp or diluted in a carrier oil in small doses.


Bronchial Ease


            In 1 ounce of jojoba carrier oil, add the following essential oils:

                          2 drops of Cedarwood

                        10 drops of Frankincense

                          1 drop of Sage

            Bottle in dark glass with a tight- fitting screw cap.  Cure 3 hours or overnight.  Massage several drops on the chest and upper back 3 times daily until cough and tightness abates. 

            Cedarwood may also be used in steam inhalation.  Boil 6 cups of water in a 4- quart pot.  Remove from heat.  Add 4 drops of Cedarwood and tent with a towel or stand close to the steam for inhalation.  Two drops of lemongrass and 1 drop of sage may be added to the water, if desired, to facilitate the cedarwood.

            Cedarwood is very tonic and restorative to the nervous system.  It is an excellent treatment for those suffering from nervousness, stress and sadness.  The oil lifts fatigue resulting from constant tension.  Use it in baths, steam inhalation and massage.  I recommend warmed sesame oil as a carrier because it is also soothing and regenerative to the nervous system.


Comforting and Centering Massage

            In 2 ounces of warm sesame oil, add the following essential oils:

                          5 drops of Cedarwood

                        10 drops of Sandalwood

                        16 drops of Bergamot              

                          1 drop of Cypress, Cupressus sempervirens

            Blend well and massage liberally over the entire body, moving down the back, up the legs and arms toward the heart and in a circular motion on the chest and abdomen.  Clockwise motion is best.  Massage each toe and work the oil into the bottom of the feet.  Cover the feet with socks and keep the recipient comfortably warm with a sheet or robe.  This is a delicious blend that may be used regularly, increasing water intake to assist lymphatic drainage.

            Bottle leftover blend in dark glass with a tight- fitting screw cap.  Store in a cool, dark place.

            Cedarwood also has soothing properties.  It is an excellent enhancement for the kidney and bladder.

Irritation of the lining of the bladder causes a chronic condition aggravated by tight fitting slacks, pantyhose, certain food and environmental stresses, intercourse and hormonal changes.  Sugar, caffeine and alcohol may contribute to food and hormonal stress.  Use cedarwood in a bath, compress or massage oil for soothing the abdomen.

            NOTE:  Cedar Oil should not be used during pregnancy, as it may have an abortive effect.


 Better bladder blend

            In 1 ounce of carrier oil, add the following essential oils:

                                      4 drops of Cedarwood

                                    10 drops of Lavandula

                                      2 drops of Yarrow

                                      6 drops of Rockrose

                        Combine well and massage the abdomen and pelvis 3 or 4 times daily.  A warm compress may be applied each time. Irritation can spread into the kidneys and ureters, leading to scarring or infection.

            This blend may be diluted in a sitz bath, deleting the carrier oil, for 15 to 20 minutes daily.  The same amounts may be applied as a compress.  Saturate a clean hand towel in 4 cups of warm water containing the essential oils.  Squeeze most of the moisture out and apply to the abdomen until the cloth cools.  Repeat several times daily as desired.


Kidney and Bladder Support 

            In 1 ounce of carrier oil, add the following essential oils:

                        4 drops of Cedarwood

                        6 drops of Juniper berries

                        2 drops of Yarrow

                        4 drops of Eucalyptus

                        6 drops of Orange

                        1 drop of Tea Tree

            Bottle in dark glass overnight.  Massage the entire abdomen and the lumbar, lower back 3 times daily.  Drink 2 quarts of liquid, mostly water, daily.  If infection is probable, see a health care practitioner.  Chronic kidney infections can damage the kidneys severely.  Seek medical help if blood or pus passes in the urine.  

            Store leftover blend in a cool, dark place. 








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Blog 17- Petitgrain

Blog 17- Petitgrain


Petitgrain, Petitgrain bigarade, is the essential oil of green bitter orange leaves and twigs. The aroma has an herbaceous woody undertone with a fresh, orange blossom scent. The essential oil has a very intense odor, best used with a light touch.

            The scent is very tart and stimulating. A drop in an aroma blend can revitalize a combination that has lost its pizzazz. It is standard and a favorite aroma in colognes. Petitgrain is not a substitute for Neroli, orange blossom absolute or sweet orange essential oils. It stands alone as a perfume, cologne, and skincare essential oil par excellence.

            Petitgrain naturally stimulates the mind and supports memory. In contrast Neroli, is relaxing and calming to the nervous system. To enhance memory and concentration, Petitgrain blends well with Rosemary, lemon or lemongrass essential oils. These oils will support the tart odor of Petitgrain. The following aromas can use, especially by adults, to increase concentration time and enhance memory.


Petitgrain Blend


In one ounce of carrier oil, add:

            7 drops Petitgrain

            2 drops lemon peel or Lemongrass essential oils

            5 drops Rosemary

Bottle in a dark glass with a tightly fitted cap. Allow curing 1 hour before applying, turning the bottle over 1 to 2 times to combine the oils. Wear a few drops at the temples or on the nape of the neck.

            Petitgrain is a natural skin toner. It blends well with frankincense as a base note, and Lemongrass as a heart note to make a skin toner. Rose of any variety can be used for more sensitive or mature skin. Petitgrain is a high note, or also known as a head note. Another optional high note is Palmarosa, which hydrates dry skin and balances sebum secretions.


Balanced Skin Toner


In 2 ounces of aloe vera gel add:

            ½ ounce of witch hazel

            1 ½ ounces of distilled or spring water

            3 drops of Petitgrain

            2 drops Palmarosa, Cymbopogon martini (optional)

            2 drops frankincense

            2 drops of lemongrass

            4 drops Rose Otto or absolute of your choice (optional)

Tightly cap in a dark, glass bottle. Apply to clean skin 1 or 2 times daily.


 Petitgrain Cologne

 In four ounces of 190 proof alcohol add:

            8 drops Petitgrain.

            6 drops Bergamot, Citrus bergamia

            1 drop Benzoin, Styrax benzoin or S. Tonkinese's

            2 drops Cocoa, optional. It is very expensive.

            2 drops Tangerine

            2 drops Rose absolute or R Otto (Increase to 4 drops, as desired.)

            1 drop Geranium

            2 drops Ylang ylang extra or absolute.

Cap tightly in a dark glass bottle. Allow curing up to one month. The aromas will blend and change into one scent that will lift in multidimensional layers from your skin.

            Petitgrain has more than one source as an essential oil. Commercially, it can be produced from bitter orange, sweet orange, lemon and tangerine leaves, twigs and unripe fruit. The essential oil from bitter orange is very uplifting and is labeled Petitgrain bigarade. Petitgrain citron Mier, from the lemon tree calms nervousness. Tangerine, Petitgrain mandarinates soothes tension and rigidity. Petitgrain enhances some of the exotic spices aroma flavors. Use Petitgrain in blends that appreciate its tartness. The following ideas may spur your creative talents.

Massage Oil for the Tummy

Petitgrain marries well with coriander to reduce tummy troubles and nervous stomach. Massage the abdomen up to 3 times daily to reduce symptoms. See a health practitioner if symptoms prevail.

            In 4 ounces of warm carrier oil, add:

            12 drops of Coriander

            5 drops of Petitgrain

            3 drops of Sandalwood

Cap tightly in a dark, glass bottle. Turn the bottle from side to side a few times to mix well.

Chronic nerve pain blend


Petitgrain takes clove and clarysage to a heightened intensity in this blend. Massage areas, such as back, neck, and limbs to reduce discomfort. Use this blend three times daily. Patch test first to assure safety.

            In four ounces of Sesame oil add:

            8 drops of Clove

            4 drops of Petitgrain

            5 drops of Clary Sage

Cap tightly in a dark, glass bottle. Turn the bottle over three times to mix well. Store remaining blend in a cool, dark place. The aromas and healing qualities increase with time, even a few hours. Keep a blend ready in storage.

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Medieval Aromatherapy Revisited

Medieval Aromatherapy Revisited


            As Europe blossomed from the Dark Ages, many aromatic herbs and their essential oils were rediscovered.  Much of the knowledge of distillation, extraction and medicinal properties taught by Greek and Roman physicians was lost, only to be reintroduced by Islamic physicians and alchemists linking their ancient art to the modern world of science.

            Herb gardens flourished in the later 1500’s at every commoner’s home.  Aromatic herbs were grown for strewing, cooking, home remedies and many household uses.  These herbs and their fragrant waters were often worn to cover the smell of unwashed bodies.  Bathing was considered unhealthy for the skin and general condition of the body.  Incense and strewing herbs helped during church and public gatherings, but very intimate encounters required special considerations.  Soon lovers developed a language of flowering herbs from the heavenly scents masking their personal odors.

A particular favorite was sweet Marjoram, Marjorana hortensis, believed to enhance marital bliss.  It was worn in nosegays, sweet powders and washing waters to perfume clothing.  Sprigs were hung outside a maiden’s window to attract a good husband….or announce availability.  Finger bowls were scented with marjoram and other sweet smelling herbs from the garden by floating them in the water bowls.  Guests would dip their fingers at the end of the meal, having used their fingers as utensils.  The following medieval recipe can be modified today for an aromatic sweet washing water for rinsing linens or fingers after a picnic.  Soapwort is used as a safe detergent.


Medieval Sweet Marjoram Water


            Simmer 2 ounces of Soapwort, Saponaria officinalis, roots, stems and fresh leaves in 2 cups of pure water for 5 minutes.  Add 4 ounces of fresh marjoram, cover, remove from heat.  Allow the herbs to steep until cool, 20 to 30 minutes.  Strain, squeezing the liquid from the plant materials.  Use to wash linens or undergarments.  This recipe can be used on a picnic to clean fingers and hands before and after eating.

            Alternate recipe:  Prepare and simmer soapwort.  Cover and allow to cool.  Strain liquid.  Add 4 drops of marjoram essential oil.  Use for clothes or a body wash.

            The aroma of marjoram essential oil is slightly spicy and warming.  The scent is relaxing and calming, useful for anxiety, insomnia and crankiness.  Medieval Europeans often ground dried marjoram with a talc powder.  The following recipe is safe on the body or dusted on clothes in Medieval manner.  Cornstarch and/or arrowroot can be substituted for orris and calamus root.  Marjoram essential oil can be substituted for ground marjoram.


Medieval Talc Powder


                        1 pound ground orris root, Florentine Iris root

                        1 pound ground calamus root

                        1 ounce ground, dried marjoram

                        ¼ pound dried lavender flowers or rose petals

                        1/8 teaspoon of ground clove buds is optional

            Combine in an airtight container.  Allow the aromas to combine for 1 week before using.  Stores up to 1 year in an airtight container.

            Substitute 10 drops of marjoram essential oil for dried marjoram; 6 drops of rose absolute or 18 drops of lavender absolute or essential oil.

            Marjoram is a native of Mediterranean cultures, used medicinally for many centuries.  The essential oil is steam distilled from soft woody branches in bloom.  In Texas, marjoram and its cousin, oregano vulgare, blooms profusely in mid- summer.  Mine is blooming now, a mid-summer treat!  The calming aroma has been used to treat grief and sorrow in Medieval times, and nervous distress.  Modern aromatherapists use sweet marjoram in a relaxing aroma blend.  


Relaxing Blend


            In 4 ounces of carrier oil, add the following essential oils:

                        20 drops Sweet Marjoram

                        20 drops Bergamot

                        10 drops Geranium

                        14 drops Rosewood

                        10 drops Lavandula

            Bottle in dark glass with a tight- fitting screw cap.  Allow to cure overnight.  Massage the back, chest, abdomen, and limbs with long, relaxing strokes every evening or as desired.


            Marjoram, of every variety, was enjoyed and used medicinally by the ancient Greeks.  Sweet marjoram was employed to prevent sinus headaches and migraines.  By enhancing cardiovascular flow, it is especially beneficial for stimulating the parasympathetic response and unblocking sympathetic nerve response.  Marjoram has the ability to remove energy blockages in the most non offensive ways. I like to add a drop or two of lemon, or lemongrass, to accentuate the power of this favorite Medieval herb.  Cold pressed lemon essential oil will give the blend a tarter flavor without the stimulation of the energy in lemongrass .  A few drops daily is safe.


Nasal and Bronchial Blend


            In 2 ounces of carrier oil, add the following essential oils:

                        20 drops Sweet Marjoram

                          5 drops Lemon

                          3 drops Rosemary

            Bottle in dark glass with a screw cap.  Allow to cure 3 hours or overnight.  Refrigerate until ready to use.  Apply a few drops to affected area and massage gently.  Allow marjoram to relax and expand your vital organs and energy pathways.


One effect marjoram has which is notable.  Marjoram is so calming it reduces sexual excitement.  It is known as anaphrodisiac.  Save a blend to use after physical exertion.  Marjoram is a subtle, but powerful muscle relaxer.  Marjoram is not used for infants. Not for use during pregnancy or lactation. during pregnancy.


References:  Mother Nature’s Herbal, Judy Griffin

                     Medieval Gardens of the Cloisters, NYC



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Joy of the Mountain

Joy of the Mountain


            Marjoram has a cousin growing wild on the hillside of Greece, Origanum vulgare, Oregano.  Many of the properties of Sweet Marjoram are magnified in Oregano, known to the Greeks as the “joy of the mountain”.  As an essential oil, oregano is very antiseptic, antiviral and treats bronchitis, poor appetite, absence of menses, cellulite, sinusitis, and chronic skin problems.  The essential oil is too strong for infants and pregnant mothers.

            Oregano essential oil is spicy, stimulating and very warming.  The oil is steam distilled in mid summer when the plant blooms an umbrella of flowers.  The oil is so strong it must be diluted to prevent irritation to the skin and nose.  Leaves, soft stems and flowers produce a pale yellow and sometimes brownish colored essential oil.  There are several varieties of oregano; Greek oregano is the strongest smelling and most potent variety.

            Oregano is easy to grow.  It loves hot, dry, sunny weather and tolerates rocky soil.  In a natural habitat very little water or care is necessary.  I grow it in herb and rose beds as a ground cover.  One season’s growth can produce pounds of plant material for distillation.  One pound of oregano can produce at least one ounce of pure, uncut essential oil several times during a growing season.

            Aromatherapists often do not use oregano, especially in blends, because the aroma is so predominant.  Sweet marjoram is much milder and sweeter for blends requiring a subtle harmony.  Oregano is used for purely medicinal blends, employed as a great healer for thousands of years.  It can be used singly or blended with equally pungent, spicy and odorous essential oils.

            Oregano is one of our best antiviral, anti-fungal essential oils.  Use it in anti-fungal blends, especially on toenails and nails for the most stubborn problems.  I have used it in blends for tropical skin rotting diseases, working in the jungles of Central America, Guatemala and Mexico with excellent results.  Vietnam vets, with 30 years and more of fungal infestation, have successfully treated nails and skin with this blend.


Anti-fungal Blend


            In 1 ounce of carrier oil add the following essential oils:

                        4 drops of Oregano

                        2 drops of Tea Tree

                      10 drops of Eucalyptus

                        2 drops of Cedarwood

            Bottle in dark glass with a tight fitting screw cap.  Allow to cure overnight.  Massage onto nails and fungal growth twice daily.  Discontinue if irritation occurs on the skin and rinse thoroughly.  A reaction is rare, but can occur occasionally with strong essential oils, such as oregano.

            One of the most useful remedies for sinusitis includes oregano.  I have had many clients who avoided sinus surgery using this blend.  It can also reduce headaches and congestion.  Grapefruit seed oil is used for its antiseptic properties.




Sinus and Headache Blend


            In 1 ounce of grapefruit seed oil, or a carrier oil of your choice, add the following essential oils:

                        5 drops of Basil

                        2 drops of Oregano

                        5 drops of Lemon, or Lemongrass

                        2 drops Dalmation, or Spanish, Sage

                        1 drop  Thyme

            Bottle in dark glass with a tight fitting screw top.  Allow to cure 3 hours or overnight.  Lightly massage a few drops on the forehead, cheeks and temples, avoiding the eyes.  Repeat 2 or 3 times daily.  Wait 30 to 60 minutes between applications.

            Constipation and sluggish digestion is often remedied with a quick abdomen application of oregano oil.  Other essential oils can be added to assist oregano’s potency.  As mentioned in earlier chapters, essential oils are best diluted and applied to the skin.  It is not necessary to ingest them.  Strong essential oils, like oregano, can be toxic to the liver and kidney when ingested, even if it is diluted.  Use the skin as an immune organ to carry the benefits of oregano to its destination.  In cases of chronic constipation, it can take 30 days to change the pattern.  Those who suffer from diverticula may achieve varying results, due to poor muscle tone of the colon.  Do not use oregano when inflammation, diverticulitis occurs without your physician’s approval.  I suggest soothing blends during inflammation.  Use this blend for occasional or chronic constipation.


Regularity Blend


            In 2 ounces of carrier oil, add the following essential oils:

                          4 drops of Oregano

                          6 drops of Anise

                        10 drops of fennel

                          2 drops of Ginger root

                        10 drops of Orange

                          1 drop of Black pepper (optional)

            Bottle in dark glass with a tight fitting screw cap.  Allow to cure 3 hours, or overnight.  Massage on the abdomen using vigorous clockwise motion for several minutes.  The blend can be applied every morning or after each meal.  Use the blend within 6 months.

            Bronchitis and chronic asthma can benefit from regular aromatherapy massage.  Start with the upper back and progress to the ribs and chest.  Regular massage can greatly reduce occurrence.  If the blend is too odorous for the recipient, massage the feet with this blend on a weekly or occasional daily basis.  This blend can also be diffused into a room for quick results.  When diffusing essential oils, do not dilute them into a carrier oil.  Apply them directly into a diffuser or into 2 cups of very hot water.


Chronic Lung Conditions


            In 2 ounces of carrier oil, add the following essential oils:

                        10 drops of Lemon

                        10 drops of Eucalyptus

                        20 drops of frankincense

                          4 drops of Oregano

                          1 drop of Cedar

                          5 drops of Carrot seed oil

            Bottle in dark glass with a tight fitting screw cap.  Cure 3 hours or overnight.  Massage onto the upper back and chest every week, or daily when symptoms flair.

            Oregano can also be used as carrier oil base.  Add essential oils or apply warm to arthritic, aching, sore areas.


Oregano Carrier Oil


            Heat 2 cups of vegetable oil in a sauce pan.  As the oil begins to simmer, add 1 cup of fresh or freshly dried, organic oregano.  Stir and simmer for 10 minutes.  Remove from heat and cover 10 more minutes.  Strain into a glass jar.  Apply warm to aching joints and sore muscles, or add the following essential oils for a more potent blend.


Arthritis and Fibromyalgia Blend


            In 2 ounces of oregano carrier oil add:

                        15 drops of Peppermint

                          6 drops of Eucalyptus

                          6 drops of Clove bud

                          2 drops of Ginger

                          4 drops of Dalmatian Sage (Spanish)

            Bottle in dark glass with a tight fitting screw cap.  Allow to cure 3 hours or overnight.  Massage locally onto unbroken skin.

            Oregano hydrosol, or hydrolate, is so potent, I use it as an insect repellent.  This is the water that condenses from steam distilling oregano essential oil.  It is ready to spray on people, pets and plants to repel bugs.  Do not directly spray sensitive or broken skin, as it may be irritating.  Mist pet pillows or areas where pests can accumulate.  Add a few drops of Citronella essential oil for each cup of hydrosol and repel mosquitoes and flying insects also.  Enjoy a pest free summer with the additional healing qualities of this culinary herb.





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Indian Lemon, a Delightful Summer Aroma

Indian Lemon, a Delightful Summer Aroma


            The lemon tree is a native of India.  Citrus limonum was brought to Europe in the twelfth century with returning Crusaders.  Today, it is cultivated in Sicily, Italy; Florida and California in the United States.  It is a member of the rue family of plants.  The tree reaches 15 to 17 feet in height, producing white blossoms, singly or in pairs.  It blossoms and produces fruit year round.  One tree yields 200 pounds of lemons, in varying degrees of ripeness, producing one pound of pure essential oil in a good year.  The essential oil is extracted from mostly green fruit rinds in a cold pressed process.  Modern extraction uses machines to express the oil and separates it in a centrifuge.  Originally, the skin was pressed by hand into a sponge, a very laborious process.

            The lemon tree traveled from Arabia to reach Sicily in the twelfth century.  The white, star-shaped flowers are named Zagara, the original Arab name.  Sicilians also cultivate citrus medica, a cultivar with deep green, thick-skinned lemons, much more sour than Citrus limonum.  The peel is commercially used to manufacture candied lemon peel, available at Christmas to make fruit cake and baked goods.  An essential oil of Citrus medica is expensive and rare, releasing a rich and fresh, fruity fragrance.  Both essential oils are best used within eight months of extraction.  Sicilian essential oil has a reputation for producing the finest essential oil.

            Locating unadulterated lemon oil is a delicate matter.  The highly aromatic lemon oil has a compound from an isopren added to produce the clean fresh smell, citral.  Citral is one of many components of natural lemon oil. It is synthetically manufactured, or produced from less expensive essential oils, such as lemon grass and litsea cubeba.  It is very easy to adulterate lemon essential oil.  Citral, from other sources, such as lemon grass and litsea cubeba, cannot be detected with gas chromatograph.

            Food grade lemon essential oil is separated from its natural wax by cooling the essential oil to 104 degrees Fahrenheit.  The oil is commercially used in many foods, drinks and cosmetics.  Aroma therapists require all components of lemon oil present for therapeutic use.  True lemon oil has amazing properties when unaltered and organically grown.  The bulk of lemon and orange essential oils are produced from trees sprayed with pesticides.  Many aroma therapists prefer lemongrass and oils they can locate grown from organically treated plants.  For therapeutic use, locate lemon oil without citral and stabilizers to extend shelf life added.

            Lemon essential oil stimulates mental alertness. The aroma activates the center of the hippocampus of the brain, enhancing memorization and reducing confusion.  Japanese researchers reported 54 percent enhanced typing skills when lemon oil was dispersed into the room.  Communication and intellectual skills are often improved with the use of lemon oil.

Soothing Immune Enhancer

   In one ounce of carrier oil, add the following essential oils:

                        2 drops of Citrus Limonium

                        1 drop of Angelica root

                        5 drops of Hyssop, Hyssopus officialis

            Bottle in dark glass with a tight- fitting screw cap.  Allow to cure three hours or overnight.  Apply one or two drops on the chest and/or throat.  Massage lightly.  Application may be repeated three times for seven days, or one time for twenty-one days.  Refrigerate leftover blend daily.


For Better Breathing


            In one ounce of carrier oil, add the following essential oils:

                          2 drops of Citrus Limonium

                        10 drops of Lavandula

                           5 drops of Roman chamomile

            Bottle in dark glass with a tight- fitting screw cap.  Allow to cure three hours or overnight.  Massage five to seven drops on the chest or upper back one to three times daily.  The blend may be used as a preventative once daily or weekly.  Refrigerate leftovers daily.


For Insect Bites and Itchy Skin 


            In one quart, four cups of distilled water, add 2 drops of lemon oil.  Bathe the bites or itchy skin once or twice daily until symptoms disappear.  This should prevent insect bites from swelling and becoming infected.

     A drop of lemon oil can be added to two ounces of unscented shampoo to reduce oily conditions of the hair.  To reduce oily skin and eruptions, add 1 drop of lemon oil to distilled water and mist the affected skin morning and night.

   Lemon essential oil is phototoxic. Exposure of skin to sunlight or tanning beds should be limited to 12 hours after application of more than 2% of lemon oil in a blend.  A few drops of the oil in a one-ounce blend or dilution is safe for topical application.  I do not use lemon oil topically on children under ten years old.  Sensitivity and reactions can occur in rare instances.  Aerial diffusion in a room does not cause sun sensitivity, only topical use.  It is best to test a blend on a non-sensitive area of skin, when used topically, to be sure there is no sensitivity to lemon oil. Store all citrus oils in a cold location or refrigerate.

Reference:  Essential Oil Safety, Robert Tisserand and Tony Balacs, 1995.



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Healing Waters

Healing Waters

            Healing waters are the steam condensation that carries essential oils in a distillation process. The water is distilled with all the properties of the plant and a tiny amount of essential oil.

            Distillation is a process that has been used for at least five thousand years. Most essential oils are produced by distillation. The water separated from the essential oil is called a hydrolate. I refer to them as healing waters.

            To distill is a time consuming process. When a plant produces the most essential oil, usually the spring and summer months, the leaves and or flowers are stripped from the stems, ground to a paste and combined with water.

            Once blended, the plant material is poured into a glass-distilling container. The contents are boiled to soften the tissue and release the essential oil. The essential oil is carried by steam into a long condensing tube, surrounded by cold, flowing water. The cold water flowing inside the outer casing of the condensing tube cools the steam into a liquid. The water drips, carrying the essential oil, into a glass vessel. The oil floats on top of the healing water, or hydrolate. The essential oil is separated commercially by hexane most often. As a small grower I separate with glass and no chemicals. The water is now available as a healing agent in different ways than essential oils.

            Healing waters are most often used to moisturize the skin. They are very gentle to the skin tissue. When using healing waters as moisturizers, I like to recommend which ones are best for skin conditioners. I add a few drops of essential oils to add flavor to the Healing Waters I make. These are not distilled water with essential oils added. The waters are distilled from an aromatic plant, encompassing all the healing properties of the plant. They work best as a spray misted on the skin one to three times a daily.


For oily skin use one the following healing waters:

            Lemon Balm (Melissa officinales)

            Lemon Grass (Cymbopogon citratus)

            Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinales)

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus)

Rosewood (Aniba rosaedora)

Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii)


For Normal or Combination Skin use one the following healing waters:

            Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinales)

            Bergamot (Citrus bergamia)

            Sage (Salvia lavendulafolia)

            Marigold Mint (Tagetes foeniculum)


For Sensitive and Dry Skin use one the following healing waters:

Rose (Rosa damask, centifolia)

Lavender (Lavendula species)

Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens)

Sandalwood (Santalum album)

Chamomile (Matricaria chamamilla)


Healing Water Compresses


Healing Waters can also be used as compresses. Here are some suggestions for warm compresses.

Rose: relieves heartburn; compress the sternum and upper stomach.

Lavender: relieves nausea; compress the abdomen above the navel.

Chamomile: relieves colic, especially for babies; compress the abdomen.

Lemon Balm: relieves overexertion; compress the forehead.

Sage: relieves sinus congestion; compress the face

            The following are suggestions for healing waters with cold compresses.

Rosemary relieves headaches; compress the forehead.

Sage relieves facial swelling; compress the swelling. Avoid the eyes.

Oregano relieves swelling from injuries (such as sports); compress the injury. Avoid the         eyes and open wounds, cuts.

Yarrow relieves bleeding; compress the area bleeding.

Rose relieves teething pain; rub cold rose water on gums or compress the cheeks.


Tips for Using Healing Waters


Remember to add Healing Waters to footbaths and pleasure baths.


Keep a favorite Healing Water in the refrigerator to refresh your face with a fragrant mist after gardening or exercising.


Use a favorite Healing Water to refresh your pillow case before resting.


Spray your favorite Healing Water in every room of the house as an air freshener.


Use a Healing Water spray to refresh the pet pillow.


Spray Lemon Grass healing water to repel mosquitoes.


Spray Basil Healing Water to repel flies.


Spray Lemon Balm Healing Water in the room of an elderly person to calm him or her. It especially helps those with Alzheimer’s.


Next week, we will study exotic plants that produce essential oils.







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Hair Care

Hair Care

            Creating a therapeutic aroma shampoo will increase immunity, memory, and enhance natural beauty. Hair is an extension of skin and can be treated as a skin condition. Choose essential oils that you can enjoy because you will smell the aroma all day. Treating the condition of the hair will stimulate or sedate the immune system. Memory can be enhanced with essential oils that increase focus and attention span. Choose a shampoo without scent, if possible. Sodium laurel sulfate dries the hair and should be avoided in a shampoo. Castile soap, as a liquid, works well as a shampoo for children, pets, and people with oily hair. Dry and chemically treated hair benefits from a silky, pearlized shampoo containing amino acids. Ten to fifteen drops of essential oils can be added to six ounces of shampoo base of your choice. The aroma will blend into the shampoo base overnight. Shake gently before using. Here are a few ideas for hair care.

To six ounces of shampoo add:

Dandruff – Six drops of Peppermint (Mentha peperita)

                  Eight drops of Lavender (Lavendula species)


Chemically treated – Three drops of Rose (Rosa species)

                                  Three drops of Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens)

                                  Six drops of Lavender (Lavendula species)


Scaly, itching scalp – One drop Tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)

                                   One drop Clary Sage (Salvia scalerea)

                                   Six drops Lavender (Lavendula species)

                                   Three drops Sandalwood (Santalum mysore)


Hair growth – Six drops Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

                       Six drops Coriander Seed (Coriandrum sativum)

                       Two drops Neroli (Citrus aurantium)


Oily hair – Six drops Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus)

                  Three drops Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

                  One drop Sage (Salvia officinalis)

                  Two drops Peppermint (Mentha peperita)


Dry hair – Six drops Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora)

                 Two drops Chamomile (Matricaria recutica)

                 One drop Sage (Salvia officinalis)

                 Two drops Peppermint (Mentha peperita)


Split ends – Two drops Palarosa (Cymbopogon martinii)

                    Two drops Marigold Mint (Tagetes foeniculum)

                    Two drops Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens)


Normal hair – Three drops Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

                       One drop Cedar wood (Cedrus atlantica)

                       Two drops Lime (Citrus aurantifolia)

For more protection, a conditioner is helpful and easy to create. After a shampoo and rinse, towel dry the hair and apply the following conditioner. Rinse with cool water after 2 or 3 minutes. Towel dry and style.

In two ounces of jojoba oil add:

Three drops of Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens)

One drop of Cedar (Cedrus atlantica)

One drop of Jasmine (Jasminum officinale,sambuc)


One drop of Lavender (Lavendula species)

True Jasmine essential oil is very expensive. Lavender can be substituted in this recipe, and can be used for every hair type. The jojoba oil can be substituted with a hydrolate, healing water. Next we will learn about healing waters or hydrolates.


Shampoo For Pets


Hair care includes dogs, horses, and mature furry fellows. A light touch with a few drops of essential oils will help repel flies, ticks, and fleas.

Shampoo to Repel Flies

In six ounces of shampoo base add:

Two drops of Basil (Ocimum basilicum)

Shampoo to repel fleas

In six ounces of shampoo base add:

Two drops of Lemon Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus citradora)

Shampoo to repel ticks

In six ounces of shampoo base add:

Two drops of Cedar wood (Cedrus atlantica)

Two drops of Tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)


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Geranium: Also Out of Africa- Blog 25

Geranium: Also Out of Africa- Blog 25


Geranium, Pelargonium graveolens, P. odorantissemum, is a native of South Africa. It was exported to France in the late seventeenth century where it was hybridized and distilled. The leaves and stems are distilled to produce essential oil when the small flowers begin to bloom. There are many verities of aromatic geraniums. Rose geranium produces the fragrant essential oil used in perfumes and aromatherapy. The essential oil is a light color with a hint of yellow and green. It has a rose scent with a tart smell. To me it lacks the richness of rose essential oil. Rose geranium is often substituted for rose essential oil in commercial products and perfumes. It is added as a rose extender. The price of rose geranium is very inexpensive compared to natural rose oil. We are so fortunate to have both essential oils available.

            Initially, geranium oil was used as an insect repellent in aroma lamps. Women discovered the scent lifted their mood and enhanced their energy. Rose geranium is definitely useful in reducing depression. Colognes and products worn on the face and neck helped dispel depression. The following cologne can be used to relieve stress and lift depressed moods.


Old fashion Cologne

In 2 ounces perfume alcohol, 190 proof add:

15 drops Geranium

5 drops Bergamot

1 drop Rosewood

1 drop Patchouli

Bottle in dark glass with a screw top. Allow to cure 3 days or longer before applying the cologne on the throat and front of the neck.

Geranium became very popular as a skincare aid. It helps all skin types, because it balances the sebum secretion. Geranium’s antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties benefits acne prone skin.

The following recipe is a great facial steam for oily or acne prone skin. Use weekly for best results.


Facial Steam to correct Troubled Skin

In four cups of steaming hot water add:

20 drops Geranium

5 drops Cypress, Cupressus sempervirens

5 drops Lemongrass

6 drops German chamomile

1 drop Yarrow, Achillea millefolium

Tent head and face with a clean towel. Allow steam to penetrate the skin, but not burning the skin. A safe distance from the steaming bowl of aroma water is 1 foot from the face. Back away if the steam becomes intense. After a few seconds, return to the facial steam. Repeat the process up to 15 minutes. Pat dry and rinse with cold water to close the pores. Pat the face dry with a clean towel.


Geranium is a great choice for menopausal women. The scent has helped women through the heat flashes, moods, and hormonal changes associated with menarche. I find it also helps to open a new channel of creativity after the child bearing years. Women become active in new careers, community efforts, charities, and hobbies. Aromatherapy helps women find their direction, voice, and newfound strength. Here is a hair conditioner to strengthen dry hair and make it manageable. It helps thinning and encourages a happy feeling.


Good Hair Day Conditioner

In 4-ounce plastic pet container add:

2 ounces aloe vera gel

2 ounces jojoba oil

10 drops Geranium

10 drops Ylang ylang extra or absolute

2 drops Rosewood, Aniba rosaedora

4 drops Sandalwood

Cap and turn the bottle upside down to mix thoroughly. Allow to cure overnight or longer. Apply to hair after a thorough shampoo and rinse. Allow 3-5 minutes before rinsing with cool water. Towel dry and style. This conditioner may be applied daily to wet hair, washing only once or twice weekly, to treat dry hair. Use a shampoo without sodium laurel sulphate to prevent dryness.

            If psoriasis of the scalp is a problem, apply this blend at night.


Psoriasis Blend

In 1-ounce jojoba oil, add:

5 drops Lavender

6 drops Immortelle

2 drops Geranium

2 drops Rockrose

Bottle in dark glass with a screw top. Allow to cure 3 hours or overnight. Massage small amounts on affected areas with the fingertips nightly.

            Use only natural products on the hair and scalp. Avoid methylparaben in all hair and skincare products. Never go to bed angry or tense. Enjoy an aromatic bath before bedtime.

Bath Indulgence

Draw a warm, comfortable bath. Add the following essential oils in a cream base. Relax and let your troubles float away.

In 3 tablespoons of cream add:

10 drops Lavender

6 drops Geranium

Combine oils into the cream. Add the warm bath water, and swish your hands throughout the water. Climb in and enjoy! Relax 15 to 20 minutes and towel dry. Life will look much sweeter. Sleep will be great!



A good way to nurture mature skin is to apply a masque. An easy masque is made with egg white. Clay masque can be messy to assemble and drying to mature skin, depending on the ingredients and the essentials oils used. For those quick pick me up days, use this simple masque to tighten pores and leave a beautiful shine on the skin.


Mature and Sensitive Skin Treatment

In one tablespoon of egg white add:

2 drops Geranium

1 drop Frankincense

Clean face and neck thoroughly. Mix the egg white and essential oils. Using fingertips, apply the mixture to the face and neck. Reapply the rest of the mixture liberally. Allow to dry about 5 minutes. Rinse with cool water. Pat dry with a towel. Apply moisture.

            Geranium is an excellent choice of oils to increase circulation and lymphatic flow in the abdominal area. The intestines have a large concentration of lymphatic tissue. The lymphs can build toxicity and cause bloating, constipation, and spasticity of the bowel. The following formula can be used occasionally or daily to enhance health and longevity.


Tummy Rub for Irritable Bowel or Constipation

In 4 ounces of carrier oil add:

5 drops Peppermint

10 drops Geranium

1 drop Ginger

8 drops Fennel

2 drops Angelica root

5 drops Coriander seed

Bottle in dark glass with a screw top. Allow to cure 3 hours or overnight. Apply several drops to the abdomen and massage in a circular motion. Breathe rhythmically and deeply. Rub for 5 minutes. Apply a warm, damp compress as desired. Avoid during pregnancy or heavy menses. Increase water intake to 64 ounces daily.

Next we will put our knowledge into practice making lotions for skin renewal.




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Garden Party

Garden Party


            Organically grown aromatic herbs provide a variety of beauty aids.  Summertime brings an abundance of fresh herbs for health and beauty.  Many of these plants offer protection from too much fun in the sun.


Sunburn Remedy


            To 4 ounces of apple cider vinegar, add

   20 drops of Lavendula essential oil

            Stir with a nonmetal spoon or stirring stick.  Apply to affected skin using clean cotton balls soaked and strained with the solution.  Use ever so gentle strokes, or dab each area using the cotton ball.  Repeat every 60 minutes as needed to control pain.  Drink several cups of water to assure hydration.  Apple cidar vinegar maintains the ph. of the skin.

            As the skin heals, a softening, or demulcent, herbal application of Althea officinalis, marshmallow root, will soothe and calm irritated skin.  The skin will be radiant in a few days.


Skin Softening Blend


            Simmer 3 tablespoons of Marshmallow root in a small pan containing 12 ounces of spring or distilled water.  Simmer, uncovered, for 15 minutes, stirring 3 times.  Remove from heat, cover the pan and refrigerate overnight.  The mixture will thicken.  Strain into a wide mouth glass jar.  Add the following essential oils, or 10 drops of oil of your choice, and blend with a nonmetal spoon.


                        2 drops of Sandalwood

                        6 drops of Ylang ylang extra

                        5 drops of Rose, Moroccan

            Allow to cure, covered, for 3 hours.  Apply to clean skin.  Refrigerate remaining blend.  Use within 5 days. 

            Lips will also require protection in the summer.  Here’s a lip balm you can wear throughout the year.


Lip Balm


            Measure 2 tablespoons of jojoba oil into a dark glass container with a tight fitting screw cap.

            Add 4 drops of Carrot seed essential oil, Daucus carota.  Squeeze the vitamin E oil from a capsule of Dalpha and mixed tocopherols into the combination.  You can puncture the capsule using a heated sewing needle.

            Cover and allow to cure.  Add 2 drops of Lavendula, if desired.

            Using a double boiler or heating element, melt 2 tablespoons of organic beeswax.  Stir 2 tablespoons of jojoba oil; then add the jojoba oil, carrot seed blend.  Remove from heat immediately.  Stir well.  Spoon into a wide mouth glass jar with a screw top.  The balm will set as it cools.  After completely cool, screw on the lid.  Store at room temperature.

            Apply to lips as needed to maintain softness and suppleness.

            Sunlight brings out the freckles in me!  Here’s a soothing blend sure to lighten your “SPOTS”.


Freckle Buster


            Boil 1 cup of water in a small pot.  Remove from heat.  Add 2 tablespoons of fresh parsley leaves and 2 tablespoons of Calendula or Marigold flowers.  Cover and steep 15 minutes.  Strain and remove all plant leaves.

            Melt 2 tablespoons of coco butter in a microwave or over a double boiler.  Add the herbal infusion.   Beat at high speed with a hand blender 1 minute.

            Add 3 drops of lemon or lemongrass essential oil;

                    5 drops of Chamomile essential oil

            Optional 2 drops of Marigold mint essential oil

            Store in a wide mouth glass jar with a screw lid.  Apply to freckles and brown spots 2 times daily onto clean skin.  Refrigerate to ensure long term usage.


If you find the hot, summer days making you tired or grouchy, allow this cooling,

spearmint masque to turn your day into a happy one.


Cooling Spearmint Masque


            Blend 1 cup of fresh spearmint leaves with 1 cup of cold water 1 minute at high speed.  Refrigerate 2 hours or longer.  Pour the cold contents onto a clean hand towel.  Relax and apply the towel to a clean face for 15 minutes, or as desired.

            Alternate blend:

            Add 6 drops of Spearmint essential oil into 1 cup of cold water.  Pour onto a clean hand towel and apply to a clean face.  Avoid the eyes and any broken skin.  Relax and enjoy!

            Late nights and long days can affect the under-eyes.  If you wake up to puffy under-eyes, use this opportunity to preserve the skin and delay aging, as well as reducing swollen under-eyes.


Puffy Eye Remedy


            In 1 cup of boiled distill water, steep 2 bags of black tea for 5 minutes.  Strain.  Soak and strain 2 cotton balls.  Apply to closed eyelids, or underneath closed eyelids.  Remove and repeat 2 more times, totally 5 or 6 minutes.

            Follow with a  compress of cold water.  Use a clean wash cloth, straining excess water before application.  Compress up to 5 minutes.  Remove cloth and pat dry.

            In 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil, add 1 drop of Myrrh essential oil.  Pat the blend under each eye.  Myrrh is anti-aging, preserving skin quality and delaying aging, fine lines and wrinkles.  What a nice way to start the day!

            Now proceed to the other end of the body, the feet.  Summer fun can lead to dry, cracked skin on the heels and feet.  The following blend will both soften and heal this skin.


Cracked Heel and Skin formula


            Combine the following essential oils in 4 ounces of jojoba oil:

                        4 drops of Patchouli

                        8 drops of Geranium

                        4 drops of Rose

                        6 drops of Orange or 16 drops of Neroli

            Bottle in dark glass with a tight fitting screw top.  Allow to cure overnight.

            Apply to clean feet in the morning and at night.  Immediately put on socks to help hold in the moisture.  Patchouli is a great essential oil to heal cracked skin and regenerate new, healthy skin.  Your feet will smell better too!

            Instead of using talc powder on your feet and skin, here’s a healthy alternative.


Natural Powder


            Combine in an airtight container:

                         ½ cup Cornstarch or Potato starch

                         ½ cup Arrowroot

                        10 drops Rose or Lavendula essential oil

                        1/3 cup crushed, ground dry rose petals or lavender flowers.    

            Mix well and seal the container. 

            Allow to cure 3 days before applying to clean skin and feet

            Both rose and, especially lavender essential oil, will soothe skin rashes from heat and sweating under the arms, behind the knees and underneath the feet.

            Enjoy a healthy summer!


                        References:  Mother Nature’s Herbal, Judy Griffin

                                             Herbs for Health and Beauty, Judy Griffin

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Exotics Essential Oils Part 2; Blog 13

Exotics Part 2; Blog 13


Sandalwood (Santalum album) essential oil is steam distilled from the heartwood of the tree. My sore grade is the finest, perfume grade, essential oil, preferred by aroma therapist. It is also very expensive. Most sandalwood oil is Agmarked, a grade guaranteed to comply with Indian government standards.

            The sandalwood tree is native throughout India. Southern India cultivates most of the heartwood used for aromatherapy. Mysore oil is used throughout Asian cultures for medicinal and spiritual qualities. It’s finest quality is to calm the mind and open the heart. The aromatic scent is long lasting, and woodsy. Sandalwood is a low note, or fixative for essential oil blends. It releases slowly over a long time, holding onto the other more volatile essential oils.

            Men often choose Sandalwood as a fragrance. Its mysterious effect is both relaxing and erotic. Sandalwood has many properties and is famous as an aphrodisiac. The subtle effect of the scent is like androsterone, a component of the male hormone, testosterone. Apply two drops undiluted onto the throat.

            As a spiritual fragrance, Sandalwood encourages enlightenment, the highest form of insight. The fragrance, used alone, enhances warmth and understanding, components of compassion. The scent can awaken the power of kundalini energy, transforming brainwaves to conform with cosmic energy. The spirit will soar to a crescendo of colorful light and sound, a totally unique experience, dropping the conscience awareness into the depth of the “beyond”.

            In the body, Sandalwood treats cystitis and urinary tract infections. Add 7 drops to a warm bath and soak 15 to 20 minutes. Sandalwood is nontoxic and can be used in skincare to heal dry or weeping eczema. For bronchitis, dilute 3 drops of Sandalwood in one ounce of carrier oil and rub the dilution onto the chest. The same dilution may be rubbed onto the pelvis to reduce symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease. The most promising application of Sandalwood is to nurture the nervous system by application or inhalation. Sandalwood reduces anxiety, stress and aggressive behavior.  It promotes relaxation, quiet contemplation, and meditation.

            Here is a blend for males only.

                                    Night Mood

In 3 ounces of jojoba carrier oil add:

5 drops of Sage (Salvia lavenduliflora) essential oil

10 drops of Sandalwood (Santalum album) essential oil

2 drops of Rose (Rosa damascene) essential oil

Use a dark a dark glass bottle to contain the fragrance. Cap tightly. Allow curing 3 hours before applying 4 drops to the neck and throat. Massage lightly.


            Ylang ylang (Canangium odoration) is considered a feminine scent. The scent is intensely sweet and flowery. It is a native of the Philippines, excluding an erotic, tropical flavor, opposite and compatible with Sandalwood. The intense scent of Ylang ylang can be sedated with the addition of 2 drops of Sandalwood or citrus essential oils. Ylang ylang, like Jasmine is enhanced by dilution.

            The scent and growing conditions of Ylang ylang accents its fascinating nature. The tree grows 66 feet tall with very large creamy flowers. However the flowers only develop their intensely fragrant scent when tended by a caring ad knowledgeable gardener. The tree responds to compassionate, human touch, by producing the most fragrant flower of any tree. Ylang ylang means flowers of flowers in Malayan.

            Being an organic gardener, Ylang ylang’s unique growing conditions and nature is most interesting to me. In order to produce fragrant flowers, the tree must be trimmed on a regular basis, at least every two months. The branches naturally bend downward to allow large flowers to be harvested. Fall is the harvest time when the flowers are fragrant and contain essential oil. One hundred pounds of flowers produce nearly two pounds of essential oil from steam distillation. The flowers are harvested early in the morning and immediately distilled to produce an aromatic liquid.

            Ylang ylang produces an endorphin effect from the brain. The fragrance may act as an aphrodisiac, analgesic, or antidepressant. Scent affects us individually, and Ylang ylang is a great example of a scent that restores calm and balance to one person and chases another recipient far away. The scent has more staying power than most essential oils, which dissipate quickly and loose their scent. Add 1 drop of Ylang ylang to a perfume or healing lotion to enhance its nature.

            The essential oil of Ylang ylang is often added to cosmetics. The alluring scent has an unusual ability to relax facial muscles. Tension and aging seem to disappear as a blend is massaged into the face. The overly sweet smell of Ylang ylang is reduced with the addition of orange, neroli, lemongrass, grapefruit, or Sandalwood essential oils. Ylang ylang is most effective for oily skin. However, it benefits all skin types because it softens and rejuvenates the skin.  The phytohormones balances moisture in the skin as it releases facial tension.

                                    Soothing Facial Message


In 2 ounces of jojoba oil add the following essential oils. Allow to cure 1 to 3 hours before application. Slowly massage the face using an upward motion.

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