
Learning disabilities

Enhanced Learning "I am a teacher who has a TAKS test for the State. The first time I used Enhanced Learning many students scored higher. The next year I used the product, they all passed! This year on my benchmark, they scored above 90! I am so excited to see how they do on the exam this year! Thank you!" - Betsy N., 6th and 8th grade teacher Approximately 13.7% of our children have developmental disabilities affecting their learning skills. The impairments include speech, language, intellect, cerebral palsy and escalating rates of autism. Attention deficit and hyperactivity affects more than 4.5 million school age children and at least 5% of the adult population. These percentages increase by 3% annually. And, for the remaining population, be aware that memory begins it's descent at age 27. So we all have work to do. First we need to understand how aromatherapy and aromatic flower essences help us. We are born with a unique scent, harmonized by aromas. Every illness and symptom of imbalance has an odor which can be altered by scent. These aromas should conform to the highest standards to affect healing. They assist us in reaching our highest goals. Aromas and essences are catalysts, not drugs, without side effects. Aromas trigger memory in the limbic brain, bypassing the reasoning brain, the cerebral cortex. We react to aromas prior to conscious awareness. Scents release neurotransmitters from the brain: encephalines (pain); endorphins (pleasure and pain); serotonin (relaxation); and noradrenalin (energy). These affect our moods and stress management: sleep, depression, anxiety, tension and pain. Aromas also increase circulation, relaxation, balance the central nervous system, and reduce dehydration. They awaken our vital energy, mental alertness, intuitive discernment, and short term memory stored in the limbic brain. Heart rate, breathing, and the digestive process react to scent, often within 1/100th of a second. Smell is the oldest sense. It is 10 times greater than the other senses and travels directly to the brain. The nose is an extension of the brain. Scents initiate T-cell production of the immune system; affecting organs through lymph drainage and connective tissue. Our skin is the largest detoxifying organ, repelling fungal, viral, and bacterial invasions as our first line of defense. Applying or spraying Enhanced Learning on or near pulse points helps children and adults learning behavior. memory, career and school work. Enhanced learning helps those challenged with learning disabilities and diagnoses such as autism, to develop their highest potentials. Some experience immediate help, others get better in 3 weeks to 3 months. Wear Enhanced Learning daily for optimal results. Continue reading

Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorders or call 1-800-496-2125

Attention deficit and hyperactivity affects over 4 1/2 million school age children and is increasing by 3% every year.  At least 5% of adults suffer from ADHD.

Medications include Ritalin, Concerta and Dexedrine.  These are substitute amphetamines, a legal form of speed.  The drugs raise dopanime and norepinephrine neurochemical levels, increasing energy to the areas of the brain affecting focus and control.  No random placebo studies of the effects of these drugs have been done past the first for weeks of ingestion.  A three year study indicates behavioral modification is as helpful as drug therapy.

Both children and adults have less blood circulating in the brain, as well as low levels of dopamine, one of the 4 major neurotransmitters in the brain.  Dopamine affects power and energy.  Low levels of dopamine receptors adversely affects the striatum in the brain and the ability to plan ahead.  Stimulant medication can help for several weeks, then children have a greater incidence of bipolar and schizophrenic illness as they mature.

The  ADHD brain is different.  A reduction of the prefrontal lobe cortex causes problems with behavioral control.  However, the motor complex abilities mature quickly creating hyperactivity, impulsive behavoir, attention deficit and inattention.  The spacey inattention is caused by lower blood sugar levels in the brain.  Stimulant medication did not help with lower blood sugar levels.  Both children and adults move to stay alert, solve problems and control their impulses.  They often talk nonstop at incredibly fast rates.  Drug abuse and alcoholism is very common.  Many have criminal records before maturity.

At least 75% of the ADHD behavior is genetically inheritied.  The ADHD brain needs help.  Family therpay can benefit every family member utilize coping skills.  Reducing chemical exposure at home and in their environment reduces present symptoms, as well as delayed consequences, such as Parkinsson's disease in later years.  Autism and developmental disabilities are common with ADHD.  Sodium benzoate, red dyes and a high sugar and corn syrup diet increases behavioral problems.  Caffeine can help them focus.  Complex carbohydrates and vegetables are balancing and several small servings of protein maintains stamina and energy levels.  Many ADHD people have low B6 and  zinc levels reducing nerve transmission. 

The ADHD brain needs help.  The following list of Petite Fleur Essences and essential oil blends will enhance dopamine levels, increase central nervous system function and manage behavioral symptoms.  These are not drugs.  The Petites catalyze and assist individuals to correct and balance physical, mental and emotional symptoms.  A genetic and compromised condition can take time to heal.  Untreated ADHD leads to less education, potential talents unfulfilled, poor personal relationships and lowered sense of self.  The Petites assist the body's self healing by directly affecting the brain in 1/100th of a second.  The essences are topical and have been used in hospitals, clinics and individually for 30 years.  Apply the Petites 3 times daily directly by massaging onto unbroken skin.  Either the neck, throat, or see our video on this website) .

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Nail Fungus Question

Do you have something that will help get rid of toe nail fungus?  I have had it for quite a few years and have not been able to find anything that will get rid of it.  
The Fungal Blend is formulated for this purpose.
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Thyroid medication and using Toxic Thyroid Blend together

I have been on thyroid medication since the age of 3, (my thyroid had quit working at the age of 1 /12). Can I still take the Toxic Thyroid blend? Even though my doctor is telling me that my thyroid level is within range, I still have to literally DRAG myself out of bed in the morning and just feel like I’m dragging all day.
Yes and continue your meds. It can also be another endocrine problem I can approach through nutrtional consutation if that helps.
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Do you have a Certification Course?

Hello Judy,

I was wondering if you plan on offering teaching courses so that others may become practitioners of your product line.  I don't see anything like this on your website and I think it would be a great idea.  If it is something you are planning on doing or something you already do, please let me know as I am very interested.

Thank you and blessings,
The Healing from the Heart course is a certification course with completion
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If and How does Climate Affect Intergrity of Aromatherapy Products?

I am considering ordering AromaHealthTexas essential oils and Petite Fleur Essences for my personal use; however given the intense summer heat I have reservations given that shipping vehicles are typically not climate controlled. 
Can you please explain if and how climate affects the integrity of the oils and essences and if whether any special considerations are used or needed during the shipping process to protect the products?
Thank you.
Gwen L
AromaHealthTexas products are shipped priority mail and arrive safely without heat damage.   It takes high heat over a longer period of time to damage the oils.
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Aromatherapy Special Blends for Seizures

I have grand mal seizures. Can you make a special aromatherapy blend for me without the rosemary? – Roger
Yes, I can. I also can revise any of my aromatherapy products to delete an essential oil that is detrimental to your condition.
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Carrier Oil Question

Most of your essential oils state to dilute in water or a carrier oil. Is there a "generic" carrier oil which harmonizes with any of the essential oils or is there specific carrier oils for each essential oil? Also, if diluted with water, is it intended to be applied to the specific treatment area such as those which reduce digestive symptoms & complaints? Where on the your body do you spray for those intended to treat depression,anxiety, and stress?  
Most aromatherapists use sweet almond oil or jojoba. In water, the blend can be applied to unbroken skin anywhere. With digestion and some other ailments, we do like to apply the blend on or near the site . For anxiety , depression and stress, I like to apply or spray on the neck, temples or nape of the throat..
 Thank you, very good questions
Dr. Judy Griffin
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What do U recommend 4 me to learn to talk to my plants better? I feel lighter & better when I spend time w/them or water them. Do I just try sitting w/them? Just curious!

What do U recommend 4 me to learn to talk to my plants better? I feel lighter & better when I spend time w/them or water them. Do I just try sitting w/them? Just curious!

Share all your treasures in your heart. Sit with your plants & talk to them in relation to yourself. Plants are living beings. They may communicate differently, but they are social and have an innate desire to reach their greates potential. Their healing includes mental, emotional, physical and spiritual benefits.
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Allergy and Flu Season


Looking for allergy relief? Allergy is a topical subtle, aromatic blend to relieve allergy symptoms, such as itchy, burning skin, eyes, stinging, redness, runny nose, sneezing and wheezing. Topical application 2 to 3 times daily lessens or removes common allergy symptoms from influences such as animal dander, pollens, weeds, grasses, plants and dust mites.
Allergy is available in concentrated drops or spray and may be applied safely to the neck, throat and wrists for quick action in the body. Allergy is not a drug, yet offers hope for a more normal efficient immune response to common allergens.Allergy Petite Fleur blend enhances and balances immune responses naturally, assisting the body to better health. Allergy begins to work with your body immediately. Results are individual, yet improve over a period of weeks and months. Avoid applying Allergy to broken skin or near the eyes.
Allergy will not cause drowsiness or over stimulation. It may be used with children 4 and older. Children under 4 may apply a special blend formulated by Dr. Judy Griffin upon request. Allergy or a special blend can be formulated without aromatic scent. Allergy has also been successfully used with pets who suffer from seasonal allergies.
For additional information on allergy symptoms, see:
Pet Scents for Allergies


The H1N1 flu may affect up to 15% of the global population, including up to 500,000 deaths in 2000. The latest strain of H1N1 virus is a combination of bird, pig, human and Eurasian pig flu virus. Transmission is primarily through respiratory droplets, with symptoms lasting up to 6 days of fever, cough (dry), headache, muscle and joint pain, sore throat, fatigue and sinus congestion. Highest risks include children with neuromuscular conditions, people with weakened immunity, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, asthmatics and pregnant women, especially in the third trimester. Risk of nonresistant multi-strain staph infection can lead to pulmonary embolism. Children from 6 months through teen years may be more susceptible due to daycare and school exposure. Rest, increased liquids and time best reduce symptoms. Aspirin and all salicylate products should not be administered due to high risk of developing Reye’s syndrome 6 days after onset of flu symptoms. Rey’s includes nausea, vomiting, disorientation and fatty infiltration of the liver. Vaccination or flu shots contain and egg base. Those allergic to egg should consult a physician. Prevention may be enhanced with Elderberry herbal — Extractions of elderberry have shown clinically to protect humans from H1N1 infection in human studies.
Cold & Flu as a spray or concentrate, prevents and treats symptoms.
Sinus spray & Decongest aroma blend () keeps the sinuses open during allergy and flu season. Recovery Petite fleur blend aids in rebuilding immunity and preventing secondary infections. Lime-Aide lotion applied to the hands and skin is antiseptic. Herbals to combat symptoms and build immunity include: Cough , Strong Lung , Defense and Protection .
Cold Sores aroma blend prevents and heals fever blisters. Allergy Petite fleur spray or concentrate aids in relief of seasonal allergies.

Personal Health Analysis

A personal health analysis may include symptom and client complaints, prior diagnosis by a physician or blood work analysis to balance and determine amounts of the correct foods nutrition and herbs for individual needs and metabolic pathways. Consultation lasts one hour. Dr. Griffin listens to the individual, writes a personal program for the client, answers questions, and gives referrals as necessary to assist each person's needs. Clients are offered one of Dr. Griffin's herbal tonics to increase energy or reduce stress at no extra charge.
A rapport is established with clients to promote a synergistic working relationship between Dr. Griffin and her clients, The consultation is educational. Additional supplements or supplies are available at the discretion of the client, Dr, Griffin works with each client at their level of understanding and ability to complete a program, No one is expected to sacrifice pleasure to achieve health. A moderate step by step approach assures success. Dr. Griffin's comprehensive knowledge of medical and complementary nutritional methods assists individuals in greater health without expensive tests. She creates a balanced nutritional program without depending on computer programs, fads, and outdated information.
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