
Pain Aromatherapy and Pain Relief

Pain is the primary reason people seek alternative and complementary medicine, including pain aromatherapy products. Pain signals physical and nutritional needs, emotional distress, trauma and injury. The brain also decreases blood flow to body parts when depression, anxiety and repression of feelings occur. The subsequent oxygen deprivation may actually induce physical pain anywhere in the body.

The problem with pain is it doesn’t really go away until the source is eliminated. Good news is that we are made in the image of a perfect Creator. Our body only knows how to heal itself.  Pain aromatherapy products including: Stop Suffering , No Aches , Deep Massage , and Stop Hurting  are safe topical products to use. 

How these pain aromatherapy products works:   The fastest and most efficient healing occurs through scent. Aromas change brain chemistry in 1/100th of a second. Endocrine hormones, immune stress and neurological responses change in an instant. The pain aromatherapy blend molecules pass through the limbic, or olfactory brain, through nasal lining. Inhaled aromas are also absorbed into the lungs and pass into the bloodstream. Within minutes the body and mind are saturated with the healing power of these aromatherapy scents.   Therapeutic aromatherapy is unique because it catalyzes self-healing in the multiple ways without interfering with medications. Topical application allows aromas to pass through connective and lymphatic tissues, then into the circulatory system. Lymphatic tissue contains valves, like veins.

Lymphs only move in one direction, toward the heart. They are microscopic in size, emptying into two trunks which open into the large veins near the heart. Obstruction of lymph tissue results in swelling and pain, called lymphdema. Lymphatic tissue is directly involved with immunity resulting in disorders ranging from tonsillitis to cancer & metastasis. Unlike blood, lymph tissue does not have a pump, often harboring toxins and metabolic waste causing illness and pain. Aroma molecules promote lymphatic drainage and contain anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties promoting optimal health and detoxification.

The skin is the largest immune organ. It’s protective shield detoxifies more environmental toxins and chemicals than the liver. Aromas balance helper and suppressor cells to reduce and retard harmful bacteria and viral growth. Essential oil aromas, made from organically grown plants, protect, soften and preserve the skin by facilitating hydration. These healing scents are more potent than any commercial preservative. Their anti-aging properties are most effective in cosmetic & skin care lotions and therapeutic preparations.

Within 2 to 3 hours after inhaling or applying healing aromas, the volatile compounds are excreted through the breath and urine. The volatile properties allow them to move quickly and pass quietly after their healing is complete.

Self healing begins and ends with the brain as a sensory organ. The brain is a hologram. It is aware and interacts with every part and function of the body instantaneously as one unit. The limbic, or olfactory brain, records and retains every memory, every automatic response and everything you have learned as scent. This is the only part of the brain exposed to the environment through the nose.

All aromas, even with the most subtle scent, reach the brain through the olfactory bulb. It is located at the top of both sides of the nose at eye level. The bulb is covered with a mucous membrane the size of a nickel, containing approximately 10 million olfactory nerves. A self healing process replaces these cells every 28 days. Microscopic hairs attached to the cells carry an infinite amount of information to the brain as nerve pulses.

Any new or dangerous information is captured by the cortical brain. With every breath we take, familiar and learned information travels to the limbic brain. Before we recognize a familiar or fragrant scent, the limbic brain has already processed and reacted to it.

Smell is the brain’s earliest sense. The cerebral cortical brain evolved after the sense of smell evolved. The inspiration and creativity of the cortical brain comes from the sense of smell. The nerve receptors for seeing, hearing and taste evolved from the sensory nerves of smelling.

Smell releases neurotransmitters, specialized nerve centers from the brain. Serotonin, related to mood and depression is one of many. Endorphins, happy signals, are another. Pain receptors in the brain are signals of inflammation in the body. Inflammation is the first immune response to injury, trauma and infection. The limbic brain can be stimulated by odor to produce neurotransmitters that create a feeling of wellness. Encephaline reduces pain by producing pleasant uplifting sensations. Endorphins also reduce pain and may increase sexual feelings. Serotonin reduces pain by enhancing good moods. These responses are automatically produced by aromas.

How do we know which scents can reduce pain and promote wellness? We develop a unique scent in the womb that we carry throughout our lives. Our unique scent determines who and much of what we attract and repel. Love and friendship are good examples. When we love someone, we are attracted to their unique scent. An infant or animal knows the mother’s scent. Different aromas and fragrances that appeal to us will be the most healing. This includes chocolate and foods in moderation. Everything organic has a scent and the limbic brain can sense it through smell. Our sense of smell is at least 10 times stronger than any other sense.

Illness and pain begin in the brain. Pure organic aromas from essences and essential oils can remind us or guide us to how it feels to be well, relaxed, happy and productive. Aromas extracted ore distilled from plants have a healing effect. Chemical synthetic aromas can produce illness, fear and even pain for those sensitive to chemicals. Pure, naturally grown and processed aromas life the spirit, soothe the soul and catalyze the body to reduce, heal and overcome illness and pain. Discover alternative ways to heal than through allopathic medicine. Many people do not properly understand their health insurance plans. In certain cases, some companies will provide full or partial coverage for natural, complimentary or alternative therapies. For further information, consult your health insurance provider's website, policy book, or speak to your insurance agent. Discover what holistic health can do for you.


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Aromatherapy for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue

Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Symptoms


 Sleep Disturbance: awaking tired; difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep

 A- Melatonin

 B- Gaba amino acid

 C- CalMg at bedtime; B12 upon arising

 D- Deep Sleep Petite Fleur Essence

 E- Unwind Aromablend or Lavender Lotion


 Stiffness from weather changes; upon awakening:

 A- Staying in 1 position (also arthritis); No Aches and Stop Hurting Lotion

 B- Magnesium, malic acid, Lymph Flow Massage Lotion



 A- Facial pain, TMJ, neck and shoulder pain; No Aches, Circulation Herbal and Stop Hurting Lotion


Irritable bowel and gastric symptoms:

 A- Abate Anger, B12 sublingual, (consider also Candida) Probiotics, Capryllic Acid, diet, Peppermint Oil, Oregano oil, garlic may help or worsen symptoms, as well enzymes. These are considered in individual consultations.


Bladder: urgency, frequency

 A- Consider Candida, prostatitis in men, interstitial cystitis, and dietary assessments

 Consider herbals such as Dandelion, Diuretic, Male Power, and Male Tonic Herbal Blend


 Numbness: tingling (parathesia) in extremities, also burning

 A- Consider herbs for kidney, bladder, Lymph Flow Massage Lotion, Stop Hurting Lotion, Circulation, Epsom salt soaks, low stress activity, exercise. These neurological symptoms may mimic a variety of neurological or circulatory symptoms see a physician.


Variable Cognitive Symptoms: clumsiness, memory lapses or spaciness, disorientation, orientation difficulties, dizziness and balance issues:

 A- Recall Memory, Clear Thinking Herbal Tonic, consider blood sugar diet, supplementation, Lemon Balm, Melissa Herbal


 Chemical, Environmental Sensitivity: (Allergens, light, odor, noise)

 A- Environmental, Alpha lipoic acid, NADH, Siberian Ginseng Herbal


 Depression from pain or familial disorders, alcoholism:

 A- Consider SAMe -available at daily (400-800 mg) in divided doses, Tricyclic antidepressants or SSRI or 5-hydroxytryptophan (can be used with MAO inhibitors) are facilitated by SAMe.


 Chronic immune infections may include:

 A- Epstein Barr Virus

 B- Cytomeglia

 C- Candida

 D- Herpes 1-6

 E- Chlamydia

 F- Heloibactor (H.pylori)


Consider the following: Reduce Stress, Silver Lace, Cold and Flu, Decongest, Defense, Energy, Foti, Elderberry, Protection Herbal, Pine Petite Fleur, Siberian Ginseng Herbal



Note to CFS: At least 55% of fibromyalgia patients have hypothyroidism. 

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How mitochondria dysfunction impacts illness

How mitochondria dysfunction impacts illness

Mitochondria produce energy in every cell and organ function of your body.  They combine hydrogen from dietary carbs and fats with oxygen to produce ATP and heat.  ATP is energy produced for most cellular biochemical reactions.  Mitochondria also regulate cellular calcium and allow cells to die and regulate how long they live.

Impairment or defect of mitochondrial function caused loss of energy and organization, leading to genetic and complex illness.  Mutation of genes in Parkinson’s patients has been related to mitochondrial impairment. (The Scientist, Feb. 2011: “The Genes of Parkinson’s Disease”) Mitochondrial dysfunction causes DNA deletions in the substantial nigra of a Parkinson’s brain to mitochondrial dysfunction to date.  Other illnesses associated with mitochondria impairment include chronic fatigue syndrome.  This illness involves several organs and systems; a mutation in DNA is cause by mitochondrial dysfunction.  There are hundreds of research papers describing mitochondrial dysfunction leading to DNA impairment in cancer patients.  Several neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, ms, epilepsy and autisms are related to mitochondrial dysfunction.

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Increasing Energy Levels

Dopamine (neurotransmitter) releasing neurons in the substantia nigra of the brain require large amounts of energy. Without this energy, the neurons die a premature death, which can lead to Parkinson’s or palsy (shaking limbs.)


Petite Fleur Essence Energy aromatic blend enhances dopamine neurons. It reaches the brain through inhalation to help produce energy. Energy Blend can also reduce stress by allowing for more glutathione for cellular energy.


For more information:

For consultation by phone or in person with Dr. Griffin call 1-800-496-2125  by phone or in person with Dr. Griffin call 1-800-496-2125

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Multiple Sclerosis / Seizure / Fibromyalgia

Multiple Sclerosis / Seizure / Fibromyalgia

Multiple Sclerosis causes extreme nerve pain in the arms and legs, difficulty walking, muscle weakness, poor balance, memory loss and visual disturbance. Inflammation of the protective myelin sheath coating nerve fibers in the brain, brain stem and spinal cord causes scarring over nerve fibers. This slows and even blocks nerve signals controlling muscle coordination and strength. Lymph Flow and Circulation Booster lotions massaged on the arms and legs, twice each, daily reduces symptoms. Mobility blend massaged on the neck 3 times daily can be applied to enhance nerve signals. Regenerate blend reduces scarring.

Seizures can result from abnormal electrical activity in the brain causing convulsion, staring, muscle spasms and loss of consciousness. Essences that reduce trauma include Reduce Stress and Manage Pain. Harmony blend can enhance proper rhythm to electrical impulses. Relax the Shoulders lotion, applied to the neck and shoulders daily reduces tension and trauma from injury. Daily use of these products is necessary to improve symptoms over a period of several months.

Fibromyalgia is the most common musculoskeletal pain disorder in the Western world. Symptoms include fatigue, depression, pain, burning or stiffness in the hips, shoulders, neck and spine. Irritable bowel, sleep disorders, headaches and dizziness may also occur. Fatigue and Manage Pain essences are most helpful in reducing recurring pain cycles. Pain Management and No More Pain lotions help lower back, hip and shoulder symptoms. Relax the Shoulders alleviates neck pain, numbness and dizziness.

Hormonal changes can increase pain and occurrence. Female Balance and Male Power support hormonal balance.

Irritable bowel is sedated by Abate Anger blend and strengthened (immunity) by Inner Strength.

Deep Sleep and Relaxation blends enhance sleep patterns and restore health.

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Preventing Strokes

Preventing Strokes


Eighty percent of first time stroke can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle: diet, exercise, not smoking and proper weight. Reducing stress will also alleviate the onset of illness.


 Complementary organic Petite Fleur Essences can facilitate achieving a healthy lifestyle naturally at your body’s pace. Petite Fleur Essences are topical and non-offensive.


 Stop Smoking - Reduces desire assisting the body to replace the need to smoke.

 Weight - Aids the body’s metabolism and desires to achieve optimal weight.

 Circulate - is an aroma that increases cardiovascular circulation.

 Vascular Herbal Tonic - is diluted as a tea to improve arterial and vascular health.

 Circulation - is diluted as a tea to improve heart and cardiovascular health. 


 See your Physician for regular checkups.


For consultation with Dr. Judy Griffin, please call 1-800-496-2125

 For more information and to purchase products go to:



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Cinnamon and Weight Loss

Aromatherapy for Weight, Diabetes and Heart Disease

by Dr. Judy Griffin


A recent study* by the USDA research agency at Beltsville, Maryland indicates a water soluble extract from cinnamon contains antioxidants that can reduce health problems from diabetes and heart disease. This cinnamon extraction is available in a nontoxic aromatherapy topical product called Weight. This therapeutic aromablend has been used in hospitals with patients suffering from diabetes, heart conditions and diabetes during pregnancy. Weight can be used with medications and supplementation to help normalize blood sugar and bodily functions associated with heart disease and diabetes. Many patients experienced less desire to overeat or eat sugary and high fat foods, resulting in weight loss.


Cinnamon has been used by ancient cultures for hundreds and thousands of years to improve cardiovascular health and normalize blood sugar. Mexicans drink a cinnamon tea to promote cardiovascular health and improve circulation. (Mother Nature’s Herbal, Judy Griffin, PhD., p.59) Chinese and Asians use cinnamon to improve circulation, digestion, lower back pain, cramps and bronchial wheezing. (Mother Nature’s Kitchen, Judy Griffin, PhD., pages 71 & 220) Ancient Ayurvedic Indians used cinnamon with other seasonal spices to replace meats in vegetarian dishes. These foods are used to treat a variety of ailments and release serotonin, a relaxing neurochemical in the brain. Africans, Moroccans, and Algerians use cinnamon in a very spicy, hot chile curry to “cool” the cardiovascular system after an initial cleanse of perspiration. (Mother Nature’s Herbal, Judy Griffin, PhD., pages 197-212) 


Cinnamon, Cinnamon cassia, sticks contain chromium, a mineral that may help regulate blood sugar. Chromium is deficient in soil in the Western World. The newly discovered antioxidant properties of cinnamon show promise in complementary, self healing therapy ingested or inhaled. Inhalation reaches the bloodstream quickly, as the oxygen-rich blood cells circulate throughout the bloodstream. Inhalation, as in the Weight aromatherapy product (found at,) can impact the brain in 1/100th of a second, affecting the neuroendocrine and blood sugar hormones.


Whether you inhale or ingest this aromatic spice, it can initiate a self healing process beneficial to you.


To order Weight or for more information please visit or call Dr. Griffin at 1-800-496-2125


*The USDA referenced report is located in Hormone Research, vol. 50, pages 177-182, 1998, and a second report in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, vol. 20, pages 327-336, 2001, both illustrate the mechanism of action of the cinnamon


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Sleep Disorders and Heart Disease

Sleep Disorders and Heart Disease


Recent research at Emory University in Atlanta reports that less than 6 hours of sleep daily leads to increased risk of heart disease and stroke. those who suffer from chronic sleep problems have 25% higher C-reactive protein and other inflammatory markers leading to cardiovascular disease.


Petite Fleur Essence Deep Sleep is a topical, aromatic blend that enhances sound sleep. Created by Dr. Judy Griffin, Deep Sleep is utilized in hospitals, clinics and by laymen to reduce insomnia and promote REM sleep. It is available as a spray or liquid concentrate.


For more information:

For consultation by phone or in person with Dr. Griffin call 1-800-496-2125

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Winter Heart Protection

Winter Heart Protection


British researchers have calculated a 2 percent greater risk for heart attack for every degree temperatures decrease during winter months.


AromahHealthTexas offers several products to increase circulation and enhance heart health especially during winter months. Topical applications can be safely used with medicines and supplements.


Circulate increases and circulates blood flow.

Circulation Booster body lotion massaged onto the arms and legs increases return blood flow to the heart.


For consultation with Dr. Judy Griffin, please call 1-800-496-2125

For more information and to purchase products go to:

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