In Europe, Neroli is regularly recommended for headaches, confusion, insomnia, stress, shock, and hysteria. I decided to use neroli for grieving clients. Grief is a shock to the psyche that is at first numbing and works into confusion, insomnia, and acute feelings of loss. Neroli helped my clients in every situation of worry and grief. The easiest way to administer the scent is to sniff it from a perfume vile or make a simple blend. Neroli blends well with lavender rose geranium, ylang ylang, jasmine, clary sage, and other citrus oils. A vial of only Neroli can be carried and sniffed throughout the day and night.
Compassion Blend
In a 1 dram, 3.7 milliliter, dark bottle combine
7 drops Neroli
3 drops Ylang Ylang
2 drops Rose otto (steam distilled)
Fill the bottle with 190 proof alcohol or distilled water. Cap tightly and cure for one hour.
Continue readingTo reduce premenstrual pain and cramping, Neroli can be taken as a bath 7 days before the onset of menses. Add 10 drops of the essential oil in 2 tablespoons of honey or cream to a warm bath. Soak 15 to 20 minutes.
Neroli and other citrus essential oils are best stored in the refrigerator. Bottle the essential oils in small, glass containers, tightly capped. Citrus oils can quickly become flat when exposed to oxidation and temperature changes.
In perfumery and aromatherapy, Neroli is a heart note. It holds a blend together, giving the aroma definition and coherence. Heart notes are middle notes, building on the foundation of base notes, such as vanilla, vetiver, frankincense, myrrhand, and sandalwood. Floral and rose oils are middle notes that carry the message of the blend. Heart notes are very passionate, even erotic aromas, hat keep your attention and connect with the complexity of your personality. The heart center will open and unfold like a thousand petal flower. The sensation is deep and lingering. While the base notes hold the perfume or blend the heart notes take you on a journey, releasing endorphins from the depths of your soul.
Aromatherapy and perfumery builds blends using base, heart and top notes. These are determined by the volatility of the essential oil or, how fast it lifts into the air. The base notes are grounding and “fix” the blend so it releases over a longer period of time. Heart notes initiate intimacy within and with others. They are warming, loving, and transforming. Top notes reach out to great us on an aromatic journey. They are the first scent we smell, establishing an initial aroma before dissipating. Top notes are uncomplicated and sociable. Enticing the recipient to begin an aroma journey. As the initial scent dissipates, an unfolding movement of scent begins. True healing occurs as the psyche releases unproductive thoughts and actions to discover self-actualization. Our goal is to participate fully in life’s journey.
Continue readingHistorically, Neroli has been popular in colognes, deodorants and body splashes. The essential oil can be diluted in 190 proof alcohol and bottled or filtered water today.
In 4 ounces of water;
Add 1 teaspoon of 190 proof alcohol or witch hazel;
Add 7 drops of Neroli;
Bottle in a dark glass container tightly capped for 1 hour. Turn the bottle twice to mix the contents. Open and sample the mixture. Add up to 3 more drops of Neroli to obtain the desired scent. Cap again and store away from light and heat.
Neroli can be purchased from the essential oil of the Citrus bigaradia, bitter orange, or Citrus aurantium, sweet orange. Citrus aurantium is more available at a less expensive price. Both are heavenly scents with remarkable healing qualities.
Neroli’s principle healing action affects the nervous system. It is a natural tranquilizer effecting anxiety, depression, nervous exhaustion, and tension. Neroli encourages us to experience life challenges with calmness and joy, offering hope to the hopeless. The soothing effect reduces insomnia and nervous headaches. Inhaling the essential oil or enjoying it in a message helps to regulate heart arrhythmias and relieve nervous tics.
In skincare, Neroli assists every skin type. The oil is nontoxic, nonphototoxic, and nonsensitizing on the skin. It is beneficial for inflamed and sensitive skin. I use it for small, broken vessels diluted in jojoba oil or combined in a cream. Neroli assists in new cell regeneration and is safe for aging skin.
Continue readingThe orange tree, Citrus aurantium, is the only plant that yields 3 essential oil and 1 absolute. I will discuss each in detail. First, let’s investigate the history of this unusual tree, Seville orange, or bitter orange.
Bitter orange trees were introduced to the Mediterranean in the tenth and eleventh century after Arab conquests. Europeans enjoyed the oranges for 500 years before other varieties of oranges were introduced.
By the 17th century, the Princess of Nerole, introduced the essential oil of orange blossoms to Italian society. It soon became fashionable to wear, bathe and fragrance gloves, clothes and stationary with the scent of orange blossom. The princess Anna Maria De La Tremoille was a member of the powerful Italian Orsini family who introduced the fragrance to the courts of Europe. The essential oil, Neroli, was named in her honor.
Neroli is the product of the steam distillation of the delicate orange blossoms of the Citrus aurantium tree. The blossoms are picked on a warm, sunny day as they begin to open. Steam distillation takes place immediately on the site before the fresh scent fades from the flower. One thousand pounds of blossoms will yield only 4 cups of essential oil at a very expensive price. The scent is light and fragrant with a hint of orange and a sweet, lasting undertone. It blends with most essential oils, except the heavier scents, such as vanilla. The best blends for Neroli are other citrus oils and floral scents. Neroli aroma is so delicate; it can easily be overwhelmed by a predominant scent, such as ginger and other spices or base oils.
Continue readingAncient cultures believed Frankincense (Boswellia thurifera) and Myrrh
(Commiphora myrrha) resins to be holy. Their fragrance was believed to reach the heavens and commune with God. Pleasant fragrances were associated with the presence of God Afterlife and paradise was associated with exquisite odors. Burning incense and diffusing fragrant odors nourished the souls of the community. The use of fragrant herbs was limited to the priest and priestesses. With the scent released, people sent offerings and prayers, especially for healing.
Recorded history gives a glimpse of wealthy societies amount of fragrant herbs burned in religious rituals. Babylon burned over 57 thousand pounds frankincense in 1 year. Assyria used almost 60 tons of frankincense for one religious feast. Arabia kept a special fleet of ships to transport frankincense from southern Arabian forests.
And, in the Bible, the three kings brought baby Jesus Frankincense and Myrrh
Gifts given only to the kings. Then were burned on hot rocks to release their fragrance and provide healing. The power to heal was sacred. Both fragrance and the repetition of holy words and sounds were part of every ritual. Early churches also used Frankincense and Myrrh to purify their temples as strong disinfectants. The smoke cleaned the air of any evils or negative energy.
Today, we know the smoke from burning Frankincense produces trahydrocannabinole. This is a psychoactive substance that expands consciousness. The research was done at the Academy of Science in Leipzig, Germany in 1981.
An Australian, Michael Stoddard, found frankincense produces substances chemically similar to sex hormones. Evidently, religious rituals re-channel that energy. Frankincense has also been used for centuries in India and China for religious purposes.
The essential oil of frankincense is both sweet and spicy with a hint of camphor. The oil is thick, resinous with a yellow-green color. Its properties are anti-inflammatory and astringent. Frankincense essential oil has a history of treating lung conditions, such as bronchitis, coughs and helps laryngitis and sinusitis. More recently, frankincense has been used for asthma as an inhalant. The main action calms the nervous system, increasing breathing and reducing anxiety.
Added to a massage oil, skin cream, or lotion, the essential oil is very antiseptic, healing wounds and topical ulcers. It can be used to reduce scar tissue and rejuvenate skin. I use it to reduce wrinkles and aging skin. Ancient Egyptians used the resins in many skin preparations for health and beauty.
The essential oil of Frankincense is steam distilled from the oleo gum resin produced by trees in North Africa. The resin solidifies into amber colored, pea size lumps. The solidified product is steam distilled, producing essential oil.
. Myrrh originates from a tree in East Africa. The tree bark is scored to collect resin that is steam distilled to produce essential oil.
The main action is antiseptic. Ancient Egyptians used it to embalm their dead. It preserves the skin and is used today on aging skin and wrinkles. Myrrh can be effectively used on infected skin and slow healing wounds. The essential oil is safe and nonirritating.
. Myrrh can be safely used, diluted in carrier oil, on mouth ulcers and bleeding gums. Dilute 2 drops of myrrh in 1 ounce of jojoba oil or aloe Vera gel. Apply to affected area with a cotton swab 2-3x daily until symptoms disappear. A stronger dilution may be applied to ringworm. Dilute 4 drops of myrrh essential oil in 1 ounce of carrier oil. Apply with a cotton swab 3 xs daily.
Myrrh has also been successfully used for chronic upper respiratory symptoms. It is an excellent expectorant dislodging thick mucous from the bronchia’s and lungs. Use myrrh in steam distillation for coughs and colds. One or two drops in a mister will reduce symptoms and enhance healing. . Myrrh can be combined with frankincense for a speedy recovery.
Digestive distress can be helped with myrrh in massage oil. Poor digestion, flatulence and spasms can be reduced by adding 3 drops of Myrrh to 1 ounce of warmed carrier oil. Massage in a clockwise motion on the abdomen before or after meals.
The Chinese use. Myrrh essential oil to treat arthritis inflammation and pain. Dilute 6 drops of essential oil in 2 ounces of sesame oil. Gently massage the affected area 2-3x daily to reduce pain and swelling. Myrrh and frankincense essential oils are expensive. However, only a few drops are needed for treatment of a variety of problems. Be sure you purchase the essential oil and not fragrance oil. The fragrance oils are often toxic when applied topically and will not produce healing.
Here are a few more recipes for relaxation and healing.
Upper Respiratory Massage Oil
In 2 ounces of carrier oil add the following essential oils:
3 drops Frankincense
6 drops orange
1 drop Myrrh
1 drop thyme
Allow to cure 1 hour before applying to upper back and chest.
To Enhance Concentration
In 1 ounce of carrier oil, add the following essential oils:
1 drop clove
2 drops rosemary
1 drop lemongrass
3 drops Frankincense
Cure 1 hour and massage 2 drops on temples.
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Rosemary Protective Essential Oil for Radiation Exposure
Whether it comes from cell phones or isotopes from nuclear power plants, radiation exposure can affect mitochondria in brain cells. Mitochondria are energy producing cells affecting every organ function in the body. Their energy provides for neurological synapsis function which is how the brain communicates with the body. Rosemary is an essential oil that has been shown to be very protective for brain cells affected by radiation.
Aromahealthtexas offers Rosemary Shampoo and Recall Memory healing essence. Both utilize rosemary's protective and energizing properties to maximize the brain’s potential. Organically grown and steam distilled Rosemary Essential Oil separated by glass is also available.
For more information or to order, call Dr. Judy Griffin at 1-800-496-2125 or visit her website online at
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Orange oil offers both bitter and sweet aromas in several products.
The orange tree, Citrus aurantium, produces orange essential oil expressed from the skin; Neroli distilled from orange blossoms; orange flower absolute extracted from solvents; Petitgrain, distilled from twigs and leaves; and blood orange, pressed from the rind of the red flesh variety. Orange flower absolute and blood orange are especially used for perfumery and their intense fragrant scents. They are very expensive. Orange essential oil is inexpensive and used in the aromatherapy pharmaceutical and culinary industries.
The bitter orange tree was introduced from China to southern Europe in the early 1500’s. However, the most coveted bitter orange essential oil comes from Sicily. The tree was brought to Sicily by Arabs, who built irrigation systems to cultivate the trees in the rich, volcanic soil. The aroma of the essential oil is superior to sweet orange essential oil. In perfumery, bitter orange essential oil is preferred for its light floral aroma that floats as a top note in a blend. Sweet orange oil is enjoyed by children, and used extensively in aroma blends.
Orange essential oil is produced by extraction. The skin is pressed, also known as cold pressed, squeezing the oil glands of the skin to produce a watery mixture containing essential oil. This is separated. The oil rises and the water is poured out of the bottom of a separator, leaving the essential oil. Preferred oil is expressed form organically grown fruit. It is a great oil to use in aromatherapy, even as a beginner. A few drops in a blend add warmth and harmonizes aromas.
The effect of Orange oil is uplifting and joyous. All of the essential oils produced from Citrus aurantium have antidepressant qualities. The scent of orange can reduce stress related illness, such as headaches and digestive complaints. It blends well with most essential oils in a blend.
Blend for Weak Digestion
In 1 ounce of carrier oil, add:
1 drop Angelica root, Angelica archangelica
2 drops Coriander
6 drops Orange
Cap tightly in a dark, glass bottle. Massage abdomen daily or when stomachache occurs.
Intestinal Cramps and Bloating
In 1 ounce of carrier oil, add:
4 drops fennel, foeniculum vulgare
3 drops Orange
2 drops Roman chamomile
1 drop Patchouli, Pogostemon cablin
Cap tightly in a dark, glass bottle. Massage abdomen as needed to improve muscle tone.
Peaceful Heart Blend
In one-tablespoon carrier oil add:
2 drops Orange
3 drops Lemon balm, Melissa officianales
Message chest gently and slowly.
Stress Headache
In 1 ounce of carrier oil, add:
5 drops Roman chamomile
3 drops lavender absolute*
2 drops Orange
Cap tightly in a dark, glass bottle. Message back of the neck, and forehead as needed with blend.
A note about absolutes: Absolutes are made from flowers too delicate for distillation. The plant material is washed in a solvent, usually hexane, until the solvent completely penetrates the plant mixture. The extraction pulls out essential oil, wax, chlorophyll, and resinous material. Next, the extracted material is placed in another container and gently heated to vaporize the solvent, leaving a concrete, or resinous material. A concrete may be used in perfumery and aromatherapy. The aroma is subtly different from an absolute.
To make an absolute, the concrete is soaked in pure alcohol. This separates the absolute from the waxy concrete. The alcohol is gently heated, and the alcohol evaporates, leaving pure absolute. Absolutes are highly fragrant, and have much longer staying power in an aroma. Essential oils lift quickly. Their aromas do not hold nearly as long as a concrete or absolute. The most common absolutes are Jasmine and rose. Many other aromatic plants are also available as concretes and absolutes. Many other aromatic plants are also available as concretes and absolutes. Absolutes are completely soluble in pure alcohol. Concretes are not totally soluble in alcohol, and are used in making solid perfumes.
Now, another blends to celebrate the bitter and the sweet aroma of orange. The oil of orange aids less cellulite and more lymphatic drainage. The oil aids the body in
Continue readingBergamot Essential Oil
Recent clinical studies indicate dramatic benefits from Bergamot. Citrus. Bergamia Risso is grown and processed in Italy, producing and exceptional healing essential oil. Bergamot essential oil reduces high blood sugar, while regulating cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It improves vasodilatation and relieves frustration and anxiety.
For more info, see Bergamot, by Dr. Judy Griffin at
Continue readingBergamot, Citrus bergamia, is similar to bitter orange. It is best known for the distinctive flavor given to Earl Grey tea. Most people enjoy the aroma more than the taste. You may have smelled bergamot in colognes and creams.
The origin of this tea is Asia. Today it is mainly grown in Reggio di Calabria, at the tip of the boot of Italy. The best essential oil is grown here, a hybrid of bitter orange and lemon trees. During flowering and harvest, November through February, the region smells like a little bit of heaven.
Bergamot essential oil is made from the inedible, green fruit. The oil is expressed from the glands in the skin. The peel is rasped, squeezed, and pressed. Contents are clarified and filtered to produce an emerald green essential oil. The fruit is yellow and pear shaped. Bergamot is unique in every way and enjoyed by most everyone.
When an aroma is uplifting and unusual, like Bergamot, it has a greater impact in the brain. It is a high or head note in aromatherapy and perfumery. Therefore it will register first in the brain. Studies in Europe confirm that Bergamot essential oil balances the activity of the hypothalamus. This allows it to help bipolar disease and reduce anxiety, depression, and fearfulness. Research by Paoli Rovesti through the University of Milan, was conducted at several psychiatric clinics with outstanding success. Bergamot either calmed or energized people, adapting to their body’s needs. Those plagued by chronic fatigue and stress, found the aroma to be strengthening, and rebuilding for their stamina. Depressed people experienced Bergamot in another way. It enhanced their self-confidence as well as reducing depression. The Bergamot essential oil was worn, diluted in carrier oil, or applied to an aroma lamp.
For depressed or nervous conditions, bergamot combines well with many essential oils. The citrus family of essential oils: grapefruit, lemon, lime tangerine, mandarin, bitter and sweet orange combine well. I find that clients with these psychological conditions often love the smell of citrus oils.
Other essential oils that combine with bergamot include lavender, angelica, clary sage, cedar, lemon balm mint, and to a lesser extent rose. Bergamot dilutes the high odor of content of essential oils, such as pine, rockrose, cypress, patchouli, cedar wood, vetiver, angelica root, and ginger. Combining essential oils creates a totally new molecular chain. First, the individual essential oil molecules entirely break down and new chains are created from the group of the essential oils combined. They create a new scent with new therapeutic properties. The possibilities are endless. Every aromatherapist becomes a chemist of scents.
In Italy, bergamot is used to combat infectious disease. Bergamot has been successfully treating staph, diphtheria, meningitis, and many other illnesses. Before World War 11, were not available. Doctors and clients used bergamot for skin, mouth, and respiratory infections. For respiratory problems, the steam of the oil was inhaled and infused in a room. What a delightful way to get well! The oil can also reduce fever. It was applied to the body as a compress. Bergamot has a history of treating malaria as a compress.
In a sitz bath, bergamot relieves cystitis. The oil can reduce abdominal cramps administered in a bath, or diluted in carrier oil, and applied to the abdomen.
Most interesting is that bergamot treats anorexia. It reduces appetite loss and relieves anxiety and depression. If abdominal problems are involved, bergamot can likely reduce those also. The scent is very light and uplifting, cooling to an overwrought nervous system. People dubbed, as type A will do well to make bergamot their companion. The aroma reduces cranky and frustrated, pent up feelings increasing digestive and skin problems.
For skin problems, Bergamot relieves psoriasis, eczema, acne, seborrhea on the scalp, and herpes 1 cold sores. I use it with several essential oils to treat scabies.
Bergamot must be purchased, bergaptene free. Otherwise it increases photosensitivity and may be harmful to the skin, when exposed to sunlight within 12 hours of application.
The essential oil derived from bergamot fruit actually decreases sensitivity to sunlight. Furocumarin, a possible allergic property is removed from the essential oil to assure safety. It is a component in many suntan lotions.
For dry, chapped skin, bergamot can be combined with Roman chamomile essential oil to alleviate symptoms.
In 1-ounce jojoba or carrier oil add:
4 drops Roman chamomile
1 drop of Bergamot
Allow curing 1 hour before applying to rough or chapped skin. Cap tightly in a dark, glass bottle.
Note: To apply Bergamot essential oil to the skin, dilute it to 1% or less in base oil.
To order any of these organically grown, steam distilled in glass, essential oils please go here.
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