Cognitive Decline and Memory Loss
Age related cognitive decline is common and now believed to be caused by unseen vascular disease. It may also be one of the major causes of Alzheimer’s.
Dr. Griiffin has created natural organic herbal and aromatherapy blends to enhance cognition and vascular health.
Recall Memory is a topical aromatic blend of her Petite Fleur Essences and essential oils used in hospitals and clinics to enhance memory.
Circulate is an aromatherapy blend increasing blood flow, memory and energy
Clear Thinking is an herbal tonic, drunk as a tea, promoting blood circulation to the brain.
Vascular is an herbal tonic, drunk as tea, successfully used to facilitate vascular health.
Circulation is an herbal tonic, drunk as a tea, successfully used to improve blood flow and viscosity.
For more information:
For consultation by phone or in person with Dr. Griffin call 1-800-496-2125
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How Memories Heal You
Long and short term memory, pleasant and sad, are all associated with smell and stored in the limbic brain. The limbic brain has the ability to balance our emotions, moods, creativity and motivation. It is designed to assure survival and continue the species through procreation. The limbic brain orchestrates and coordinates every experience with a particular smell and stores it as a memory.
Our memories can be used to enhance our state of health and catalyze healing. We can use aromas to increase endorphins from a good memory. Perhaps vanilla reminds you of happy family memories and rosemary reminds you of Grandma’s garden.
We can use aromas to create new feelings and memories today and everyday. Choose an aroma or blend you enjoy and experience the endorphin release when you inhale and apply it to your body. Touching your body with an aromatic blend is healing because we reinforce the mind/body experience. When we begin to experience life with our whole body, we are healing. Too often, we separate our conscious thinking from how our body feels. Often the body speaks to us through the autonomic nerve responses; heartbeat, breathing, digestion, body temperature, vasoconstriction and blood pressure, sweat and saliva, and the sensation of goose bumps.
We can strengthen the whole body experience and memory to improve our lifestyle and intellectual activity. Aromas that balance the mind/body connection include rosemary, lemongrass, basil, peppermint, marigold mint, lavender and lemon balm. Recall Memory , Enhanced Learning , and Marigold Mint Healing Water are some of the available products.
For more information go to
Continue readingAlzheimer’s Research
Mercury, one of the most toxic substances, is indicated as one of several causes leading to Alzheimer’s disease. Symptoms of Alzheimer’s are reproduced or accelerated by mercury. Mercury produces neurodegenerative disease especially as an inhalant. It is prevalent in many auto products and by-products of exhaust. Inadequate amounts of lipoic acid and B6 make mercury more available for tissue deposition.
In Alzheimer’s patients the mitochondria of brain cells are impaired and affect neuronal synapses adversely. This affects the energy and function of brain cells.
Detox , Environment , and Recall Memory are natural, organic products quickly affecting environmental and mercury toxicity created by Dr. Judy Griffin.
Environment protects against toxic and seasonal inhalants.
Detox assists in removing toxins throughout the body. Assists in removing toxins throughout the body.
Recall Memory stimulates cognitive (short term) memory and thinking.
Clear Thinking is an herbal tonic drunk as a tea, promoting blood circulation to the brain.
For more information:
For consultation by phone or in person with Dr. Griffin call 1-800-496-2125
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One third of the adult population experiences a decline in memory and recall. Cognitive skills begin to decline during the 20’s and 30’s. By 27, certain abstract reasoning, brain speed and puzzle solving abilities begin a descent. Hormones or lack of them may also lead to progressive memory loss, an inability for memory recall and cognitive dysfunction. Currently twenty four million people suffer from dementia worldwide.
The sense of smell can be trained to enhance memory and cognitive function. Natural aromas, free of commercial chemical scents, awaken vital energy to strengthen and heal the body, so it remembers how to stay well. Memories, moods and smells are stored in the limbic or olfactory brain in the form of electrical impulses. Our brain uses scent to recall a memory of who we like, what we like to eat, what we like to do and what is important to remember.
Recall Memory is used to strengthen memory and intellectual activity. I designed as a spray or topical concentrate to be used in hospitals, clinics and eldercare. The effects Begin immediately and continue to increase over weeks and months of use.
Learning Skills especially helps ADHD children and adults, as well as those establishing greater study skills. It wakes up the brain, allows more focus and settles the student for longer study time and test scores.
ADD/ADHD blend helps attention deficit, hyperactive and autistic children with better school work, verbal and social skills.
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I just got a call from a mom in Tampa with a 6 year old Cerebral Palsy child. He’s hi functioning, but has small brain syndrome from the umbilical cord being flat at birth. I have suggested Hemp Seed Oil and more water. Do you have an experience with his type of Brain malformation that will help re-grow neural networking like Hemp oil? I have sent her articles to read about Hemp. I appreciate any info and thanks for your time. -Page
Regenerate blend and I also suggest a special blend consultation.
Note: Aromatherapy products for Cerebral Palsy are topical used and work directly with the limbic brain.
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Sensory Integration Dysfunction
Problems with how the nervous system communicates throughout the body and it’s organs can lead to many disorders, including ADD, schizophrenia, nocturnal enuresis, autism and information overloading. The sensory pathways, rather than the brain, can become over or under stimulated, creating difficulties in how an individual perceives the world. Research has only started to offer solutions. Nature’s solution may include Petite Fleur Essence Marquis Bocella Antique Rose applied topically daily. Reduce Stress of sensory pathways, allowing information to flow freely. Chill Out may benefit young children by wearing this blend daily. Waterworks blend may be especially helpful with nocturnal enuresis, bedwetting, by wearing it in the evening and nighttime. ADD/ADHD blend centers children and adults to help allow sensory information to be processed correctly.
For consultation with Dr. Judy Griffin, please call 1-800-496-2125 For more information and to purchase products go to: |
Optimizing Brain Chemistry Using Petite Fleur Essences by Judy Ph.D.
For the past 30 years, I have been using Petite Fleur Essences in clinics and hospitals to enhance immunity. While working with bone marrow and stem cell patients, I realized the need to also optimize and balance the four master neurotransmitters in the brain. In fact, optimizing immunity and brain chemistry go hand in hand. For transplant patients, the Petites were able to increase longevity and reduce symptoms of nausea, anxiety, and depression while reducing medications.
Soon, I was making therapeutic essence blends for chemically dependent, menopause, maternity, chronic pain, sickle cell anemia, insomnia, obesity, self image, cardiac and pulmonary patients. My research proved that neurochemicals from the four neurotransmitters regulate and control hormone synthesis and function, enhance emotional well being, support spiritual growth and allow the body to heal itself.
There are 4 master neurotransmitter implicated in disease. The minor neurotransmitters are controlled or greatly impacted by the master neurotransmitters. Every form of cancer has been aided by using Petite Fleur Essences to optimize the 4 major neurotransmitters. In this article, I will outline the major neurotransmitters and some of the Petite Fleur Essences most likely to positively affect them.
Fatigue, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia: Increased intoxication through movement.
Fatigue therapeutic blend
Viridiflora: moves energy up the spine in neurotransmitter reuptake
Curry aids spontaneous action.
Manage Pain therapeutic blend helps acute and chronic pain.
Decreased libido (male or female): how dopamine restricts pleasure
Male therapeutic blend
Red Carnation increases blood flow
Marigold reduces impotence
Iris regulates the pleasure centers in the brain
Archduke Charles antique rose enhances intimacy through touch involving the pleasure centers in the brain.
Low Physical Energy: how dopamine restricts movement
Energy therapeutic blend increases glutathione creating energy
Periwinkle releases blocked energy to flow
Madame Louis Levique antique rose: releases neural toxins blocking the free flow of energy.
Routine Task Difficulty: Coordinates movement and motivation levels
Learning Skills therapeutic blend aids motivation and retention
of learned skills. Alfredo del damas supports hand
to eye coordination Bronze Fennel aids imagination and
planning centers in the brain White Petunia cordinates dopamine to enhance learning skills levels.
Obesity and Diabetes II: Low Dopamine levels plays a role on obesity. Obese people have lower levels of D2 receptors.
Weight therapeutic blend balances blood sugar, thyroid function
Knotted Marjoram stops compulsive eating habits
Lighten up therapeutic blend for children aids food restriction to increase D2receptors.
Pink Rose corrects substituting food for love.
Country Marilou release uncomfortable perceptions of the body to enhance pleasure centers in the brain.
Parkinson’s disease: a chronic nerve disorder
Inner Strength therapeutic blend combats muscle rigidity.
White Hyacinth reduces shock associated with Parkinson’s
Carrot reduces tremors associated with Parkinson’s
Craving sugar and caffeine; chemical dependence
Cravings blend enhances motivation otherwise restricted by low dopamine levels
Indian Paintbrush promotes a success consciousness.
Addictions: Create identity separate from pleasure substance
Stop Smoking and Cravings therapeutical blends increase willpower.
Stock relaxes chemically dependents
Aquilegia Columbine helps claim autonomy; corrects family of origin “role”.
Bluebonnet assists the search for true identity.
Gardenia aids long range planning for healthy personal habits
Peer Pressure releases need for approval.
Low Moods in the morning and afternoon
Harmony blend balances levels of the 4 master neurotransmitters especially relating to mood disorders.
Happy face helps release the expressionless mask associated with Parkinson’s. (used by adults and children)
Carbohydrate cravings relates to the liver’s need for energy.
Moss Rose aids glucose regulation and digestion of starches
Weight blend includes essences to reduce emotional eating and eating to fill an empty life.
Lighten up curbs appetite for carbohydrates
Anxiety and restlessness relates to loss of brain rhythm
Amaryllis reduces anxiety about unknown factors; apprehension.
Lily reduces anxiety about known events in the future.
Anise Hyssopp calms “butterflies” in the stomach before a public appearance.
Relaxation blend reduces anxiety and worry and improves relaxation skills.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome low gaba adversely affects normal function of the bowel and includes spasticity.
Pink Geranium relaxes tension in the bowel.
“Lump” in throat
Crepe Myrtle allows one to speak from the heart.
Hypertension has many origins. Increasing gaba is always helpful.
Fortune’s double yellow calms excessive desires
Reduce Stress blend calms hypertensives; alleviates headaches, tension and shock.
French lavender to help find pleasure in simplicity.
Premenstrual and Menopausal disorders are aided by increasing gaba
Japanese Magnolia releases the victim consciousness.
Cherokee rose regulates endocrine cycles affecting female complaints.
Female balance blend reduces symptoms and discomfort.
Mood swings and bipolar disorder are aided by gaba and serotonin enhancing essences. Keeping the person calm and functional is the goal with gaba.
Harmony blend balances mood fluctuations and reduces negative emotions and energy adversely affecting the client.
Abate Anger blend reduces disappointment affecting anger, disappointment while encouraging positive emotions.
Meadow Sage reduces transgression of anger and allows expression of strong emotions without guilt. This essence balances the extremes of anxiety and depression.
Fat Cravings occur when acetylcholine levels are lower.
Moss Rose aids in the digestion of fats.
Weight blend aids in the regulation of blood sugar levels reducing cravings and regulating insulin.
Cinnamon Basil regulates blood sugar fluctuations.
Memory dysfunction may include senility in the elderly. Acetylcholine is energetically the light inherent in the neural transmission allowing thought and cognition to travel.
Recall Memory blend aids cognitive thinking and short term memory
Add adhd aids attention deficit, focus and ability to retain information.
Delphinium aids those who are forgetful and unable to complete projects.
Learning skills aids reading, writing, math and computer skills, and improves concentration.
Rosemary enhances long and short term memory.
Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic, progressive central nervous system disease which leaves demyclinated glial patches called plaque/.
Lady Eubanksia affects demyclination of nerves and integrates motor and sensory nerves.
Recovery revitalizes the immune response to repair tissue and heals by directing the immune response to damaged cells.
Regenerate rejuvenates healthy cell tissue.
Madame Alfred Carriere antique rose enhances parasympathetic nervous system repair.
Iberis Candytuft encourages regeneration and healing by activating the light (acetylcholine) inherit in cells.
Visual Disturbances, Glaucoma
Bronze Fennel enhances visual acuity, affecting the planning and imaginary centers of the brain.
Iberis Candytuft activates acetylcholine in the cell
Yarrow retards inflammation and cell destruction.
Osteoporosis is related to lower acetylcholine levels deficient nutrient uptake into bone cells.
Inner Strength blend builds bones and bone density
Jasmine reduces rebelliousness, also common with low acetylcholine levels, bone integrity and osteoporosis.
Urinary problems
Begonia affects the bladder meridian
Bachelor Button reduces fluid imbalances
Dandelion increases urination.
Pansy enhances the elimination of waste through the kidneys.
Muscle Weakness and Slow Reflexes
Old Blush initiates muscle contraction
Viridiflora mediates impulses between the sensory and motor neurons
Borage enhances balance and agility.
Mobility blend reduces sore muscles and joints
Craving salt, salty foods
Cravings blend supports serotonin neurotransmission and adrenal reuptake.
Sleep Disorders:
Deep Sleep is designed to encourage proper cycling and is also used for insomnia.
Energy blend is beneficial for daytime use.
Relaxation encourages winding down in the evening.
Verbena reduces impulsive behavior associated with low serotonin levels
Obsessive Compulsive behavior
Silver Lace encourages quiet contemplation
Stop Smoking reduces compulsive behavior
Silver Moon Antique Rose subdues restless legs and obsessive thoughts.
Brainwave Symmetry
White Petunia balances right-left brain symmetry and balances slow reaction time.
Harmony blend balances neural transmission
Use Happy face for children
Passion blend enhances a feeling of well being
Self Image reduces depolarization; Lack of Long range goals
Gardenia stimulates long range planning
Indian Paintbrush ( Texas ) builds a success consiousness.
Dianthus encourages a zest for life
Peer Pressure encourages individuality and common sense to realize the results of actions
Reduce Stress deactivates triggers of stress.
Fimbriata Antique Rose encourages a passionate involvement in life.
Rage and Anger Issues
Abate Anger blend heals emotional triggers from disappointment to rage.
Wild Oats enhances a sense of humor.
Premature Ejaculation
Male Power encourages healthy male sexual functions.
Backache, Chronic Pain, Migraine
Manage Pain blend reduces pain receptors in the brain causing hyper pain/pleasure threshold and reduces symptoms of pain
Wandering Jew reduces neuritis and encourages completion of projects.
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Echinacea Root: Immune Stimulant and Flower Essence
By Dr. Judy Griffin
Echinacea Root (Echinacea purpura) is a Native American herb discovered and used medicinally by ancient Native American tribes. A 3 to 5 year old echinacea root stimulates the white blood cells to enhance a natural immune response. Native Americans used echinacea root as a natural antibiotic and blood purifier. Natives chewed the roots, which have a very acrid taste, and applied the root and saliva to snakebites and open wounds. Echinacea root removes metabolic waste and toxins from the wound and bloodstream, preventing further infection and poisons.
I organically grow and tincture echinacea root, a native plant of Texas, for use during chemotherapy. A liquid tincture of echinacea root stimulates the natural immune response of red and white blood cells. Echinacea root enhances the immunity of those receiving most chemotherapy agents. The reason I organically grow and tincture echinacea root is to assure that the root is at least 3 years old before processing. Commercial echinacea is often processed from roots only 1 year old, not enough to be medicinal. Echinacea is often grown in rain forests, which have very low soil density. Echinacea root needs deep soil, several inches deep, to produce a quality medicinal product. Echinacea root must be harvested in the fall, washed, sliced, and tinctured or dried for future use.
I tincture echinacea root in alcohol. Alcohol extraction produces a quality medicinal product. The alcohol will dissipate when added to boiled water and sipped as a tea. Echinacea root tincture reduces cold and flu symptoms, inflammation-such as prostatitis and cystitus. (See Mother Nature’s Herbal.)
Native Americans also chewed Echinacea root to increase digestion of starches. The root tastes so acrid, I suggest sipping a dilution of tincture with meals.
I demonstrated the taste of Echinacea root by offering a sip of boiled root to my adult students from a local university. The tea tasted so strong, it puckered their lips and they all ran for a drink of water.
I use the flower of Echinacea for topical use to stimulate and clarify thought processes. It especially helps those who cannot find their way with a problem. Echinacea Petite Fleur Essence is described in The Healing Flowers and Flowers that Heal.
Multiple medicinal recipes using Echinacea root are available in Mother Nature’s Herbal, and Mother Nature’s Kitchen. Both books also offer garden instructions and ways to tincture a natural antibiotic and blood purifier from Echinacea root.
Seek medical advice for help. For more information go to or call Dr Judy Griffin at 1-800-496-2125
Grow in Peace.
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