Exotics Essential Oils Part 2; Blog 13
Exotics Part 2; Blog 13
Sandalwood (Santalum album) essential oil is steam distilled from the heartwood of the tree. My sore grade is the finest, perfume grade, essential oil, preferred by aroma therapist. It is also very expensive. Most sandalwood oil is Agmarked, a grade guaranteed to comply with Indian government standards.
The sandalwood tree is native throughout India. Southern India cultivates most of the heartwood used for aromatherapy. Mysore oil is used throughout Asian cultures for medicinal and spiritual qualities. It’s finest quality is to calm the mind and open the heart. The aromatic scent is long lasting, and woodsy. Sandalwood is a low note, or fixative for essential oil blends. It releases slowly over a long time, holding onto the other more volatile essential oils.
Men often choose Sandalwood as a fragrance. Its mysterious effect is both relaxing and erotic. Sandalwood has many properties and is famous as an aphrodisiac. The subtle effect of the scent is like androsterone, a component of the male hormone, testosterone. Apply two drops undiluted onto the throat.
As a spiritual fragrance, Sandalwood encourages enlightenment, the highest form of insight. The fragrance, used alone, enhances warmth and understanding, components of compassion. The scent can awaken the power of kundalini energy, transforming brainwaves to conform with cosmic energy. The spirit will soar to a crescendo of colorful light and sound, a totally unique experience, dropping the conscience awareness into the depth of the “beyond”.
In the body, Sandalwood treats cystitis and urinary tract infections. Add 7 drops to a warm bath and soak 15 to 20 minutes. Sandalwood is nontoxic and can be used in skincare to heal dry or weeping eczema. For bronchitis, dilute 3 drops of Sandalwood in one ounce of carrier oil and rub the dilution onto the chest. The same dilution may be rubbed onto the pelvis to reduce symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease. The most promising application of Sandalwood is to nurture the nervous system by application or inhalation. Sandalwood reduces anxiety, stress and aggressive behavior. It promotes relaxation, quiet contemplation, and meditation.
Here is a blend for males only.
Night Mood
In 3 ounces of jojoba carrier oil add:
5 drops of Sage (Salvia lavenduliflora) essential oil
10 drops of Sandalwood (Santalum album) essential oil
2 drops of Rose (Rosa damascene) essential oil
Use a dark a dark glass bottle to contain the fragrance. Cap tightly. Allow curing 3 hours before applying 4 drops to the neck and throat. Massage lightly.
Ylang ylang (Canangium odoration) is considered a feminine scent. The scent is intensely sweet and flowery. It is a native of the Philippines, excluding an erotic, tropical flavor, opposite and compatible with Sandalwood. The intense scent of Ylang ylang can be sedated with the addition of 2 drops of Sandalwood or citrus essential oils. Ylang ylang, like Jasmine is enhanced by dilution.
The scent and growing conditions of Ylang ylang accents its fascinating nature. The tree grows 66 feet tall with very large creamy flowers. However the flowers only develop their intensely fragrant scent when tended by a caring ad knowledgeable gardener. The tree responds to compassionate, human touch, by producing the most fragrant flower of any tree. Ylang ylang means flowers of flowers in Malayan.
Being an organic gardener, Ylang ylang’s unique growing conditions and nature is most interesting to me. In order to produce fragrant flowers, the tree must be trimmed on a regular basis, at least every two months. The branches naturally bend downward to allow large flowers to be harvested. Fall is the harvest time when the flowers are fragrant and contain essential oil. One hundred pounds of flowers produce nearly two pounds of essential oil from steam distillation. The flowers are harvested early in the morning and immediately distilled to produce an aromatic liquid.
Ylang ylang produces an endorphin effect from the brain. The fragrance may act as an aphrodisiac, analgesic, or antidepressant. Scent affects us individually, and Ylang ylang is a great example of a scent that restores calm and balance to one person and chases another recipient far away. The scent has more staying power than most essential oils, which dissipate quickly and loose their scent. Add 1 drop of Ylang ylang to a perfume or healing lotion to enhance its nature.
The essential oil of Ylang ylang is often added to cosmetics. The alluring scent has an unusual ability to relax facial muscles. Tension and aging seem to disappear as a blend is massaged into the face. The overly sweet smell of Ylang ylang is reduced with the addition of orange, neroli, lemongrass, grapefruit, or Sandalwood essential oils. Ylang ylang is most effective for oily skin. However, it benefits all skin types because it softens and rejuvenates the skin. The phytohormones balances moisture in the skin as it releases facial tension.
Soothing Facial Message
In 2 ounces of jojoba oil add the following essential oils. Allow to cure 1 to 3 hours before application. Slowly massage the face using an upward motion.
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