Hair Loss and Hair Growth
Hair loss occurs when hair follicles are stuck in the resting stage of their natural cycle. Hormone imbalance and menopause are the main source of hair loss and thinning in women. High levels of free testosterone or dihydrotestosterone are the primary cause of male pattern baldness. Stress, thyroid disorders, crash dieting, chemotherapy, nutritional deficiencies, medications, genetics and imbalance of G.I. microflora also increase hair loss.
Rosemary essential oil stimulates circulation to the scalp and prevents hair loss:
Aroma Health
Rosemary Shampoo rich in nutrients supports healthy hair and hair growth.
More Hair Complete Conditioner prevents breakage and contains essential oils to promote hair growth.
Hairgrowth Aromablend is a penetrating, concentrated blend of essential oils and Petite fleur Essences successfully used to promote hair growth, prevent hair loss and retard alopecia, an autoimmune cause of hair loss.
For more information and to purchase these products:
For nutritional consultation and support call Dr. Judy Griffin at 1-800-496-2125