Feng Shui Room Sprays
Feng Shui room sprays promote harmony in the environment. They remove stale odors, negativity and pollutants affecting our most intimate surroundings. Each spray adds another level of health to the environment. Clearing helps remove emotional negativity. It has been used to clear areas with a pleasant of lavender and fresh herbs. Harmonize and balance starts new, peaceful, calmness with a light scent of roses and vanilla. It is often used successfully in offices and areas of dissension. Attraction encourages helpful people and opportunities into your life, lovers and friends. Enhancement benefits career, greater health and monetary increase. Shops and offices spray Enhancement around the front door every morning for better sales opportunities. All enhance a full life experience with a variety of fresh aromas.
For best results spray all the corners in your home, office or area of concern each week or more often, especially the bedrooms. Pillows, linen and clothes can be misted. The Petite Fleur Essences are organically grown and distilled without hexane and chemicals onsite.
Good Manufacturing Practices
Testimonial: "I like them all," Rosa.
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