
Ethanol fuels can emit 7% more carbon dioxide

A recent study at  University of Nebraska indicates cellulosic ethanol fuels can emit 7% more carbon dioxide into our atmosphere than gasoline. Research was conducted by Adam Liska's  team and published in Nature Climate Change. The study included the reduction of carbon in the soil left by corn residue. Researchers  noted that removing these residues releases 50-70 grams of carbon dioxide per megajoule of energy from the biofuels produced. The Renewable Fuels Association naturally attacked the research.

Congress needs to look into the use of corn produced biofuels after several years of usage. Americans are paying more for corn and corn derived products to support renewable fuels and clean up the atmosphere. We have the right to know how well this is working and what we can do to improve production. Why pay more and get less?

Please pass this info  to your congressmen and especially senators. Ask them to look into this and be accountable for definitive results. The energy it takes to produce corn biofuels may greatly exceed the benefits, if they exist at all.

Please contact me with concerns and any additional info.

Judy Griffin,PhD.



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How to make a Natural Perfume

Youtube now has my How to Make A Natural Perfume lecture available for viewing . We learned during the class that the base aromas extend and hold the fragrance of a perfume. I taught how to make a base using essential oils, concretes and absolutes to achieve a lasting natural perfume. Two formulas for bases are available on Utube that can be used with many, if not all natural perfumes. One base uses vanilla and balsams; the other has an oakmoss scent. I introduced tonka bean and labdanum base scents as very fragrant base aromas. Next , I gave many formulas of the heart or body of the perfume. These include roses, jasmine, litsea cubeba, champaca, tuberose, neroli and frangipani, ylang ylang extra, and other essential oils that combine well with these aromas. Champaca and Tuberose are the most exotic perfume heart perfume ingredients.. The heart of the perfume includes the dominant scents. The top scents are next and are usually citrus,such as the 4 oranges made from the orange tree, lime and litsea cubeba, a flower used for its lemon scent. Top notes also include spices, such as coriander, nutmeg, and cardamom. Top notes are the first scent we smell when we open a perfume. Top aroma notes define the aroma and grab our attention to continue exploring this wonderful perfume.

Natural perfumes are cured, or married, for 2-4 weeks so the flavors can become a unified living entity of scent. After analyzing this new aroma, we can add a few drops of any of the scents to further define the aroma. Actually, you can quickly take a sniff after a few days, but be sure to allow the aroma to blend a full 2 weeks or longer. Oxidation can change the blend after opening, so be patient!

It's important to understand why we want a natural perfume and what essential oils, absolutes and concretes actually do in a perfume.  Natural perfumes are living scents that evolve and change like we do in the course of our lives. Commercial perfumes are made from chemicals that mimic the scents of plants. Concretes , absolutes and essential oils are made from the plants and have all the subtle scents that unfold in petals of aroma. Natural perfumes do not harm the environment. They encourage bee activity and do not offend the water supply or environment. Chemical perfumes are in all personal care, household, and skincare products. These are one category of pollutants that harm fish, wildlife, and our domestic pets who drink contaminated water. Synthetic perfumes are also in organic and natural products listed as parfume and fragrance, lavidin, vanillin, just to mention a few. These perfumes do not blend with our unique aroma we have since birth and support self healing. Natural perfumes do and release a cascading , large amount of endorphins as they caress and unfold from our skin. Perfumes made from Nature can increase longevity and our experience of quality living. Our smell awareness awakens to increase memory and keep us from having neurological illness,such as Alzheimers. Scent can be an enjoyable  force for a healthier life.

Join me on Utube to learn more about making a natural perfume. Also read the previous blog describing concretes and absolutes in natural perfumery.I teach limited class intensives when we make a personal, natural perfume. If you are interested, please contact me at

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absolutes and concrete essential oils

Many of the most fragrant flowers must be made into an absolute to achieve a natural fragrance for perfume and aromatherapy. Neroli Orange flower, jasmine, rose and osmanthus are a few examples of absolutes. The flowers are collected fresh and bathed in an alcohol or hexane solution in a sealed container. The essential oils are dissolved by the solvent circulated over the 

flowers.The process yields a semisolid, waxy material called a concrete. Concretes are often used as base notes in aromatherapy and perfumery. They have a scent and texture that reminds me of the plant and a staying power that makes them an excellent choice as a low, or base note, which holds the aromas' fragrance for hours and even days. Concretes leave a residue  when diluted into an aroma blend that can be filtered out. It is a waxy substance which contains scent.The aroma is very true to the plant and has a subtle different scent than an absolute. Resins and Balsams, vanilla, oakmoss,Peru Balsam and many others are also extracted by this process.

An absolute is created by rendering the waxy, semisolid materials from a concrete. This produces a  very concentrated liquid that is completely soluble in alcohol. It is a refined product that is exquisitely fragrant and ready to use in a perfume, or as a perfume by itself. Absolutes are often very expensive, but worth the results. The fragrance of Jasmine grandiflora or Bitter orange absolutes will produce an aromatic pleasure never before experienced.The smell is better than any perfume I have ever sampled from the most  exotic perfumers all over the world. It can take 1000 pounds of fresh flowers to make 3 pounds of an absolute. They are sure to take you to places in your consciousness you have never penetrated previously. Their intensity is many times more apparent than essential oils that are steam distilled. In a perfume or aromatherapy product, absolutes and concretes have a much longer staying time. 

Essential oils lift quickly by their nature of volatility. They can be combined with concretes and absolutes in aromatic products, especially as high, or top notes. These are the first aromas apparent as an aromatherapy or perfume product is opened. The scent doesn't last long. This alluring scent gets us interested and ready for the heart of the blend, which can last for hours. The base, or low aromas, hold down the scent of the entire blend and allows it to smell for hours and even days.

In aromatherapy and perfumery, we always begin with low note aromas and build the heart and then high, more volatile scents to complete a transformation of scent that is healing and specific for your body chemistry. It's like building a pyramid of scent that all starts with concretes and resinous essential oil products and ends with high intensity , fragrant absolutes and steam distilled essential oils. The results are worth every bit of the experience!





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Jasmine grandiflora Natural Perfume

Jasmine grandiflora has a euphoric aroma that increases the attractiveness of the recipient. The scent brings out an awareness allowing one to open to trusting love in the many ways it manifests in our lives. Jasmine absolute aroma dissolves fears and emotional blocks as it quickly changes moods and diminishes psychological dilemmas. The scent is so powerful, it can ease issues of trust.

Aroma Health now offers a natural perfume of Jasmine grandiflora absolute available at 


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Chakra Balancing using Foods, Herbs and Petite Fleur Essences - DVD

Available online Now


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Books by Dr. Griffin

A slice of Life by Judy Griffin, Ph.D.A Slice of Life

Learn easy dietary and lifestyle changes with nutrition to ensure your greatest health. Includes: behavior modification, portion control, immune enhancing foods, vegetarian iron sources, minerals and vitamins contained in foods. See you on the scales.

Check out the book Slice of Life on Dr Judy Griffin's website.

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An Interview with Dr. Griffin

COMMON SENSE BECOMES FLOWER SENSE Interview by Sri Dimond Reprinted with permission from Lifescape Magazine Flower essences are no longer a natural health secret, and deservedly so. The work of experts such as Dr. Judy Griffin shows that if you think the science is woolly and the practice hippy and all in the mind or heart of the believer, you may miss out on profoundly effective catalysts for pain relief, cancer remission, Crohn's Disease and much more. AN EXPERT IN THE POWER OF PETALS Dr. Griffin has been using flower essence remedies as part of treatment programmes in psychiatric hospitals in Texas for nearly forty years, pioneering this with seriously disturbed patients, not the "worried well." She provides the blends to Baylor Medical centre at Dallas, Texas to reduce pain, nausea, anxiety and stress, amongst other symptoms. She is well known for her many books on organic gardening, herbs and diet, most recently, MOTHER NATURE'S HERBAL, and she lectures worldwide. She has researched and cultivated rare plants and distils her own oils with the kind of devotion rare in a chemist's lab, for her own Petite Fleur range of essences. I met her at a professional flower essence seminar she gave in London recently where she focused on the immunology and brain chemistry. She later talked with me about the vexing question of research in order to establish validity. She explained: "Validation in the orthodox sense would take certain kinds of studies and I couldn't do them because of the fact that I produce the essences myself. For example, studies have been done on individual essences like lavender but these don't necessarily relate to my own essences, as the lavender varies. Baylor Hospital has done studies on how my essences affect blood pressure, breathing time, pain and so on but the results will not necessarily be placed in the public domain. One can observe similar reactions in people who are generally responsive to natural remedies, but others might not feel anything. Of course, that's not to say there could not be profound changes and there often are - as with other medication and breathing exercises, people may say they don't feel any different but in fact they are different and they do change." Dr. Griffin is not fazed by any of this and as someone who has cured herself of Crohn's Disease, and her two young twins of acute health problems, including being born with immune deficiency disease that threatened their lives, she is no stranger to battles. She says: "It's ok. Like 'organic,' little by little things have changed. I know medical doctors who only use flower remedies. However in the United States you always have to consider the American Medical Association and their approach to regulation. We must also remember that so many healers and remedies have lots of shakti or healing energy - once it is made by a machine it is different. It is about an electro-magnetic exchange and relationship with the plant." IT DOESN'T ALL SMELL THE SAME Quite often people merge their thoughts on aromatherapy and flower essences and think they have much the same effect. Dr. Griffin disputes this: "That's why I use topical treatments and have been able to work in hospitals for so long. I place remedies on key points on the skin. They kick-start the immune response and this is what affects brain chemistry. It is 250 times more powerful than what we smell - scent plays a part but these are about more than scent - they are not working in the same capacity because of the immune response. Scent affects the endocrine response and this can then affect the psychological one." Working in this way Dr. Griffin has helped huge numbers of severely depressed people recover, as well as cancer, cardiac and sickle cell patients. She knows she works very intuitively but her respect for the work the flowers do is sobering. I was curious to know about her extensive work with roses as they are known as the most evolved flower on the planet and have such a wide appeal. She agreed they were, although she does not work with hybrid varieties, "Yes, they have an ability to survive extremely tough conditions, but roses need us too." Her range of Antique rose Essences support the neurological system. On the question of who inspires her most, she paused and asked me if that mean past or present, flower or animal before saying: "Being out there with the plants in nature. When the roses bloom I go nuts. I love wisteria - anything that blooms. I have this incredible feeling of joy - completely unannounced." Lifescape focuses on complementary and integrated health and I was inspired that she refers to her work in this way rather than "alternative." "Yes, something inspired me to move from an alternative medical position and it was in the main due to the new kind of therapists, nurses, doctors and occupational therapists that I started to encounter. The fact that they work one to one, using integrated modalities, made a difference to me. I have had many cancer patients who didn't want to be well, whatever they said. It made me realise that it is their programme and their choice. But it also made me realise what complementary care is: I have to be on the same level as the physician and in union, in terms of focus. If I separate myself in some way it is no good. I am not concerned what part my intervention plays. We work together for their wellbeing." USING FLOWER ESSENCES ON OURSELVES Dr. Griffin has worked with the strangest and hardest of illnesses to cure, but she finds that the work people do on themselves can be incredible. She helped a patient with no stomach and acute addiction problems, and like many whose lives are wrecked, he finally recovered using flower essences. She says: "I never see people as sick. We are actually beautiful, but somehow we lose the script. We are in the matrix playing a human game and I don't know why we put ourselves through such pain at times. We have become heads walking round on sticks! The connection with touch is also critical as our bodies are holograms and placing the essence on key points affects the whole body." She readily emphasises, "we could all use more touch." Flower remedies reach the pleasure centres in the brain which is one of the reasons why they work so well. To Dr. Griffin, the power of flower essences is that they look simple and have no side effects at all, but by using them, people feel they have made a noticeable improvement to their health, on their own. VISIT: or call 1-800-496-2125 Crohn's Disease: Petite Fleur Flower Remedies that can help: Snapdragon and Yarrow - to balance out the auto-immune response Abate Anger - for inflammation Inner Strength - for inner will and bone health Recovery Essence - for overall support Kolancho - for that blind side we all have Onion - for prejudices and prejudgements Continue reading

Integrity of Products

I am considering ordering AromaHealthTexas Essential Oils and Petite Fleur Essences for my personal use; however given the intense summer heat I have reservations given that shipping vehicles are typically not climate controlled.
Can you please explain if and how climate affects the integrity of the oils and essences and if whether any special considerations are used or needed during the shipping process to protect the products?
Thank you.
Dear Gwen:
AromaHealthTexas products are shipped priority mail and arrive safely without heat damage.   It takes high heat over a longer period of time to damage the oils.

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