If and How does Climate Affect Intergrity of Aromatherapy Products?
Hello Dr Judy:
Hello Dr Judy:
(By Sri Dimond. Originally published in Lifescape magazine, 2008)
An expert in the power of petals:
Dr. Judy Griffin has been using flower essence remedies as a part of treatment programs in psychiatric hospitals in Texas for nearly forty years, pioneering this with seriously disturbed patients, not the "worried well." She provides blends to Baylor Medical Center in Dallas, Texas to reduce pain, nausea, anxiety, and stress, amongst other symptoms. She is well known for her many books on organic gardening, herbs, and diet, including, most recently, Mother Natures Herbal, and she lectures worldwide. Dr. Griffin has researched and cultivated rare plants and distills her own oils with the kind of devotion rare in a chemist's lab, for her own "Petite Fleur" range of essences.
I met her at a professional flower essence seminar she gave in London recently where she focused on immunology and brain chemistry. She later talked with me about the vexing question of research in order to establish validity. She explained;" Validation in the orthodox sense would take certain kinds of studies and I couldn't do them because of the fact that I produce the essences myself. For example, studies have been done on individual essences like lavender but these don't necessarily relate to my own essences, as the lavender varies. Baylor Hospital has done studies on how my essences effect blood pressure, breathing time, pain, and so on but the results will not necessarily be placed in the public domain. One can observe similar reactions in people who are generally responsive to natural remedies, but others might not feel anything. Of course, that is not to say there could not be profound changes, and there often are, as with other medication and breathing exercises, people may say they don't feel any different, but in fact, they are different and do change!"
"I place remedies on key points on the skin.
They kick-start the immune response and this is what affects brain chemistry.
It is 250 times more powerful than what we smell!"
Dr. Griffin is not fazed by any of this and as someone who has cured herself of Crones Disease, and her two young twins of acute health problems, including being born with immune deficiency disease that threatened their lives, she is no stranger to battles. Dr. Griffin says," It's ok. Like 'organic,' little by little, things have changed. I know medical doctors who only use flower remedies. However, in the United States, you always have to consider the American Medical Association and their approach to regulation. We must also remember that so many healers and remedies have lots of 'shakti' or healing energy-once it is made by machine, it is different. It is about an electro-magnetic exchange and relationship with the plant."
It doesn't all smell the same.
Quite often people merge their thoughts on aromatherapy and flower essences and think they have much the same effect. Dr. Griffin disputes this saying," That is why I use topical treatments and have been able to work in hospitals for so long. I place remedies on key points on the skin. They kick-start the immune response and this is what affects brain chemistry. It is 250 times more powerful than what we smell - scent plays a part but these are about more than scent - they are not working in the same capacity because of the immune response. Scent effects the endocrine response and this can then effect the psychological one."
Working in this way, Dr. Griffin has helped huge numbers of severely depressed people, as well as cancer, cardiac and sickle cell patients recover. She knows because she works very intuitively but her respect for the work that the flowers do is sobering. I was curious to know about her extensive work with roses as they are known as the most evolved flower on the planet and have such a wide appeal. She agreed they were, although she does not work with hybrid varieties, "yes they have an ability to survive extremely tough conditions, but roses need us too." Her range of Antique Rose Essances support the neurological system.
On the question of who inspires her most she paused and asked me if that meant past or present, flower or animal, before saying, "Being out there with the plants in nature. When the roses bloom, I go nuts! I love Wisteria - anything that blooms! I have this incredible feeling of joy - completely unannounced!"
Lifescape focuses on complimentary and intergraded health and I was inspired that she refers to her work in this way rather than "alternative." "Yes, something inspired me to move from an alternative medical position and it was in the main due to the new kind of therapists, nurses, doctors and occupational therapists that I started to encounter. The fact that they work one on one, using integrated modalities, made a difference to me. I have had many cancer patients who didn't want to be well, what ever they said. It made me realize that it is their program and their choice. This also made me realize what complimentary care is: I have to be on the same level as the physician and in union, in terms of focus. If I separate myself in some way, it is no good. I am not concerned what part my intervention plays. We work together for the patients well-being!
Using flower essences on ourselves
Dr Griffin has worked with the strangest and hardest illnesses to cure, but she finds that the work that people do on themselves can be incredible! She helped a patient with no stomach and acute addiction problems, and like so many, whose lives are wrecked, finally recover using flower essences! Dr. Griffin said, "I never see people as sick. We are actually beautiful, but somehow we lose the script. We are in the matrix, playing a human game and I don't know why we put ourselves through such pain at times. We have become heads walking around on sticks! The connection with touch is also critical as our bodies are holograms and placing the essence on key points affects the whole body." She readily emphasizes, "We could all use more touch." Flower remedies reach the pleasure centers in the brain which is one of the reasons why they work so well. To Dr. Griffin, the power of flower essences is that they work simply and have no side-effects at all, but by using them, people feel they have made a noticeable improvement, in their health, on their own!
For further questions or comments please email Dr. Griffin at petitefl@aromahealthtexas.com
Please Visit: www.aromahealthtexas.com or call (817) 294-5410
Crohn's Disease: Petite Fleur Flower Remedies that can help:
Snap Dragon and Yarrow - to balance out the auto-immune response
Abate Anger - for inflammation
Inner Strength - for inner will and bone health
Recovery Essence - for overall support
Kolancho - for that blind side we all have
Onion - for prejudices and prejudgments
A gluten free diet has helped many clients with Crohn’s and colitis. Results for many irritable bowel clients and asthmatics have also been noticed. The proteins in gluten are large and difficult to digest for many people. Some people carry 1 or 2 genes for Celiac’s and their symptoms improve with a gluten free diet. Celiac sufferers can experience symptoms at any time of their life, due to unusual stress, as gene expression turns on and off during a lifetime of stressors. When a Crohn’s client does not respond to meds and other therapies, I suggest a gluten free diet. For those who continue to eat gluten foods, there are special enzymes released in the small intestine to help digest glutens.
I create special blends for Crohn’s and colitis people. However, Allergy blend and Inner Strength blend are essence aroma blends to help balance and promote immune strength. For many people, these are life long foals. A gluten free diet may be necessary to support immune health. Rose Campion Petite fleur helps for those with a genetic condition.
The “cure” always involves personal responsibility and immune balancing therapy.
Continue readingPain is the primary reason people seek alternative and complementary medicine. Pain signals physical and nutritional needs, emotional distress, trauma and injury. The brain also decreases blood flow to body parts when depression, anxiety and repression of feelings occur. The subsequent oxygen deprivation may actually induce physical pain anywhere in the body.
The problem with pain is it doesn’t really go away until the source is eliminated. Good news is that we are made in the image of a perfect Creator. Our body only knows how to heal itself.
The fastest and most efficient healing occurs through scent. Aromas change brain chemistry in 1/100th of a second. Endocrine hormones, immune stress and neurological responses change in an instant. The aroma molecules pass through the limbic, or olfactory brain, through nasal lining. Inhaled aromas are also absorbed into the lungs and pass into the bloodstream. Within minutes the body and mind are saturated with the healing power of scent.
Therapeutic aromatherapy is unique because it catalyzes self-healing in the multiple ways without interfering with medications. Topical application allows aromas to pass through connective and lymphatic tissues, then into the circulatory system. Lymphatic tissue contains valves, like veins.
Lymphs only move in one direction, toward the heart. They are microscopic in size, emptying into two trunks which open into the large veins near the heart. Obstruction of lymph tissue results in swelling and pain, called lymphdema. Lymphatic tissue is directly involved with immunity resulting in disorders ranging from tonsillitis to cancer & metastasis. Unlike blood, lymph tissue does not have a pump, often harboring toxins and metabolic waste causing illness and pain. Aroma molecules promote lymphatic drainage and contain anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties promoting optimal health and detoxification.
The skin is the largest immune organ. It’s protective shield detoxifies more environmental toxins and chemicals than the liver. Aromas balance helper and suppressor cells to reduce and retard harmful bacteria and viral growth. Essential oil aromas, made from organically grown plants, protect, soften and preserve the skin by facilitating hydration. These healing scents are more potent than any commercial preservative. Their anti-aging properties are most effective in cosmetic & skin care lotions and therapeutic preparations.
Within 2 to 3 hours after inhaling or applying healing aromas, the volatile compounds are excreted through the breath and urine. The volatile properties allow them to move quickly and pass quietly after their healing is complete.
Self healing begins and ends with the brain as a sensory organ. The brain is a hologram. It is aware and interacts with every part and function of the body instantaneously as one unit. The limbic, or olfactory brain, records and retains every memory, every automatic response and everything you have learned as scent. This is the only part of the brain exposed to the environment through the nose.
All aromas, even with the most subtle scent, reach the brain through the olfactory bulb. It is located at the top of both sides of the nose at eye level. The bulb is covered with a mucous membrane the size of a nickel, containing approximately 10 million olfactory nerves. A self healing process replaces these cells every 28 days. Microscopic hairs attached to the cells carry an infinite amount of information to the brain as nerve pulses.
Any new or dangerous information is captured by the cortical brain. With every breath we take, familiar and learned information travels to the limbic brain. Before we recognize a familiar or fragrant scent, the limbic brain has already processed and reacted to it.
Smell is the brain’s earliest sense. The cerebral cortical brain evolved after the sense of smell evolved. The inspiration and creativity of the cortical brain comes from the sense of smell. The nerve receptors for seeing, hearing and taste evolved from the sensory nerves of smelling.
Smell releases neurotransmitters, specialized nerve centers from the brain. Serotonin, related to mood and depression is one of many. Endorphins, happy signals, are another. Pain receptors in the brain are signals of inflammation in the body. Inflammation is the first immune response to injury, trauma and infection. The limbic brain can be stimulated by odor to produce neurotransmitters that create a feeling of wellness. Encephaline reduces pain by producing pleasant uplifting sensations. Endorphins also reduce pain and may increase sexual feelings. Serotonin reduces pain by enhancing good moods. These responses are automatically produced by aromas.
How do we know which scents can reduce pain and promote wellness? We develop a unique scent in the womb that we carry throughout our lives. Our unique scent determines who and much of what we attract and repel. Love and friendship are good examples. When we love someone, we are attracted to their unique scent. An infant or animal knows the mother’s scent. Different aromas and fragrances that appeal to us will be the most healing. This includes chocolate and foods in moderation. Everything organic has a scent and the limbic brain can sense it through smell. Our sense of smell is at least 10 times stronger than any other sense.
Illness and pain begin in the brain. Pure organic aromas from essences and essential oils can remind us or guide us to how it feels to be well, relaxed, happy and productive. Aromas extracted ore distilled from plants have a healing effect. Chemical synthetic aromas can produce illness, fear and even pain for those sensitive to chemicals. Pure, naturally grown and processed aromas life the spirit, soothe the soul and catalyze the body to reduce, heal and overcome illness and pain. Discover alternative ways to heal than through allopathic medicine. Many people do not properly understand their United Healthcare,Aviva, Aetna, or Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance plans. In certain cases, some companies will provide full or partial coverage for natural or alternative therapies. For further information, consult your health insurance provider's website, policy book, or speak to your insurance agent. Discover what holistic health can do for you.
Continue readingAttention deficit and hyperactivity affects over 4 1/2 million school age children and is increasing by 3% every year. At least 5% of adults suffer from ADHD.
Medications include Ritalin, Concerta and Dexedrine. These are substitute amphetamines, a legal form of speed. The drugs raise dopanime and norepinephrine neurochemical levels, increasing energy to the areas of the brain affecting focus and control. No random placebo studies of the effects of these drugs have been done past the first for weeks of ingestion. A three year study indicates behavioral modification is as helpful as drug therapy.
Both children and adults have less blood circulating in the brain, as well as low levels of dopamine, one of the 4 major neurotransmitters in the brain. Dopamine affects power and energy. Low levels of dopamine receptors adversely affects the striatum in the brain and the ability to plan ahead. Stimulant medication can help for several weeks, then children have a greater incidence of bipolar and schizophrenic illness as they mature.
The ADHD brain is different. A reduction of the prefrontal lobe cortex causes problems with behavioral control. However, the motor complex abilities mature quickly creating hyperactivity, impulsive behavoir, attention deficit and inattention. The spacey inattention is caused by lower blood sugar levels in the brain. Stimulant medication did not help with lower blood sugar levels. Both children and adults move to stay alert, solve problems and control their impulses. They often talk nonstop at incredibly fast rates. Drug abuse and alcoholism is very common. Many have criminal records before maturity.
At least 75% of the ADHD behavior is genetically inheritied. The ADHD brain needs help. Family therpay can benefit every family member utilize coping skills. Reducing chemical exposure at home and in their environment reduces present symptoms, as well as delayed consequences, such as Parkinsson's disease in later years. Autism and developmental disabilities are common with ADHD. Sodium benzoate, red dyes and a high sugar and corn syrup diet increases behavioral problems. Caffeine can help them focus. Complex carbohydrates and vegetables are balancing and several small servings of protein maintains stamina and energy levels. Many ADHD people have low B6 and zinc levels reducing nerve transmission.
The ADHD brain needs help. The following list of Petite Fleur Essences and essential oil blends will enhance dopamine levels, increase central nervous system function and manage behavioral symptoms. These are not drugs. The Petites catalyze and assist individuals to correct and balance physical, mental and emotional symptoms. A genetic and compromised condition can take time to heal. Untreated ADHD leads to less education, potential talents unfulfilled, poor personal relationships and lowered sense of self. The Petites assist the body's self healing by directly affecting the brain in 1/100th of a second. The essences are topical and have been used in hospitals, clinics and individually for 30 years. Apply the Petites 3 times daily directly by massaging onto unbroken skin. Either the neck, throat, or see our video on this website) .
ADHD Blend - reduces combination symptoms, helped autistic people speak & learn social skills.
Abate Anger & Chill Out - helps with behavioral issues such as deception and defiant behavoir.
Cravings - to help with sugar, caffeine and and chemical cravings.
Deep Sleep & Dreamtime - to be taken only at night for a good night's rest supporting better attention and energy for the next day.
Energy Blend - energizes the brain for better overall function.
Enhance Learning & Learning Skills - for focus, knowledge retention and settling the person.
Fatigue Blend - helps with dopamine levels by suupporting adrenal gland functions.
Harmony & Happy Face - for depression and moodiness.
Peer Pressure - reduces the need for approval.
Relaxation - to restore a sense of peacefulness and reduce anxiety.
ADHD CD - an hour long discussion on ADHD and Learning Disabilities
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