

Dr. Griffin:

I’d like to relate the following two stories.

My sister started using the oils a few months after I did, and although I tried to guide her using the techniques used to guide me, it was more like making someone take their medicine, and I could tell she was always debating whether it was worth the effort and cost or not.  About a week ago she made the decision that the oil wasn’t working and sent word that she didn’t want me to order any more for her. The week has gone by and last night she sent word that she would like for me to order more of her special blend of oil. When I asked the messenger (our youngest sister), “Why?”, she said that after a couple of days she realized that although she didn’t know why or how, she felt better when she used the oil than when she didn’t.

My sister has used the oil faithfully, daily, and even admitted to noticing that she felt unusual when she was too tired or just forgot to go through the procedure, but  when asked, said she couldn’t tell if ‘it was working or not.’ I knew by the statement that she was expecting the oils to do something dramatic to her, or she would regard them as of no value. I also realized that while she’s not on the wrong path, she hasn’t yet reached a level of understanding, or even faith or belief, that will allow the oils to work with her to their greatest potential,  but she has made a decision and now has a real expectation.

The next story is my own continuing one. First of all I need to say that although I am more drawn to the concept of alternative health and healing practices than I have been to the conglomerate of physicians, nurses, and specialists, I really haven’t had faith in either, and didn’t expectations when I first contacted you. Your documentary made me a little more hopeful, but as I look back on my mental activities at the time, I had already lost hope (in everything except that bizarre universal rarity, the spontaneous miracle). I was just faking enthusiasm and hoping I might win the medical lottery. According to the medical definition, which medical practitioners avidly enforce, the disease that my sister and I have is “chronic and irreversible, and the only available intervention techniques are merely palliative.”  And no matter how much I vocally resisted, Icompletely believed them and almost instantly became a sick person. I remember telling you my sick person story during our initial consultation, and although I seemed enthusiastic about your positive comments and energy, I was more interested in (maybe even proud of?) my illness. What saved me was probably the only true vestige of my former self. (Some of the pre-illness self I remember never happened, but I was truly always energetic and enthusiastic.) I began to have faithfully used the oils, and actually began to feel something about what appeared to be very real progress, but it wasn’t what I expected to feel.  I now know I had to break through the same barriers my sister is facing.  My logs and notes and daily journal showed a sustained respiratory improvement, almost from the first day, but my mind was uneasy and distressed. I called you in almost a panic of anxiety, and you said the most enlightening thing, “Of course you’re uneasy. You’ve grown accustomed to being ill, and feeling better is out of that now normal state and will likely be alarming.”

“I had grown accustomed to being ill.”

And during the last few months I’ve begun to sort out just how quickly I became accustomed (the instant I was given the diagnosis), and how thoroughly I adapted to, and was catering to, the demands of, the AMA definition of the illness. It absolutely ruled my life, and then the struggle to escape that bondage began to rule my life, so it still ruled my life.

Too complicated to elaborate on, but I’ve now spent months developing and routinely engaging various physical and mental routines around the oil and their use.  I wasn’t believing anything, but working with thoughts of what I would want to happen, I started imagining that something about or related to the oils might infiltrate my lungs, “bronchial tubes, bronchioles, and alveolar sacs and surrounding capillary beds”, and repair them – rejuvenate and replenish the alveoli;  cull senescent cells and encourage development of new ones; and facilitate gas exchange between alveoli and blood cells, and (per your suggestion)when I used the oils I would relax and visualize and meditate on those things. Also, per you enlightening statement about adapting to illness, I started a process of resisting negative thinking (mostly expectations.) And finally, I have exercised daily and concentrated on expanding exercise types and increasing amounts of exercise.  From practicing and repeating these, even with half-hearted enthusiasm, I inadvertently created rituals which have elevated the quality of my life in the most surprising ways.

Within this past month have realized that I no longer feel like a sick person. I am aware of limitations and consequences, I have attained a mental perspective from which the disease is incidental to myself. My lungs are still broken, and that still affects me, but it no longer controls me. And the best news is that even as I wallowed in physical deterioration, the other parts of me have been developing and maturing as they always were.  I actually feel more comfortable, and more able, than I have ever been.  Before the onset of the illness I felt immortal. I woke each day expecting to feel good physically, and I expected my body to be able to achieve whatever my mind might lead it into. Now I realize that even when I was operating under that delusion, the reality was, and still is, that wellness or good health is not a state of being that we attain easily, and that we shouldn’t hold lightly. From birth our bodies are constantly contending with attacks by other forces and organisms, so in a sense, rather than anyone really experiencing long periods of uninterrupted wellness or good health, we are always either fending off attacks, or recovering from the effects of successful  attacks. I haven’t transcended anything, I’ve just stopped indulging in sickness.

I was only in active rapid deterioration for a short period of time, but long enough that my mind embraced and amplified all of its aspects, and  most embarrassing, I willingly participated in that misery and resisted its cessation.

Making up for what I lost will require all of my best abilities, attention, and energy, for the rest of my life. Like a normal life.

The essential oils aren’t a cure, but it is likely that nothing on earth cures in the sense that the word/concept cure is used professionally and commercially. They are beneficent catalysts, something able to affect my body’s ability, and even tendency,  to cure itself. I am now able to utilize what I can only describe as a place or state that the essentials oils have helped me discover or maybe even create, within which my mind is curing itself, and as that process progresses,  my body also improves and will continue to do so.

I no longer think and feel like a sick person.

Thank you Dr. Griffin


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Creating Wellness - Dealing with Inflammation

The adrenals are two glands located above the kidneys. Each gland produces important hormones. They act like the “brain” inside the lower body and are involved with neuro-chemical re-uptake with the brain. Adrenals are major stress organs that affect blood pressure, inflammatory response, immune function, blood sugar, muscle spasms and pain levels. The adrenals efficiency can be lowered by stress, pain and trauma, emotional or physical. Essence blends that may help the adrenals include Reduce Stress and Inner Strength. Reduce Stress reduces symptoms and stressors affecting the adrenals. Inner Strength helps build stamina and immune functions. The adrenals work like batteries and need a charge to keep going.

For those who also have autoimmune diseases and functions, Snapdragon, Yarrow and Recovery will also reduce over reactions and lowered functions of the adrenals. Autoimmune reactions include allergies, hives and psoriasis. Autoimmune diseases include lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and juvenile diabetes. Other illnesses such as chemical sensitivities, diabetes and thyroiditis include injury to adrenal sufficiency. Enhancing thyroid and adrenal function increases quality of life and decreases chronic pain syndromes.

A safe and effective herbal longevity tonic, foti, increases thyroid and adrenal function. In Chine, Foti, Ho Shou Wu, is more popular and effective than ginseng. I do not recommend ginseng for chronic pain and chronic illness because it is “heating” to the body. Foti is warming and nurturing. I have used it to support adrenal/thyroid functions and replenish healthy bone tissue in osteoporosis clients. Foti will return hair to a dark color that has grayed, when taken as a liquid tincture over several months. Healthy hair is a sign of healthy adrenals and thyroid.


Cecil Bruner Sweetheart Rose


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How Pesticides Inactivate Bees’ Brains - Are We Next?

As scientists study many causes of honeybee deaths, neonicotinoid and organophosphates have been found to inactivate the learning cells of bees’ brains. These pesticides inactivate acetylcholine signals in all bugs. It takes 20 minutes after exposure to inactivate bees learning cells, including impaired memory and navigation. As foraging abilities weaken, the colony dies off.

Organophosphates, such as coumaphos, causes epileptic activity in bees’ brains before it shuts down their learning abilities. This is a common pesticide used by beekeepers to prevent mites.

On March 21, 2013, environmentalists and beekeepers filed suit against the E.P.A. to ban the use of clothianidin and thiamethoxam, both neonicotinoids. Peter Jenkins, Center for Food Safety, says the E.P.A. needs to protect bees and pollinators, which the E.P.A. refuses.

How are we going to feed billions of people without pollinators? And how are these same pesticides affecting our learning abilities? We eat the food sprayed with pesticides, breathe the air, and drink the water. What takes 20 minutes to affect a bee’s brain could take years to shut down our brains. Nothing to look forward to experiencing as we age, a slow lobotomy.

It didn’t take the E.P.A long to rush approval of these pesticides, produced by Bayer Crop-Science. However, the E.P.A. has been solicited by consumer groups for years for protection of pollinators against these and other pesticides.

Is it possible the E.P.A. is influenced by Monsanto, Bayer Crop-Science and other megacorporations? The E.P.A. doesn’t seem to be open to consumer considerations or demands. And, who is watching over the E.P.A. to do this?

In time, we may not remember! The time to act is now. Until May 15, 2013 Recall Memory is on sale at Please remember to contact your local and state representatives and ask them to protect our pollinators.

Judy Griffin, PhD

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Question from a client

I recently received this question from a client:

Your mentioned blends that stimulate lymphatic drainage.  Can you tell me more about these and how they are used?  Thanks.

The essences and blends are used topically. Herbal tonics are diluted and sipped like a tea. There is info on the health articles (see the left hand tabs on the front page of the website, look under lymph drainage or type "lymph" in the search box in the top right corner and click "Go.") There are several products that help.

The lymph system does not have circulation, like the heart and other organs. There are lymph glands throughout the intestines, under the arms, breasts, tonsils to name a few. These are where toxins can easily build. They are also places where cancers are likely to occur. The essential oils and essences move the energy in these areas and help toxins leave through the kidneys and skin, often the lungs. Essential oils can be measured in the urine output within a few  hours after applying them. I don't know anything that works faster. They are compatible with massage and body work or effective on their own. Lightly massaging the products on any of these areas catalyzes self healing in the body. The body only knows how to heal and compensates trying to avoid illness and keep going.

Call or email me with questions and concerns.

Judy Griffin, PhD

Dr Judy Griffin - Final phase of distillation
Dr Judy Griffin - Final phase of distillation
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Email and question from a client

I am currently on synthyroid. however I have been so low on energy for the last month. I've even been to the doctor to have my thyroid level checked again. He said it was well with in the range. but I'm still so tired! Could this be symptoms of a toxic thyroid? I just want my energy back :(
Thanks as always :)

Dear Lisa:

Yes at least part of it. Best to start with Toxic Thyroid 2x in the morning once in the afternoon or lunchtime. This is when the thyroid works the most and a good time to cleanse it. Also the Siberian Ginseng and Herbal Energy internal tonics will help restart your energy. In the afternoon you can use inner strength or energy blend for a boost also. Thank you keep in touch.

Call or email me with questions and concerns.

Judy Griffin, PhD

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Lymph Flow and Comfrey Yarrow Cream

A few years ago my lower leg was stepped on by one of my young horses. It was not broken, but terribly crushed. I developed a staph infection which took six months to clear up. Working with a natural physician throughout the process, I learned that the lymph channels had been damaged where he had stepped, just above my ankle in my lower leg. She did many lymph massages as part of my recovery. Then I found your products and used the 
Lymph Flow to do my own massages. It cleared the pain in other parts of my leg which I had learned to recognize as trapped lymph. I use Lymph Flow to this day when I am overactive and my leg swells. It gets the lymph moving beautifully.After four years, it seems my leg is about as good as it will get. I am very active, and I tend to overdo it. My very favorite product for my lingering swelling and discomfort is your Comfrey Yarrow cream. It is nothing short of miraculous. When my leg swells and aches, I massage in this cream and within a short time the swelling goes down and the pain is relieved. Nothing else works like the Comfrey Yarrow cream, and I would not be without it! Thank you for your wonderful products. They have contributed so much to my recovery and continued well being.
Name withheld upon request
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Inflammation and Self Healing

Your body only knows how to heal. It doesn't know your age, or any order of difficulty. When you become "ill," many self healing mechanisms being to work. One prominent mechanism is inflammation. The body uses inflammation to sweep away foreign cells, metabolic waste and much more. If immune cells attack your proteins, autoimmune reactions may occur: allergies, Crohn's, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis to name a few.

Chronic inflammation occurs when the immune response is out of balance. For example, more killer cells than helper and suppressor T cells can lead to chronic illness such as osteoarthritis, Alzheimer and conditions we determine as aging. Injuries can also invite chronic inflammatory conditions. Metastasis of cancer to the other locations in the body is also initiated by inflammatory processes. Viruses occur and reoccur due to inflammation.

Complimentary medicinal products can help maintain the body's homeostasis. The aromatic and Petite Fleur Essence products help the body maintain balance on physical, emotional and mental responses. This month's sale focuses on products that help reduce inflammation.

Call or email me with questions and concerns.

Judy Griffin, PhD

On sale 15% off the following items through July 15, 2013

Underlined product names are linked directly to for your convenience.

Reduce Stress is pleasantly calming to the psyche and outbreaks offecting the skin. Clients apply it directly to areas where herpes occur.

Abate Anger has reduced inflammatory conditions such as relux, gall bladder, liver and pancreatic problems. On an emotional level, it helps heal the disappointment underlying anger.

Mobility aids those suffering from arthritis and inflammation affecting mobility: knees, feet, ankles, hips, shoulders and spine.

Snapdragon essence aids in the discernment necessary in autoimmune problems. It also encourages an innate wisdom to make the best decisions.

Yarrow also reduces autoimmune reactins, allergies and inflammatory conditions that are out of control.

Uti Support helps reduce metabolic waste encouraging infection and inflammation affecting the kidneys, urinary tract, bladder, prostate and bones. Uti has helped chronic conditions, such as interstitial and chronic cystitis. many indigenous cultures use mild urinary cleanses to reduce osteoarthritis and dis-eases of aging.

Elderberry internal herbal reverses high cholesterol and lipid peroxidation as well as being a known anti-viral for flu.

Water Works is the children's blend to recover from bed-wetting and trauma to the urinary system.

Dill encourages antibodies that protect mucosal cells from bacterial invasion. The personality is aided in separation anxiety, abandonment and the ego's fear of death.

Zinnea aids those affected by rheumatic and arthritic pain. It balances calcium metabolism that increases bone growth during injury and repetitive use. This new bone growth can inflame, which has recently been proven to be an underlying cause of arthritic problems.

Stop Hurting lotion increases circulation and reduces pain.

Comfrey Yarrow Healing Cream reduces inflammatory skin conditions, aiding in regeneration of health skin.
Sweet Annie Renewal Cream is an anti aging advocate for radiant skin.

Lemon Balm enfleurage clams hyperactivity, fevers, allergic reactions and angry outbursts. The calming properties of this herb help reduce Alzheimer and dementia outbursts and confusion.

Vascular internal herbal tonic supports the cardiovascular and epithelial cells to prevent varicosities and inflammation.

Ginger Essential Oil contains properties that reduce inflammatory, degenerative symptoms in the lumbar spine.

The Healing Flowers (book) describes over 145 essences and blends, suggesting how the Petite Fleur Essences encourage healing the body and emotions.

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Question from a client - eczema

From a client:

Dear Dr Judy,
As I look over your list of products I don't see one that addresses eczema and the emotional response for this inflammation.
Perhaps you can direct me.

Dear Sharon,
Comfrey yarrow healing cream and yarrow essence. In the combinations, I have successfully used Allergy and the Comfrey yarrow cream.
Thank you,
Dr Judy

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Client Question

Hi Dr. Judy,

I am 61 years old and had been on HRT for the last 8 years.  I have weaned off for the last four months.  I am having some hot flashes, but not bad.  My biggest concern is I feel restless, anxious and kind of down in the dumps.  I am not my usual optimistic and happy self.  What can you suggest to help?

I love your products and your approach to self-healing.


Dear Kathryn,

The female balance aroma and the female serenity internal herbal. Both are safe for you to use.

Call or email me with questions and concerns.
Judy Griffin, PhD


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Psoriasis is a skin problem that requires various treatments. Severity also varies. The symptoms include smooth red areas, scaling and plaques, lesions defined in a ringed area and acute eruptions of skin pustules. Symptoms are usually chronic ad may come and go for no apparent reason. A physician’s diagnosis is definitive for this skin disease. Most research supports psoriasis to be a dysfunction of the skin’s enzymes. The epidermal, top layer of skin suffers from a rapid turnover of cells and dilation of the capillaries.

In aromatherapy, specific essential oils and carrier oils, nurture and protect the epidermis. These products help regulate the skin’s temperature, reduce allergic reactions while eliminating environmental and metabolic waste. They will help regulate cellular regeneration without stimulating dermal cell renewal for psoriasis treatment. This varies for other skin therapy treatments.

Evening Primrose oil, Borage oil and avocado oil specifically help psoriasis treatment. Borage oil is least expensive and works equally well as the others. A combination of 2 or all 3 of these oils at any time is preferred. Ingesting encapsulated evening primrose or borage oil with meals may also help. These contain omega-6 essential fatty acids that aid many body processes. Psoriasis blend is the solution.

My research suggests this skin condition is precipitated by an incorrect release of melatonin from the pineal gland. Melatonin naturally rises at night to encourage sleep. In psoriasis clients, melatonin is deficient at night and higher during the daytime hours. Melatonin may be deficient at anytime. This must be determined by a competent health professional and monitored on a regular basis.

For practical purposes, follow these simple rules. Do not sleep with a light on or shining into your bedroom. Cover large mirrors at night that can reflect light. Use ultraviolet light or exposure to sunlight daily or several times a week.




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