Health Answers

Solar Eclipse blend

I'm making a solar eclipse blend. This may sound odd, but the circadian cycles in the body regulate with the rising and setting sun. With an eclipse during full sun, the pituitary  must reset. This is our master gland ,regulating hormones, digestion, sleep and regeneration. It's an excellent time to reset all the programs in our bodily functions to regenerate. The effects last 6 months.Harmony within can also help mutual understanding with others.The blend is available free with a $75.00 order during our August sale, or $9.99. Look under Petite Fleur Essences at, or email me. Continue reading

PetiteFleur Essence Testimonial: Lily

Mam shared your email just now Judy

Thank You so much
Sounds good

Today I have used Oats and Lily
Lily is speaking to me & having insights around how to have control or where my power lies
To help me with how I lost that feeling of safety in my body
When my body was really speaking to me about how I felt pressured or worries about being good enough, but I was only 14, and I didn't know, I was not aware I had those concerns.
So I didn't know when the burnout spoke to me what it was about and instead over time I then felt scared and that lost control over how I felt and how I could live.
Lily is helping me today seeing I hadnt lost control i just hadn't known what and why
Or where my power lay. I keep my book next to me and enjoying it. Continue reading

Is a Larvacide responsible or the Zika Virus?

A large group of physians in Brazil claim the pesticide pyriproxyfen is responsible for for microcephaly, small heads on newborns. This pesticide is used to treat drinking water. Although it is an approved pesticide, over 4000 cases of microcephaly have been reported in areas where the Zika virus is widespread. It is also possible the pesticide is reacting with a reagent or some other chemical used in water treatment.

The mosquito spreading Zika  is a common household mosquito, which has not caused this problem before. People are calling asking for antiviral help. First, use a mosquito repellent. AromaHealth offers Stop Insects. Next, an adult antiviral is Viral Escape. These should be used in coastal areas or traveling to countries affected and near affected areas.

For more information ,contact Judy Griffin

1800 4962125

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Bromide and Thyroid Disease

Bromides in sodas, spas, hot tubs and some bottled water reduces iodine levels.  Bromides are also in many skin and hair products.This can lead to poor metabolism, fatigue and hypothyroidism. Low thyroid is involved in heart problems and heart attacks. Up to 40 % of Americans have low thyroid function, especially after 50.

Toxic Thyroid is a therapeutic blend  that detoxes many environmental and skin pollutants and allergens, available in concentrate or a spray. The aroma is light and uplifting. I've had many clients reduce or eliminate medication using this product daily.

Also use AromaHealth skin and hair products, non toxic and bromide free.

Have a great week!

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Essential oils and Petite Fleur Essences for Snack Attacks

Essential oils and Petite Fleur essences are the perfect solution for snack attacks. Their aromas are delivered to the brain as quickly as you can sniff or apply them. Snacking and hunger between meals is often caused by lower levels of tryptophan, which turns into serotonin in the brain. Lower available serotonin levels are associated with mild depression .The aromas in Cravings therapeutic blend and Curb Appetite Roll on enhance serotonin levels and reduce appetite. Tryptophan, a precursor to serotonin, is created in the stomach, so it makes sense that people snack more when serotonin levels are less than optimal.

Cravings includes Knotted Marjoram and Osmanthus absolute, used for to cut cravings for centuries. Curb Appetite includes Saffron absolute and patchouli aged for many years to reduce appetite and mild depression. Saffron can be as effective as standard antidepressants for mild to moderate depressions. It also protects against liver, stomach, lung, breast, colon, blood and bone cancers as an ancient anti aging compound. These compounds are delivered in 1/100th of a second through inhalation and therapeutic touch.

With the onset of the holidays and  so many tempting treats, a daily application of these blends can protect your health and waistline.

For more info or to order:

1800 496 2125

There are over 100 recent studies on the therapeutic properties of Saffron and the aromas in the above blends.

Journal of Nat Med: Jan, 2010

Nutr Res: May 2010





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How NAC antioxidant Increases Melanoma Growth

Melanoma is a very invasive, fast growing cancer, enhanced by NAC. N Acetyl Cysteine is an antioxidant that increases reduced glutathione in cells.It is available in all cells, including melanoma tumors. Cells are dependent on NAC for energy and cleansing normal cells. Melanoma is able to utilize NAC to double the migration and invasion of cancer cells into normal cells.It also increases an enzyme,rhoA, activated by cancer cells during migration and invasion. NAC can double the amount of cancer cells inside melanoma.

Scientific research is guiding cancer patients with information about particular antioxidants that can increase cancer growth. Every type of cancer is unique. NAC should be avoided as a supplement if melanoma is present. This is difficult for some people to understand: cells work correctly in balance of suppressor and activator actions. The most prestigious supplement companies, as well as the internet are promoting NAC for all cancer patients. If melanoma is the diagnosis, delete NAC from your program.

I have consulted cancer patients as a nutritionist for 40 years. I include the Petite Fleur Essences topically for all who are interested. I have created 30 blends for therapists to use with patients in hospitals also available on my website. I receive the most accurate, recent research from scientists world wide to assist clients and patients achieve radiant health.Cancer is a complicated illness that must be addressed individually and with the most current research. Those who go online searching for answers for treatment are left with a "shot gun" approach.

Proper supplementary nutrition requires knowledge and understanding of individual strengths and weaknesses of the body, past history and other stressors.

Although antioxidants in the diet can be very helpful, swallowing every supplement and drink listed on the web or in a book for cancer treatment can be counter productive.

 Source: The Scientist: Oct 7, 2015

For more information, contact Judy Griffin 1800 496 2125/



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How Petite Fleur Essences affect your Brain's Signature

Your brain has a unique way of processing mental activities and solving challenges. This activity is retained and predictable with different tasks and activities. It is called a signature and happens most often in the frontal part of the brain , frontal parietal. This is the part of the brain that filters incoming and new information. it lights up in an individual pattern as information is introduced. How you interact with the world and yourself depends on this signature.Life now becomes what you perceive from your brain's predictable way of" seeing "life.An old saying says, life is not the way it is, it is the way you see  it.

Petite Fleur Essences catalyze and help change individual signature perception to attract the greatest benefit and this triggers brain chemistry to change and heal any part of your body/psyche.  This is truly subtle body healing.The D.N.A. of flowers is very similar to human D.N.A., enabling us to bloom under stress just like flowers.

Flowers bloom because they can. Our determination allows change to happen quickly and easily. Life is meant to be exciting and what we do should benefit all life. There are over 130 Petite Fleur Essences and therapeutic aromatic blends to assist in designing the health and environment that best suits your greatest potential. Learn more at , The Healing Flowers and Flowers that Heal books.

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Ancient Viruses in our DNA

Our chromosomes contain at least 8 % of viruses from our ancient lineage. These virus lie dormant until reawakened. They have a potential to reinfect recipients.

ALS, a progressive muscle wasting disease is a known illness that can awaken a sleeping virus. When this happens, muscle wasting and subsequent neurodegeneration. Medical research is considering using HIV drugs to slow nerve degeneration. Once the virus infects a recipient, it is not easily stopped.

Viral Escape is an essential oil and Petite Fleur essence blend that can reduce the incidence of retrovirus as well as modern ones. In test tubes, Viral Escape has antiviral and antibacterial capabilities as effective as many  common antibiotics and modern drugs. Viral infections often lead to secondary bacterial infections and require antibiotics.

Viral Escape is best applied often and before infection occurs. Massaging a few drops on a few times a week can often reduce infection.Moderate continual use will not harm the natural immune response. It can enhance and strengthen immunity.

For more info: 1800 496 2125

Judy Griffin, PhD.

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