
Aromatherapy for Fears, Worries, and Concerns

The following fears, worries or concerns can be reduced with the Petite Fleur Essences listed. Six or seven different essences can be worm daily, applied several seconds apart. If you have several of these fears, check with your health care provider obsessive/compulsive disorder.




Echinacea Petite Fleur

Unpleasant thoughts that come into my mind against my will often upset me.



 Wild Oats

I spend more time than most people cleaning, showering or checking. 


 Salvia, Self Image

  I usually have doubts about everyday things that I do. 



 Other people have difficulty meeting my standards for order, cleanliness, safety, hard work of the simple decency. 


 Silver Moon

 I have little control over my thoughts. 



I worry that my bad thoughts will come true. 



 It is hard for me to be sure I’ve done something even when I know that I’ve done it.


 Amaryllis, Relaxation  

When I start worrying, I can’t easily stop.


Knotted Marjoram

 I repeat certain actions over and over. 



 Insignificant events worry me too much. 



   People think I’m a perfectionist, a “neat freak,” a hypochondriac, superstitious, and rigid. 



   I tend to be a ‘Pack Rat.”



General Obsessions


Red Malva

  I often isolate from others. 


Champney’s Pink Cluster Antique Rose

 I worry (with little reason) that my partner is doing something behind my back. 



 I worry too much about hurting others’ feelings or making people mad. 


Peppermint Oil  

I worry too much about household noises, how things feel or other sensations. 


Anise Hyssop

 I worry that I won’t say things right or use the ‘perfect’ word. 



 I worry about always doing ‘the right thing’ or being honest, fair or on time. 



 I worry about salvation, having sinful thoughts, blaspheming or other religious concerns.


Sweet Annie

I am afraid of getting old. 



 I am afraid of dying. 


Country Marilou

  I worry that some part of my body is hideously ugly despite reassurance to the contrary. 



I worry I can’t work or support myself. 



Aggressive or Sexual Obsessions


Iris I fear losing control with sharp objects, while driving, in high places and in other ways. 



Abate Anger 

 I fear I will harm others, hurt babies, or I get violent images in my mind. 


Crepe Myrtle

 I worry that I will blurt out or write obscenities or insults, even though I never have. 



I worry I might (accidentally) steal something. 



 I have unwanted sexual thoughts about strangers, family, friends, children or others. 


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For a personal consultation, call Dr.Griffin for an appointment at 1-800-496-2125


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Testimonial-Anger and Grief

When my twin sister died of brain cancer, I went to her for suggestions on how to deal with the anger over my sister's passing on when she was so young.  As I was new to aromatherapy, I started with the Feng Shui room sprays and began by using Clearing (Letting Go) and Harmonize & Balance throughout my home to deal with my wild mood swings. I went from rage to crying hysterically within minutes. The sprays worked immediately restoring sanity to my household.  I then started carrying the Harmony and Abate Anger sprays with me to use at work and while away from home. Again, I was able to deal with outside stressors and keep my cool.


Then my mother passed away and 4 months later my best friend died unexpectedly. I refuse to take any pharmaceutical drugs because I do not want the chemical pathways in my brain changed. I was still utilizing the Room Sprays and Petite Fleur blends. Though I felt overwhelmed with these losses and felt myself falling into the pit of depression. Fortunately I realized that all I needed to do was call Dr. Griffin. I called her the day after my best friend died. She suggested I try using the Grief Blend and I picked it up the next day. They were amazing, I was able to miss my loved ones, yet remain calm and accepting. I shared the drops with her daughter and husband who had the same results as I did, calm in the midst of an emotional storm.


So when my father died of cancer two years later, I was prepared and made sure that my family was prepared too. I had visited him 2 weeks before he died and gave Grief Blend drops for my jojomom, my uncle and sister. They all are using them with good results. I carry it with me at all times and have another bottle I keep next to my bed. I also use the Relaxation and Deep Sleep blends when I need to come back to the present and get a good nights rest. I am forever grateful for Dr. Griffin's help and her incredible products. They pulled me away from the chasm of deep depression and help me focus on a productive happy life.


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What Petite Fleur Essences may be used for Autistic Symptoms?

Petite Fleur Essences for Autistic Symptoms


Autism is a multifaceted sensory dysfunction with many symptoms and causes. The following Petite benefit symptoms over a period of weeks and months:


Marquis Bocella Antique Rose enhances sensory messages impacting sensory organs.

Abate Anger reduces self-abuse and aggressive behavior.

Bronze Fennel supports imagination skills and eye contact.

Catnip encourages socialization, initiating and sustaining conversation.

ADD/ADHD blend also facilitates socializing, conversation and language skills.

Wild Oats encourages smiling and a sense of humor.

Peer Pressure encourages making friends.

Enhanced Learning expands limited activities

Alfredo del Damas enhances fine and gross motor skills.

White Carnation reduces schedule and inflexibility.

Knotted Marjoram helps compulsive lining of objects.

Relaxation reduces anxiety depression.

Deep Sleep promotes healing sleep and REM time.


Genetic susceptibility to allergies, environmental and heavy metal toxins is aided by Allergy , Rose Campion , Environment , and

Detox .


For more information:

For consultation by phone or in person with Dr. Griffin call 1-800-496-2125


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Grief Blend

Grief is a painful experience in response to personal loss, tragedy, illness and death. There is a feeling that part of you is gone and nothing can replace it. Most people experience grief through loss of a loved one. However, loss of self due to changes in income, career, popularity or vitality can also lead to grieving. It is always a very personal experience which can reduce productivity and produce depression and despair. Sleeping and eating habits are disturbed; time seems to sop and daily structure becomes a blur. Many people suffer from anxiety depression related to unexpressed grief. 

Petite fleur essence Grief Blend   is a subtle, aromatic topical healing blend that transcends the feeling of pain and loss to one of purpose and meaning in life. Denial, sadness, guilt and anger are gently guided to acceptance and gratitude for every opportunity to love, be loved and advance in life.

True healing occurs while overcoming adversity and opening your heart to new opportunities. 

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Aromatherapy for Loneliness

Aromatherapy for Loneliness


Loneliness creates a wide range of health problems, affecting every age, gender and socioeconomic condition. People in their 40’s and 50’s suffer the most from loneliness. Symptoms of loneliness may include depression, obesity, anxiety, sleep disorders. Lonely people sleep poorly, eat more sugar and fat and exercise less. Social connections are critical in alleviating loneliness and despair. 


Several Petite fleur Essences enhance social awareness and interaction; created and organically grown on site by Dr. Judy Griffin.


Louis Phillipe rose aids in recovery from relationship breakups.

Grief blend transitions loss of a loved one, job, partnership or a part of oneself.

Rain Lily reconciles friends and lovers.

Marie Pavie rose reignites burned out relationships.

Catnip encourages social interaction, inviting new friends and staying connected.

Wild Oats encourages a sense of humor.

Wisteria opens the heart to love and feel lovable again.


Petite fleur essences are worn topically daily. Their light scent lifts quickly. Most people receive positive effects within weeks of daily application. Once more, Life is good.


For more information please visit our website at


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Additional Benefits of Female Serenity

Other benefits of Female Serenity include improved circulation, balanced blood pressure, more energy and a serene disposition. Female Serenity raises the pain threshold using herbs that reduce spasms, inflammatory responses and detoxify the liver. Immune stimulation of white and T-helper and suppressor cells help reduce excess fluid in the lower body and blood sugar regulations are often experienced. Please do not use Female Serenity during pregnancy. 


Over 60% of the U.S female population experience hormonal symptoms and many can be helped using Female Serenity, which is an organic product using certified organic herbs, including Angelica senesis, Rehmannia glutinosa cooked, Paeonia alba, Astragalus membranacus, Agnus Cactus, Jujube red date, Buplerum, and Polygonum multiflora. I brew Female Serenity up to 24 hours before preparing the final tonic. Learn more about longevity female herbals from Mother Nature’s Herbal and Flowers that Heal


For references of the healing qualities of herbs: Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database.


For more information or to order, please call Dr. Judy Griffin at 1-800-496-2125 or visit her website at


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Female Serenity is a Herbal Tonic

 Female Serenity is a longevity herbal tonic, enhancing a long productive life. A longevity tonic is building, the longer you use it the more it can help you. Female Serenity provides nutrients to encourage natural bodily functions and balance the emotions. Longevity tonics are not formulated for acute conditions, such as blinding headaches, fever, nausea and vomiting. Seek medical help if acute conditions occur. Female Serenity is most beneficial combined with a balanced diet, exercise, massage and aromatherapy. Women taking estrogen blockers should not use Female Serenity. I have formulated another herbal called Clear Thinking that also helps reduce memory and menopausal symptoms. Female Serenity and Clear Thinking are liquids dosed by drops diluted into hot water to be taken as a tea. As little as one drop and up to 15 drops may be used 3 times daily. Continue reading

Female Serenity Herbal for Menopause, PMS, Fertility and Female Problems

Female Serenity

Female Serenity is an herbal longevity tonic I formulated for female problems over 25 years ago. Female Serenity has been used clinically to reduce menopausal symptoms, PMS and increase fertility for interested women. This has helped women of all ages after puberty arrives with female problems such as irregular menses, hot flashes, mood swings, painful periods, polycystic ovaries and hormone irregularities. Female Serenity regulates the reproductive system and revitalizes stamina, happiness and creativity.

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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome


Polycystic ovarian syndrome is the most common hormonal disorder among reproductive females. Enlarged ovaries, with many cysts, cause infertility, painful menses, body hair, acne and obesity due to insulin resistance and excess androgen. Insulin resistance can also cause acanthosis nigricans, dark velvet skin on various locations of the body. Hormone therapy, such as birth control, is often recommended.


A complementary therapy may include Female Balance topically, Female Serenity and/or Vitex herbal teas.


For more information go to

For a personal consultation, call Dr. Judy Griffin at 1-800-496-2125


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The Power of Pheromones

The Power of Pheromones


Many people are interested in using essential oil blends for attraction and enhancing sexuality. Pheromones are hormone type substances included in our body odor. Personal odor affects choice of partners and enhances sensuality. Male perspiration is chemically similar to testosterone, the sexual hormone. Women’s menstrual cycle is regulated by a female odor. These and other odors can be enhanced by a healing aroma blend. These blends can also lift a depressed premenstrual mood or enhance self esteem and a poor body image. We like ourselves when we smell good and we produce a pleasing body odor when we are content. Essential oils, healing fragrant waters and Petite Fleur Essences contain pheromones. Only chemically produced synthetic odors and perfumes create negative moods and emotions. Naturally produced organically grown aromas and flower essences can help let go of the past, stored in the limbic brain cells, and create the person you choose to be: healthy, relaxed, content in the present moment and under grace.


The healing aromas include Rose from Damask or Centifolia Roses, Sandalwood, Geranium, Sage, Marjoram, Lavender, and Marigold Mint. Blends include Self Image , Romance  and Men’s Romance  .


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